Читать книгу The 15-Minute Landlord - Scott Ph.D Taylor - Страница 5



Many people inspired the book, read drafts and all deserve thanks and praise. My first acknowledgement goes to my business partner, Mike Bjorkman, who set me on the road to this project long before I knew it myself. Mike is a mentor, a coach, a business partner, a family member, and a friend. I am clearly a better person than I ever would have been had I never met him.

Thank you to Jon Mahn, who saw my potential, encouraged me to push my boundaries, challenged my thinking, and supported my vision. Your business experience, landlord experience, observations, and word-smithing have been extremely valuable during this project.

Next, I acknowledge and give thanks to the entire team at SCV Leasing. The words and ideas in this book are the result of systems that our team uses everyday. However, while I am out writing about it, they are out actually doing the heavy-lifting. There is no doubt that their experiences and expertise has led directly to the book you now hold in your hands.

Finally, and most importantly, to my wife Jeannie. Thank you for reading all the early drafts late into the night. Thank you for not being mad at me when I did not accept all of your feedback in the spirit in which you gave it. In short, thank you for your support during the writing of this book.

The 15-Minute Landlord

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