Читать книгу Kant and the Promise of Rhetoric - Scott R. Stroud - Страница 9



Anthropology/APVAnthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View
CFConflict of the Faculties
CJCritique of the Power of Judgment
CPRCritique of Pure Reason
CPrRCritique of Practical Reason
DR“Doctrine of Right,” Metaphysics of Morals
DV“Doctrine of Virtue,” Metaphysics of Morals
Groundwork/GMMGroundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals
JLJäsche Logic
LECLectures on Ethics, Collins lecture notes
LEVLectures on Ethics, Vigilantius lecture notes
MMMetaphysics of Morals
PedagogyLectures on Pedagogy
Religion/RBRReligion Within the Boundaries of Mere Reason

References to Kant’s work use the volume and page numbers of Kants gesammelte Schriften (1902, 29 vols.). For the Critique of Pure Reason, references are to the A/B edition pagination scheme.

Kant and the Promise of Rhetoric

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