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A Melody Called Peace

By Professor Sam Fischer

Taste and see that the lord is good

By probing the little nightingale singing in a wood;

How easily she praises the glory

She narrates the lord's story.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy

When you witness a little boy

Who plays freely in the lands of the lord

In the beginning was his mercy, was the word.

And receive from him anything we ask

For we shall spread honesty and unmask

Ourselves in front of his holy presence;

For he sees us all; he, the ultimate omnipresence.

Fear not! For The Lord of hosts is with us

On the earth, Jupiter or the planet Mars;

There flies the everlasting spirit

Who no entities can limit.

This is a melody for peace which cease the unjust blood

Scattered the earth; be there, for all things are possible with God;

This is the literature of the holy spirit

Reminding us of peace; the love we inherit.

21st Century Peace Tune

By Moonchild Diva, from Highland Park M

My father made it home from the war with just a touch of insanity, married, made children, four including me and he never had to wonder if his brother made it out alive, his brother was shot, in the back, by the cops, in 1929, stealing coal off a train in Detroit.

The war’s right here now, on the street now, at your door now, and every day you wonder about the ones you love, did they make it out alive? because everyone’s infected by the touch of insanity, where’s the peace He wanted us to have?

If I don’t make it out alive, I’ll see you on the other side, in the quiet place He made for us and everyone will be there to enfold us in The Love, it sounds so good sometimes I just want to go NOW

What did He say?

He said love one another, everyone’s your brother, do unto others as you would have them do to you, he said Peace be with you… He said don’t worry about tomorrow, don’t hold on to sorrow, ask and it will be given, upon this rock I build my church, he said Peace be with you..


A Funky Stamp ‘N Go Shanty

By David Harris, from Canada

Get up! Start to feel the magic motion

We stand and watch the masters of the ocean

Last sup’! Must have been Davy Jones locker

It was real wild it was a roller and a rocker.

So we are coastin’ in and rovin’ out

Hoist the mizzenmast, blowin’ out

Jolly Roger flies like the good ol’ flaggy

Keepin’ all the doggies really raggy

Wailin’ and shoutin’ and simply boilin’ up

The salty brine is overflowin’ the cup.

Mermaids so beautiful and exotic

Makin’ love so passionate and erotic

Steamin’ so hot you’d swear it was demonic

Pirates passin’ up a hidden treasure

Irate and sick about their lack of leisure

They abducted gypsies for their token pleasure.

But it comes like a mournful tune

From the bullhorn of our King Neptune

Like a buoy ringin’ tellin’ us that soon

Will be singin’ yellin’ our shipwrecked blues

like a frustrated ol’ cow groans and moos.

Life at sea can be adventurous indeed

Sadly sometimes we can be constantly in need

of a woman who can help us plant our seed.

Up in the sky we’ll find north and south

east and west, the stars be our guide.

Rhythm and riddlin’ jester and joker

will rattle their sticks in double time.

Tally ho the fishermen are hunters

bringin’ us the fruits of the sea divine.

At sunset we play melodeon and poker

till we fall asleep in a pretty slumber.

Lost our harpoon from the whalin’ days

Smaller fish are now our gentle prey

Found a myna bird in the East Indies

to imitate our shout and respond

Amusin’ our hearts like a magic wand

Kept him like a pirate’s parrot

Ridin’ on the rudder to the keel

Yosemite Sam, with his specialty,

seduced Bugs with a golden carrot.

Approachin’ the captain with a deal

Scoffed it off with a foot and heal.

Drinkin’ up the finest one malt

Waitin’ for the great assault

Keepin’ the fire water from the buccaneer

Bein’ greeted with an ugly sneer.

Bein’ suckered into the greatest lotto

Savin’ my pennies was also my motto

Crackin’ the safe of the billionaire

Goin’ bald while losin’ his hair

Chasin’ the hillbilly mountaineer

Givin’ the loose change to the debonair

Whippin’ myself for missin’ the chance

to jump 'cross the island with some romance.

Ladies are scarce o’er the open sea

We’re diein’ for warmth and sympathy

Hidin’ out from all the work and toil

Blastin’ dynamite while searchin’ for oil

Underneath the deck the ovens boil

Cookin’ the fuel for the privateer

as they travel the open frontier.

Our shirts are dirty, stained and soiled.

We can’t be happier with our brandy

singin’ a funky stamp ‘n go shanty.

A little Peace


A little Peace

As I was walking slowly by

a church on Sunday morn

I could hear voices raised

in praise for the lord above.

The voices were sweet and soft,

but loud enough for the lord to hear,

as the praises they were singing

drifted through the air.

Not a single voice

was out of tune

as they sang out there.

When the voices went quiet,

a serine silence drifted down

over everything and everyone around.

God was answering their prayers

for a little peace everywhere today.

Artists Together For Peace

By Muhammad Iqbal Behleem

we are together with our Arts

We are together with our Peace

We are all artist of the world

together with our Arts for Peace

We all have very strong belief

That our art relate to peace

Let's sing together for peace

Let's grow together for peace

Let's sing together this song of love

For the sake of Love and Peace

At Peace

By Tatianna Rei Moonshadow, from Rochester MN

That night I laid beside you

With one hand upon your heart

It beat ever so gently

As we laid there in the dark

For hours we spoke

Only with honesty and truth

Somewhere between our words

I fell in love with you

We spoke in quiet whispers

Careful not to wake our friends

As they slept we had conversation

That seemed to know no end

You told me of your weakness

Of your fears and your past

I shared with you the stories

Of the loves that could not last

For once I was contempt

Just to have someone there

Somehow in that conver sation

I let myself open up and care

My heart ceased it's breaking

And my mind laid to rest

Your eyes brought me smiles

While your heartbeat eased my breath

For the first time I was happy

Happy to have someone to hold

As I wrapped you tight in my arms

To shield you from the cold

As the sun began to rise

In the window it shined through

You pulled me ever closer

And I fell asleep, At Peace, with you.

At The Peace Center

By John L. Waters, from Singapore

Each word is a stone

rearranged by the spring tide

down at the seashore.

Earth, air, water, fire

are conjoined here in one piece

at each poem's heart.

When the tide comes in

all the stones are tossed about

by the water waves.

The process goes on

day and night deep in our minds

with each new thought.

There are two movements

ever at work in all things even

in ourselves.

These movements make us

Tangential and radial.

We stroke and we poke.

We bump and we scrape

as do the smoothed stones

along a cobbly seashore.

We move like the stones

moving down at the mind's beach

being rearranged.

The rising waters

immerse us and we compose

in recreation.

Our view is shaken

in each kaleidoscopic

movement to novelty.

Those who are ready

to have their world rearranged

drown in the love tide.

Words come together

to m ake us compatible

at the peace center.

Beautiful Birds of Peace

By Jim Foulk, from Des Moines Iowa

How Beautiful of birds

of the air,

seeing their awesome

wonderful flair.

So quiet it would be

without their sound

watching them as they

fly all around.

Sweet harmony do they make.

A lonesome world this would be,

for no birds making flight

these wonderful creatures I see.

Beautiful birds of nature

wonderful sounds to my ear

touching me with wonder,

so gentle with serenity

and so dear.

The World Needs Peace, Not Through Wars!

By Dr. A.Celestine Raj Manohar M.D, from Tamilnadu, India

What loss of lives and destruction!

Can lives all lost ever return?

How many more will have to die?

Can one man’s death bring back lives lost?

What pollution, a war can add!

Let Cats who declare wars on mice,

Take the blame and pay the price!

War is a gambling game like dice;

War is a futile exercise.

One cannot fight wars with mere knives;

War is a waste of human lives;

Alas, will nations realize

That keeping peace is always wise?

Wars can begin without a cause;

The world can’t have a single boss!

One nation can’t stifle the rest,

Or try to be always the best.

The world body must give OK!

The world must say to wars, all ‘nay’;

For lasting peace, war isn’t the way!

The cost of wars, who will repay?

The world must find out other ways,

Avoiding wars in future days;

Each nation must unmask its face,

And set on peace, its gaze always!

Where Is Peace?

By Michael Stevens, from Bloomington Indiana

Where is the Peace

our hearts keys

that make us invincible

unpiercable, unscathable

Where is the Peace

that lets us sleep

to up the faith we keep

and Where is the Peace

in a world of war

when we know nothing that's in store

Where is the Peace

when money rears its fangs

to divide class and race among all things

Where is the Peace

can't we all just get along

throw our money and all aside and admit we're wrong

to keep humanity strong

Where is our Peace

When Shall We Walk In Peace

By Israel Dammy Ipaye, from Nigeria

Peace, oh peace our bane whirling around in suspense

Peace, like the seasons it pays fleeting visits

Turpsyturvy now a bosom inevitable ally

Everyone yearning for the dreamt, cosy and rosy tenure

When shall the creeplings walk in peace

Till sunset we keep protesting to no avail.

Democracy they say could have been explicable

But the masses' liberty could not be guaranteed

Open wide mouths that could deem fit were shut with naira

The protestants were all nigeriad and massacred

Yet we hope for better days, several acres or riceland

Not a spoon could be edible for the starving citizens.

Just as we grow old the harder our stress becomes

In contrary with our adage that says a rabbit is prone to

To feed from its offspring when it grows old, this is denied

The offspring will have to feed on the mother untill it dies

Then it becomes an orphan stranded with no care yet they call us babe

With everything nurtured by our vision are, we nuts? we fondly ask.

Now do our open wide mouths wider and stronger

We found those those we dreamt capable to forestall our best days

With groaning they were mourned home now our omen is ephemeral

Their splendour foreseen and cut short

By the lions we called leaders with the facial appearance we beheld

We have failed to dull our palms because they are unhatched.

At dawn the whole family with opulent intelligence taking

garri and water, kids fighting over a spoon of garri this is unfair

Those fit to re-structure the day were circumvented, behold the

Land is too bushy for any unsharpen cutlass to confront

Except the mightiest bulldozer when the time ripes

Then we may yearn the arrival of luxury.

We Will Have Peace

By Emma Beverage, from New Mexico

When each and every one of us,

completely understands…

That there is no justification,

for abusing another human being.

When the President says

that you must kill…

There is no justification,

for abusing another human being.

When your commanding officer

says that you must torture…

There is no justification,

for abusing another hu man being.

When someone belongs

To another race…

There is no justification,

for abusing another human being.

When someone expresses love

but it does not look the same as mine…

There is no justification,

For abusing another human being.

When your loved one lies and cheats…

There is no justification,

for abusing another human being.

When gossips lie and ruin your reputation…

There is no justification,

for abusing another human being.

When you feel disrespected,

want to start a brawl…

There is no justification,

for abusing another human being.

When someone is poor

not in your “class”

There is no justification,

for abusing another human being.

When we completely understand

this concept and practice it in our lives

We will have peace.

War Can Never Bring Peace

By Dinesh Sharma, from India

War can never bring peace

I wish I could stop this war

I wish I could stop all wars

please stop this war

Your bombs are killing life

That we moms spent months to make

And years of love to nurture

Is it all in vain?

War can never bring peace.

Can't you feel the sorrow of mother?

Who lost everything sunday last!

Can't You hear the crying of loved ones?

Can't you see their tears?

War can never bring peace.

I am afraid of TV

I don't dare to switch it on

Coz it brings so much pain home

Coz it brings the sorrow home

Oh! please stop all wars.

True Peace

By Walterrean Salley, from U.S, Savannah

Folks greeting those they meet.

Children playing in the street.

People working hand in hand

For the better of the land.

Atonement with the great I Am.

Lion resting with a lamb.

World leaders shaking hands—

In truth —not because they can.

Sacrificing at all cost

To minimize potential lost.

Such, the face of true peace,

Would bring the world much relief.

May strife and fighting ever cease

And “true” peace be increased.

Transitory Peace

By John B Hayes

Oh yes I remember the time

When all was well with me

I would hear the clock chime

After I had had my tea

I was at nana’s house

A place of sanctuary

No more for me the madness

Outside that haven of sanity

Oh yes I remember the time

When we had to leave

I cried and hugged my nana

Her love I could perceive

She wiped away my tears

A little boy so naïve

Swept along the way

A lifetime yet to retrieve.

To Peace

By Dr. Tulsi Hanumanthu, from India

O Peace! For ages haven't we invoked

Your grace by chanting your name ceaselessly?

We're sorely tired; our voices are choked:

Must you still evade us mercilessly?

What will you accept as our libation?

In vain we've offered you, at various stages,

Of Faith and Hope a sweet distillation.

'Labour' too failed to win you as 'wages'.

Ah! You're too precious to be won cheaply!

For you costlier things we need to barter.

We must place, one by one, successively,

The rarest things at your holy alter-

These being Love, Sacrifice, Selflessness,

Compassion, Contentment and Generousness.

Time for peace

By Maria C. Pires Costa, from Portugal

Oh, Manhattan!

How exciting and magical you were yesterday!

With your tall, magnificent buildings,

Far from this catastrophic view -

Great pain, destruction, and all dark smoke

In today's morning so grey!

Innocent people lie around You now.

Their cries keep being heard, though.

They have left an urgent message

For all of us to be humble and wise

And to let solidarity fully grow.

Thousands of hearts riven by grief

Spending their days in distress

Just longing for a time

Bringing all the world nothing better than Peace!

There Will Be Peace

By Jeff Fleischer, from Kentucky

There will be peace.

Do not fear.

From your eye,

Wipe that tear.

There will be peace.

Do not worry.

Just do not be in such a hurry.

There will be peace, just wait.

This situation is not our fate.

There will be peace.

Do not become discouraged.

Be brave and have some courage.

There will be peace.

Not right away.

But when it comes,

You will surely cherish that day.

The Way to Peace

By Matt Pocock

Forget about your country's history

To hell with all the zionistic imagery

The grudges that you hold don't matter really

I don't care about your religious integrity

Who cares if they fired SCUD's and killed your children?

Peace will be with all if you can love them

Forget about your fake democracy

It doesn't matter if some of your voters seem to disagree

The prisoners that you hold don't matter really

I don't care about your political integrity

Who cares if they were the cause of 9/11?

Peace will be with all if you can love them

Forget about your hatred for Mugabe

If you cut him, he will surely bleed

The corpses that you hold don't matter really

I don't care about your family's integrity

Who cares if he feels more of a man by killing them?

Peace will be with all if you can love him

Forget about your devastating enemy

Don't worry about the countless chargeless detainees

The borders that you hold don't matter really

I don't care about your cultural integrity

Who cares if they've still been judged to be olympian?

Peace will be with all if you can love them

Forget about your country's civil liberties

Don't worry about the terrorist LTTE

The buddhist monks you hold don't matter really

I don't care about your Sinhalan integrity

Who cares if you're ignored by all the UN?

Peace will be with all if you can love them

The Path to Peace

By Roger Mather, from Iowa, U.S

This Far Eastern tale is to us very relevant,

Of three blind men who encountered an elephant.

"It's a wall," one man cried,

As he touched its tall side.

"But it's a rope, without fail,"

Said the next, hands on tail.

"Oh no, it's the trunk of a tree,"

On feeling a leg, said the last of the three.

With these words, our story ends.

It appears that the three men stayed friends.

For this to happen, you can be quite sure

Each of them had to get the whole picture.

So when with a person you disagree,

You may eye-to-eye yet readily see

If you compare your perspectives --- And spare the


The Nights Bring No Peace

By Iohannes Silvaticus, from The North

And you lure me from sweet sleep

Into nightscapes and lucid dreams,

By which hellfire the demons play

Amongst mazey labyrinths and sulphurous haze.

In such incarceration do I lie,

Midst choking smoke and slow decay.

Mortal Beauties doomed by Fates

Resonate pleas to unfeeling walls

And take comfort in replays -Awaiting the rise of the Morning Star,

Awaiting impartial judgement to be made,

Awaiting the unfold of their dismay.

What medals that may line his breast,

Unsheathed my lance shall pierce his chest.

No infernal glory he may display

Shall avert me from this Orphic task

Laced with far more blood and hate.

Without a qualm shall I this Dragon slay.

But with time I do come to see

Her flair for conceal of treachery

That led to this unholy way -

That the beauty she did possess

Only gave me greater pains -

By and by my Love was no Euridyce.

So beneath tumultuous sheets still I lay,

For the Adversary to forebode the break of day.

The Grace of Peace

By Michael P. Johnson, from U.K

Disturbed upon my bed I lie

With blankets in a heap

Oh Lord dear God again I cry

Please grant Your servant sleep

Please show me where I'm going wrong

What now I ought to do

That I in peace may sing my song

And know I'm pleasing You

For You are God, Father and King

The Lamb on Heaven's throne

Creator Lord of everything

And life's true Cornerstone

Your majesty will see no end

Your power will remain

Yet as my God my trusted friend

Please take away my pain

Remove the burden from my heart

The baggage of despair

Command the turmoil swift depart

That I may peace declare

Destroy this plague this grievous woe

Demand the storm to cease

Sever the bridle of the foe

And give me inner peace

The future though I may not see

And though my pasts of shame

I'm reaching out to victory

In Jesus' mighty na me

Whatever must be sacrificed?

Until this fight is won

My faith is in The living Christ

My hope is in Your Son.

The Figure of Peace

By Hebe Mitchell, from Cyprus, UK

How still though art,

In peace though depart,

No more sorrows thou shall know,

No tears, no grief,

Just joy where you go.

We poor beings are living in hell,

But though the heavens of Earth now shalt tell,

As we stand here we plead,

Just one word do say, up there are thou gay!

No answer doth come from that figure of Peace,

Nothing but silence that mocks us to cease,

And so we shall wait until we do die,

to meet our dear friend in the heavens so high,

Till then we must live through this world full of grief,

Trust in God and be strong.

In our only belief.

The Drummer Boys of Peace

By O Anna Niemus

Mercy's peace

has her own drummer boys..

they tap out their beats

on metal pots

Peace has her flags

… the leaves in the wind

They are the flags of 1 nation

and of all.. all for one

one for all

She has her orators

… the babbling brooks..

the waterfalls' roar

.. the rivers' murmurs

the seas' omkar

(Omkar: repetition of Om)

Smile a Step To Peace

By Marvin Brato Sr, from Philippines

Man is thought to be tough,

Inside-out… rough!

Cast as a man of steel,

A fighter…



Joy is in my heart as I live on this land,

Often zealous if my honor still stand.

Human sometimes does not mind what others say,

Nor I care if ever they do not like to stay.

My concern is only peace & prosperity,

Amongst all men in this confused society.

Rebellion is not an ultimate to protest.

God's mercy & guidance shall put to rest,

All our sorrows and discontentment.

Talk peacefully to settle hated arguments,

Or just mainly start an honest smile.

River Roads of Peace

By Paul McCann, from Ireland, Belfast

Poetry like ploughshares have dug the dirt away

opening a road on blood stained hardened clay.

Earthened shells buried deep in different hollow holes.

Guests of war remain at peace.

Heal their souls.

As we have forgiven those may they forgive us.

Our hatred is uprooted.

Peace lies in the dust.

Cornered not by chains or imprisioned by the guilt,

peace is like a river that washed away the blood we spilt.

Etched into forever our souls will someday be,

in the place God reserves for you my friend and me.

Poem for Peace

By Frank Bana

There is much peace in this young planet

Whenever we’re amazed and silent

There is more silence than yet encountered

Where we command our traffic to a halt

More energy than we have manufactured

Is generating in our resting

The music to affirm our species

Is infant in the frets on our guitars

It will be a necessity, a hunger, to embrace

And occasionally to suffocate, the chaos

To dream new revolutions, smarter

Than the ways of fragmentation in which we’re led -

Revolutions weaving all complexity

Into a fine and trusted net,

Of safety, method and community

That is simple, and at peace, at last.

Future children and other people:

You may not realize this peace or hunger,

And as I am no seer, I propose

In one day, or world, it will appear.

Peace, Peace, Peace

By Viola B. Jelinek, from Madison, Tennessee

In the Bible-God says, let there

be peace among all nations.

Peace is something to cherish

and behold…whether in heart

or in soul; peace in Spirit, and in

mind…gives us the feelings to be kind

Peace among group's …minority, black

and white…leads us to do what's right

Peace in our cities, homes, and towns

is what we all need…if it can be found

Peace in the world…among all Nations,

is just what we need for self-presentation.

Peace in our lives, with family and friends

Will help make us all ready… when God descends

But there can be no peace, without,

"God's intervention", so let us all

"Accept Him, " and have a world convention.

Peace Seeker

By Shimon Weinroth

I am a sucker for

rumors about peace

treaties and cease fires

willing to believe

what I want, to come true

the slightest hint an armistice

is in the makiing,

perks up my spirits

ignites my hopes

already I am making plans

it'so easy to fool me

again and again

my moral fiber

no better than others,

yet has faith, reasonance in tune

with the circadian rythmn

of the man in the moon

from armistice to Oslo

The road map and Geneva

al all children of what i want

I am trapped by desires, fantasies

and dreams that have not come true

Peace or Poverty

By Sonali Shah, from England

Their skin soaks up the heat

Leaving it as black as the midnight sky,

Their eyes wide, white, pleading

Begging to the passersby.

They litter the street

Half naked bodies,

Red and colouring their feet

Searching for a entrance

A door out of the circle of poverty.

Poverty means destruction

Destruction means fear

Behind locked doors we sit in early evening

Too scared to see a black face

Terrified of black feet crossing the threshold.

But why be fearful of your slaves,

Those you whip and beat

Treating like the dirt from the doormat

Where you wipe your feet.

Role diversity causes poverty

Poverty destroys peace

But peace minus poverty

Means Equality should increase.

Peace left Behind

By Scott Johnson

An inspiration for the days, that nothing goes as planned,

A wave on the beach, as you play in the sand,

Never to be forgotten, a good friend will be there.

A star in the sky, when you admire in awe,

A leaf on a tree, that turns in the Fall,

Never to be forgotten, a good friend will be th ere.

And we are left with our past, that we keep in our head,

The memories we made, the tears that we shed.

We leave you to rest, to watch us with care,

Never to be forgotten, a good friend will be there.

Peace in My Heart

By Kristopher Scott, from L.A

You must understand when i say

beware of humans in search of prey

of there own kind, must kill to get ahead

the ones who don't see, end up dead

on my planet its unfortunate

plague of poverty, ambitions to make it

clever plots to better the future

ignorant ways, life with no structure

accelerating through the path of destruction

hate to be led, but we need some instruction

on how to survive and live with our kind

selfless acts, no one left behind

easy to fight, difficult to live in peace

thoughts of hate need to be deceased

unfortunate but true, we will never change

your crazy if you think peace is in range

peace of mind is what i strive for

won't quit, i'm sure i can endure

must stay a step ahead, with a plan 'B'

they think i'm blind, trust me i see

don't take me for others you've met in the past

why do people continue to let the nonsense last

some think they comprehend, but you really don't

attempts to play me for a sucker, you truely won't

will take my steps with much discretion

if provoked, expect an attack with such aggression

caged brained, can't excape the thoughts it will create

america's wars, add them to the crime rate

wasting my time with thoughts of a better outcome

keep my thoughts straight, a better man i will become

Peace in My Eyes

By Shrija Chavali

The sound of a distant cannon,

The incoherent shout of a General,

The ground oozing out mineral –

A battlefield in 1982, Lebanon.

What a war it was, terrible,

Not like any other seen before.

And I like my brothers four

Was forced to go to battle.

The sights I saw, the smells I smelt,

Still haunt me in my bed.

Even now they’re in my head –

The worst things I’ve ever felt.

But now, years after the war,

I see that things aren’t better.

In fact, the wars are now dirtier

And more gruesome by far.

Why, oh why do we fight,

What do we fight for?

Money, Love, Power? Or

A display of our might?

Money, it is ephemeral,

Love is the opposite of war;

A fool is he who fights for power,

So there’s no good reason at all.

Peace, Peace, I crave for peace,

That wonderful beacon of light;

That glorious ray of hope that might

Give, to the lock of violence, a key.

Let us all pray and pray

For, we are all one.

What does it matter if it is

Arabia or Lebanon?

World peace we can never get,

For there will always be war.

But can’t we all pray for

All the peace we can get?

What, oh what is this peace,

What is it all about?

I’ll feel at peace when we shall

All live in harmony;

Without bias on cast or creed

Or religion, race or skin,

For, are we all not

God’s kith and kin?

Peace Be with You

By Rajaram Ramachandran, from India, Mumbai

Oh God! I need a quiet place,

Where flows the nectar of peace,

Not that kind of dead peace,

In the grave, one finds with ease.

I went to the Himalayas Mountain,

But peace there was no certain,

As the solitude tore my mind,

A little peace when I tried to find.

I heard good spiritual lectures,

Those from eminent preachers,

For peace, I left no place unturned,

But with a perturbed mind I returned.

Tell me, oh God, that unknown place,

Where lies that elusive peace,

What I need, now I can find,

So, I’ll have peace of mind.

God answered, “Hey you fool,

First learn to keep yourself cool,

Don’t search elsewhere out,

But dive deep into your heart.”

“Peace isn’t an object that lies outside,

But it’s a feeling that’s generated inside.

Learn to cultivate peace in your heart.

To enjoy this peace, better you now start.”

“Know this I’m in your heart.

I fill it up with peace quite a lot.

This divine peace when you merit,

No need to go elsewhere for it.”

Peace and Pieces

By Fahmina Arjumand Misha, from India

peace of mind and pieces of mind

easy to find and hard to define

peace of heart and pieces of heart

present when together and absent when depart

peace of love and pieces of love

happy if it's true and sad if its bluff

peace of family and pieces of family

good when sharing and worst when breaking

peace of soul and pieces of soul

good or bad our deeds play a lead role

peace of world and pieces of world

its p rice less as it cannot be bought or sold

peace to sleep and pieces of sleep

relaxes when deep and breaks with even a beep.

Peace and peace and peace

By Lovina Sylvia Chidi, from Germany


Bring it on

Peace, peace

You do no wrong

Peace, peace, peace

You are strong

Stronger then hatred

Stronger than fear

Stronger than the dark powers

of a troubled mind


Stay with me

Peace, peace

Flee not, try to be kind

Peace, peace, peace

Why hath thou so tough to find?

Peace and Gentle Notions

By Barry Van Allen

When we awoke this morning,

I felt a strange and different flow in me,

and my thoughts were filled,

with peace and gentle notions.

As the sun was setting late last night,

there was a chill of night descending,

that was chased away by love, somehow,

and a feeling of affection.

As our sleep was closing in,

I felt the smiles on our faces,

and as we held each other closely,

while confined in open spaces.

And, though I can't remember much today,

I still, somehow see us walking,

hand in hand on flowered earth,

without speaking, we were talking.

I can still remember, reaching out to you,

kissing and caressing you,

then drifting off to dreamland,

holding on to you still.

It's really not much wonder that,

when we awoke this morning,

I felt a whole new flow in me,

and I ignored all warnings.

You felt like a new drug to me,

my heart absorbed the potion,

though straight and tall,

I took it all, and felt the surge,

… of peace and gentle notions.

Peace, Hope, Faith

By Tami Gee

Happiness to me denied

lost and drifting, search for I

what a loathsome lie.

Love promised and once fulfilled

no sooner found than is killed

hearts longing stilled.

Peace, once I knew its way

once grasped, it refused to stay

Not one more day.

Hope, that shining star ahead

pulled from my hand instead

Hope no more, it is dead.

Faith, what is left when there is no more

Faith knows not the future

for me in this lonely world.

Do You Want Peace?

By Elangovan Selvapperumal

Shiva is Passim

Shiva your universal presence felt;

for enemies dooms already spelt

your miracles even stones melt

you, my enemies already dealt

Shiva stops my wrong ways

and my games he plays

he is merciful, world says

your troubles, his blessings chase!

Shiva! make me financially sound!

in your hands protection I found

make me ever well off

you have given Parvathy, left off

Shiva my case you judge,

let my argument cutting-edge,

see complainant gets crushing humiliation,

and get my just jubilation,

Shiva! you are Sun- shine in mist

for my enemies, prove iron-first,

you are devotees precious gift

enroll me in your devotees list;

Let me have successful fight,

after all I am right,

bring the thieves to light

Shiva! so high your kite!

Believers in Shiva are sapphires!

their troubles he slowly fires!

their lives he makes excellent

everywhere they are brilliant,

For Non- descript feel no scare;

Shiva always minds your welfare!

Your concerns he does share!

enemies he’s going to tear!

Shiva! your glories I sing!

happiness in my life, bring!

you are heart- land king!

to your feet, I ever Cling!

You are full of imagination

Shiva! kill my petty botheration

for my enemies, work ruination

let your test have limitation

from struggles bless me salvation

for you, I have temptatio n

save me, without feeling hesitation

in battle, get me jubilation

‘Shiva’ is excitement and sensation

defeat my enemies with humiliation

Turn my suffering into jollification

work out my life- beautification

with you is my association

Shiva has my welfare concentration

From sadness, happiness you make

Shiva! come for heaven’s s ake!

incarnation now you must take

to save justice from fake!

On you, my hopes I pin,

Change my enemies to dustbin

Shiva! let my side always win!

As the case filed by morally thin!

Shiva! reinforce my confidence, Courage!

my enemies’ plans quash, damage

in your service I engage

devotion to you, my heritage

To serve you, my obligation

to protect me, your operation

wonderful are Shiva your creation

towards you, I have strong fascination

@Surrender is easiest mode,

Arjuna took that road,

Krishna transferred Arjuna’s load,

this is spiritual code.

Krishna rushes to your call

he is all in all

in Mahabharatha he stands tall

he never allows me fall

To serve you, my obligation,

to protect me, your operation,

wonderful are Shiva your creation

towards you, I have strong fascination

Krishna and Shiva both same!

God has different variety name

it is high time he came

and put enemies to shame

To serve is my obligation

to protect me, you r operation

wonderful! Shiva your creation

towards you, I have strong fasc ination.

In your service, I dedicate

with your devotees I associate,

Shiva! enemies-plans, you frustrate

on your name I always concentrate!

through circumstances, You communicate

With you, my side always won

troubleshoots, is your gun

life has been badly run

Shiva! at least now add fun

Man having sacred ash

has Shiva’s blessings- cash

devotees meditating Shiva ever

he will their sufferings sever

Shiva has surprises in store!

2007 was year of bore

2008 opens more opportunities door

success follows more and more

My Knowledge doesn’t invent

your service it underwent

sorrows, defeats you prevent

Shiva you are permanent

Technology touches the sky

Shiva is ever so high

Mobiles gadgets you buy

Tsunamis, Quakes don’t die

Krishna Margazhi your favourite month!

You are present, breadth and length

Rush as re- incarnation The Tenth

put my troubles to death

Make me rich to exist

In your service I persist

my enemies you fight, resist

to get success Shiva! assist

Shiva is force invisible

praying you is sensible

to serve you, desirable

make enemies’ designs miserable

My troubles Shiva you shoot!

ever I adore your foot!

your heart I did loot!

devotion to you, ideal route!

Eagle for Peace

By Robert Rampani, from Bridgeton, MO

I watched an eagle fly

high up in the sky.

Why must he fly so high,

I asked myself why?

He flies so gracefully,

with each stroke of wing.

As I watch him glide,

my heart simply sings.

With power and confidence,

he moves through the air.

Always displaying wisdom,

and does it with a flair.

His power, strength and freedom,

represents our great land.

This majestic bird, a symbol,

to live in peace, as a band.

The eagle and I extend peace,

to all the world.

With love in our hearts,

for all to understand.

Eternal Peace

By Bonnie Collins, from Middletown New York

Somewhere between Heaven and Hell

the tides rode ashore and called my name

Answering, with only gigantic waves rushing

against the rocks thrashing with torrid winds

of rage, I stood there helplessly

Pleading with all my might for you to take

me from this island of hell, take me to

to where torture, tears and fright no longer

have an existence

Blowing away fading as far as I could see,

the calmness rushed in, along with the blackened

sea turning to a hue of eternal blue skies

with a soft effervescing of an eternal peace……..

Feeling of Peace

By Margaret Alice, from South Africa

Feeling the familiar comfort of

mystery words flashing in front

of me, safely ensconced in the

magic of the theories contained


My existential angst subsides, my

fear of life’s incomprehensible

duties nullified, my fear of trying

to do things I cannot, is ebbing


Only the feeling of peace

and comfort stay…

God's Peace

By Bob Gotti, from New Jersey, U.S

There is a peace available, in troubled times, but not to all, A peace available all the time, greater than peace of mind, And this peace goes everywhere, to handle every tiny care, But it has no limits to, the problems it can see you through.

The peace that I’m speaking of, will only come from above, Peace God gives to His own, flowing down from His throne, The peace of God all receive, when by faith they do believe, The Gospel Truth of His Son, Christ, who died for everyone.

Though He died, now He lives, as this peace to us He gives, Sent to believers in this life, to shelter them from daily strife, The Holy Spirit is God’s agent, in whom God’s peace is sent, The Spirit is our true comforter, giving us peace in trials sore.

This peace for us is secured, by the work done by The Lord, And the only part left for us, is to place in The Lord our trust,

Then with a loving nod, Christ sends to us the peace of God, A peace into a believer’s heart, that from God will not depart.

Peace always there for those, keeping eyes on He who rose, Who gave to them a new life, centered in the peace of Christ, This as that believer lives, through the Spirit that Christ gives,

Providing them God’s peace, in their heart that will not cease.

Great Peace

By Bernice Hooks, from U.S, California

Peace is making your calling and election sure;

Enjoying the fruits of the Holy Spirit you will endure;

Fruits such as love, joy, peace and patience against which there is no


Peace is friendship with the Savior and before Him bow;

Great peace is promised to those who love God's law;

And being offended at nothing is nice because;

Peace is not worrying about anything;

Your trust is in God and you love to sing:

Glory to God in the highest and on earth good will toward men;

Peace is a gift from God our Father when you allow Jesus to come in.

One Person Cannot Bring Peace

By Francis Duggan

One person cannot bring peace to our World but when millions of good people unite

And march for peace in every village, town and city the war inclined may see some light

Beyond the darkness that surrounds them and through the windows of their soul

The light of change may even penetrate we can change others by thought control.

Gandhi brought great change through nonviolence no g reater power than people power

Divided good people are defeated and their flower of peace is a wilting flower

But united we can bring about change as peace never comes through the gun

The dead never hear the birds singing at the going down of the sun

Refugee camps all over the World are crowded with war refugees

Billions are spent on war weaponry and little on poverty and disease

In the news each day we hear of violence and too much of war and terror we hear

The war men with their war on terror have found new ways of spreading fear.

Amongst the fearful population who believe everything that they say

We lose our own sense of direction when respect to such people we pay

You show some people a flowering garden they only see weeds and decay

And any hope of peace will keep on fading as long as the negative have things their own way.

Oh Prince of Peace

By Mary M. Coughlin, from Florida, U.S

Gentle Lord, Oh Prince of Peace,

Grant that soon all wars will cease.

Listen to the children crying.

Listen to the grown folks sighing.

All around the world ther's groaning

Longing for those lost they're moaning.

Gentle Lord, Oh Prince of Peace,

Grant that soon all wars will cease.

Soften all the hearts of men,

Whom all the world they'd gladly pen

Within their walls and do not care

How many hands are wrung in deep despair.

Gentle Lord, Oh Prince of Peace,

Grant that soon all wars will cease.

Make the warriors throughout creation

Lay down their arms in every nation

Promising to live in loving peace;

Letting joy once more increase.

Gentle Lord, Oh Prince of Peace,

Grant that soon all wars will cease.

My Dream: A vision of Peace

By ToddMichael St. Pierre, from U.S, new Orleans

Where the mountains touch the sky,

Where poets DREAM, where eagles fly,

A secret place above the crowd,

Just beneath a silver-lined cloud.

Lift your eyes to a snowy peak,

And see the soon-to-be we seek.

Whisper DREAMS and let them rise,

To the mountains old and wise.

Climbers climb, it's time to try,

Where the mountains touch the sky.

Take me there. Oh take me now,

Someway, Someday, Somewhere, Somehow.

Where the ocean meets the sky,

Where mermaid dance, where seagulls fly,

A place in DREAMS I know so well,

The sea inside a single shell.

Far across the living sea,

A pale blue possibility,

Beyond the castles made of sand,

Tomorrow in a small child's hand.

Only DREAMERS need apply,

Where the ocean meets the sky.

Take me there. Oh take me now,

Someway, Someday, Somewhere, Somehow.

A common ground for one and all,

Behind the crystal waterfall,

Where Peace flows like a mighty stream,

Like Dr. King I have a DREAM.

Imagine such a goal in sight,

For red and yellow, black and white…

New Delhi, Beijing, Kenya, Rome,

Earth is the place that we call home.

Baghdad, Belfast, Tel Aviv,

One race HUMAN, we still believe,

Come DREAM with me…

Where the forests reach the sky,

Wake to DREAMS, and don’t be shy.

We’ll DREAM the world a thorn-less rose;

We’ll plant then watch it as it grows.

We’ll conquer hate with DREAMS of hope,

We’ll DREAM one big kaleidoscope.

Whisper now; let the DREAM begin,

It's time to trust the truth within.

This is where we seek and find…

A place called PEACE for humankind.

DREAM on DREAMERS, hopes are high,

Where the forests reach the sky.

Take me there. Oh take me now,

Someway, Someday, Somewhere, Somehow.

Now, listen close, the future calls…

'Build your bridges and tear down walls! '

For time has taught and so it seems,

Realities are born of DREAMS!

Whisper DREAMS and let them rise,

To the mountains old and wise.

Memory of Peace at Heart

By Zoe Sem, from Australia, Sydney

Worn away by the hands of time

In days with memories so sublime

The rust upon ones heart to date

Hope of lonely nights to be not ones fate

The moon alone is deep at peace

From night to day the suns release

Witness to billions of wishes and tears

Cause of decease of so many fears

For the heart and soul a delicate flower

Hides the glorious unknowing power

Emotional healing for the being with praise

Embracing knowledge of truth in the haze

Let's Give Peace a Chance

By Patricia Cox Napoli, from Springfield, PA

Can peace be attained in a war-torn world

Or is his a dream never to be fulfilled

Could war be replaced as love unfolds

Is there a special secret yet to reveal

I say we must all give peace a chance

No matter what obstacles lie in the way

For even Christ when pierced by the lance

Could still forgive mankind anyway

We must all walk with our brother hand in hand

It does not matter though he be white, red or black

Be forever ready to solve conflicts when we can

Seek peace in the future, forgive and not look back

Ghandi taught love and peace and so did Martin Luther King

Wars still came since hearts refused to reflect and listen

And in the past another tried and they crucified him

So you must show love and give peace a chance to glisten

And whether you are Catholic, Protestant or Jew

Give peace a chance, over and over, again and again

Let God take reign in your heart, making all things new

Thereby making all races, colors and creeds your friend.

Let Us Live in Peace

By Frederick Kambemba Yamusangie, from Congo

Let us live in peace

Among ourselves

That is our natural instinct

Let us live in peace

Among ourselves

That is our only way forward

Let us live in peace

Among ourselves

That is how we will befriend freedom and justice

Or otherwise…

Heaven only knows

What will happen

To our beloved Congo

Lasting Peace

By Vor or ivor.e hogg, Durham U.K

They laid creeping barrage down

in preparation for the push.

It was a pearler Mrs Brown

and turned the battleground to mush.

The effing noise was deafening

and then the silence even worse.

I saw the sergeant beckoning

my fervent prayer became a curse.

The first lieutenant leas us though

over the top into the mud

We had no choice we had to go

Though why I’ve never understood.

We couldn’t charge we had to trudge

There seemed to be no solid ground

the effing world was full of sludge

and if you fell you would be drowned.

We over ran a German trench

much like the one we left behind.

It had the same familiar stench

and like our own badly designed.

How I survived I do not know

But I got home still in one piece

I still feel guilty sometimes though

And seldom sleep the night in peace.

Remember then the fighting men,

The men like simple Sammy Brown.

Who lived to see his home again

unlike his mates who were mown down.

Though Sammy lived to ninety three

he never could forget the past.

He lies In Highgate cemetery

his epitaph reads Peace at last.

Justice, Peace and Love

By Michael P. Johnson, from New Silksworth, Sunderland

For justice, truth and peace to flow

Love too has fruit to bear

United must become all four

And practiced everywhere

True justice cannot stand alone

It needs of truth and peace

When love becomes the corner stone

Sweet fruit will never cease

Let's drink The Truth as sweet old wine

Let love live not in vane

Mix justice now with peace divine

Allow harmony reign

For justice without love is nought

Peace without truth’s a lie

Until the world this fact is taught

Condemned she’s bound to die

To facts of life she must be wise

Her children need to see

Until they look with open eyes

Salvation cannot be

When truth and peace they understand

When love becomes her root

When justice lifts her outstretched hand

She’ll bear the sweetest fruit

Let candour be a constant guide

Integrity wear a crown

Impartiality reign in side

With love as wedding gown

Allow love’s wisdom steadfast rule

Truth’s knowledge change one’s heart

Let peace become our daily tool

Let justice play her part.

Joy and Peace and Love

From Carmela Patterson, from U.S, L.A

Year's end is swiftly encroaching,

Leaving the present year behind,

The New Year is fast approaching,

The goals we sought, did we find?

Were we satisfied with mediocrity?

Did we strive for so much less?

Did we flaunt an air of superiority?

Did we make of ourselves a pitiable mess?

The time is coming for a new resolution

The New Year offers new promise and h ope

We plead with God for His absolution

And trust in His mercy to help us cope.

Starting afresh, let us begin the New Year

By recalling His Tenets and His Law

Remembering that He is always near

Ready to catch us if and when we fall.

Seas may rage and oceans may heave

And fall we shall ~ but do not always fear it

For Jesus told us that He will never leave

Through the Power of His Holy Spirit.

Spiritual things are seen and unseen

It is within the soul we come to know it;

In evaluating our walk we see where we've been

Growing in holiness ~ or ~ wallowing in sin

Forgiveness is needed without a doubt

And when it is given we want to shout

for and with

Joy and Peace and Love

All Blessings from God above!

Joy and Peace and Love!!

Joy and Peace and Love!!!

Is Peace by God the Whole Pictured Plan

By Michael Gale, from Oklahoma

Put one foot in front of thy other…

Helping of man to man should not be a bother fro' any other brother.

Brother of man…

Yes ye can.

Should shared assistance be the master plan? …

That's how life's rules should be planned as ran.

Why be alive and living in 'The Brotherhood Of Man'? …

If we cannot dole out peace in God's own land?

Why be a slave to terror of the heart? …

Why be a whore to war's own art?

Let's all help out our own fellow man…

Yes we can-That should be the whole master plan, all you old and young woman or man.

Inner Peace

By David Moe, from Alaska

So much has been written

About peace in the world,

Peace on earth, peace be with you,


Peace is more

Than the absence of war,

More than tolerance

More than acceptance.

There can never be peace

Between individuals or nations,

Until we are at peace with ourselves

That inner peace that passes understanding.

In Search of Peace

By Fay Slimm, from U.K

Peace will not come easy

If we skirt the need for care.

This essential space

Where we embrace

The other, if they're there.

If we don't look in the corners

Where dust has covered in

Every vestige of humility.

Where shall we begin?

This search for peace is ancient

So the sages seemed to say.

They too left home

And hearth, to roam

And find, without delay

This feeling all too absent

From the life of yesterday..

Peace itself though is not far

It's but a choice away.

A choice to feel or not to feel

This blissful trait, …Today.

This place where, deep and hidden

Lies contentment. That's the key.

We must find this to find our peace

Whatever else may be

Before, or now. The thing is how

To set our spirit free..

So will this sheer elation

Which comes with joi-de-vivre,

Reject the devastation

Which besets us, to deceive

With causing nothing helpful

In our quest to make belief

In Peace a goal. Oh yes

Our pursuit, this fine pursuit

Is for true happiness.

So, to find this 'sadness-antidote'

Let's begin, , for what it's worth.

Let's put Peace within our heart.

For as long as we're on earth.

In A world of Peace

By Charles M Moore, from Glasgow Scotland

In another constellation

live another you and I

happy to be with one another

so in love and so alive

perhaps they both have children

could it be their wars have ceased

or maybe they're not hungry

living in a world of peace

Look above and you will see them

they're not difficult to find

view your soul, and be them

test your heart and test your mind

we have so much life in common

a date with destiny to keep

it only takes a word well-spoken

and life on earth would live in peace.


A Spaniard Named Charlie

By Professor Paul John Amrod, from U.S

He played the euphonium in a highschool band

The instrument, the trombone he did reprimand

He found the tone quite annoying and nasal

Performing at football games was absolutely anal

He continually could not learn a formation

Leaving him speechless in total desolation

Was a beautiful Tenor, sang like James Nabors

But from the maidens he received no favors.

Hated the voice of Mr. John Lee Hooker

Maybe for a nun he was a fine good looker

Wasn’t too flabbergasted from Modern Jazz

Hated to be called by the nickname Chas

If you were a fan of Mr. Eric Burdon

You were suspicious of drinking hard bourbon

He was a prince from the house of Osborne

A fine trimmed vest was what to be worn.

This Spaniard was given the name Charlie

He avoided any drink made from barley

Never embraced the island of Reggae

The rhythms left his head in total disarray

The action of delinquents made him forlorn

Was a sensitive sissy since the day he was born

Screamed in frustration because of Bob Marley

And emptied the tires of Hell’s Angels’ Harleys

God bless him he was a rambunctious vigilante

Always stealing cookies from his mother’s pantry

He blew his lid over every cocky wise guy

Known to deliver a punch resulting in a black eye

Bottled up an anger and cooking with vengeance

Trying to correct all wrong with a grievous penance

Never could be caught with irresponsibility

Wasn’t very gifted with his style of inflexibility

High pressure was his key to testosterone

Exercising while slurping a melting icecream cone

Long lost his sense of cooperation and a collective

Never was there idleness or time to be reflective

Played Basketball because of his towering height

Slam dunking creating commotion and needless fright

Oh this Spaniard was a gentleman with suspenders

Pulling them up not resembling a doubtful pretender

Wanted to create fear with his boisterous nature

He proudly invented his own style of nomenclature

His entire manner would appear to be somewhat ludicrous

Especially if he felt all was senseless and absurdly superfluous

Subjective with no ability to see the way of others

Only his perceptive wouldn’t be stilled and smothered.

Pointing his fingers vehemently as what should disappear

Was terribly jealous of the vocal talents from a Gondolier

He was never truly cherished and given the love he needed

Hence he was became discontent and depression proceeded.

Soon he will be a directionless soul sadly lost and impaired.

Searching for acceptance; twisted and irreparably despaired.


Acting like a Chumsy Chimpanzee

Viewing unrested through the crowd insecurely

Hoping dearly he is loved and accepted surely

Cynically egoistic scorning his journalistic guests

Embarrassingly unhinged as he vehemently detests

alternatives to his mangled manner of thinking

while his janitor started his whiskey drinking.

Wearing a turban like good ’ol Sam the Sham

rubbing his crystal ball for the future scam.

Predicting there will be no horrid offenses

Ignoring the warnings of morbid consequences

We have the situation totally under control

Hiding the truth inside his mysterious pigeonhole

My comrade Chuck called for a national emergency

as the public was ready for a complete insurgency.

Joe wrote an Op Ed about the lack of sincerity

while the partisan party started up their disparity.

The trade advisor wrote that the lack of immunity

and testing would result in a lost opportunity.

Take for example the incredible resource and effort

of South Korea with stringency they held the fort.

The absence of concern was highly irresponsible

as the viral onslaught showed he was the implausible.

Nonetheless our Prez is acting like a chumsy chimpanzee

wanting to reopen, commencing the clumsy jamboree.

The soulful compatriots are rising to the cause

with front line heroes who toil without pause.

Coming up with startling bizarre suggestions

breaking down his trust in total congestion.

Pushing the blame and not accepting his faults

playing with monkey business and somersaults.

Exiting closed chambers to his lovely rose garden

hearing the boos for his pitifully pathetic pardons.

Although he has been internationally criticized

for his recklessness he feels simply victimized.

Misunderstood for his gubernatorial approach

deceitfully disguising to masterfully encroach.

Calling his cronies all marvelously supportive

Nevertheless their futility is disturbingly abortive.

Regardless appearing, acting like a chumsy chimpanzee.

the Prez sits grinning always seeking out a pansy.

Being questioned about this dismal vernal gloom

Mike says the pandemic is behind us he assumes.

With false optimism he’s gleaming playing the fortuneteller

while his foolhardiness has him crawling in the cellar.

Unruffled by his critics he proceeds without a plan

wishing for a miracle to save him from the frying pan.

He exhibits his lack of confidence with a brutal attack

on any form of threat to hang him muzzled on the rack.

Exuding his lips and neck exposing his hidden fear

and grimacing abnormally as to logic he won’t adhere.

Sitting at the round table displaying his social distance

acclaiming a resurged economy is just sheer insistence.

Self-determination is our only form of natural activism

which is being strangled by their bullish calloused fascism.

In our window of freedom we can imagine a coming age

of the magnanimity of acceptance spoken from a Sage.

A terrestrial peace will reign healing us from outrage

leaving the chumsy chimpanzee on his lonely stage.


Activism in Quarantine

To demonstrate our awareness we have chosen activism

while we ponder our existence in quiescent quarantine.

This silence brings a dichotomy of a perilous disaccord

muzzling advocates of justice as we enjoy idleness so serene.

Nevertheless we implore in peace an astute responsibility

with insight letting the watchdogs say freedom is unrestored

as the inequity is deplorably evident and dreadfully obscene.

Bailing out the murderous sinners inciting their stimulus

while abandoning the small business as unimportantly inferior.

Barraging the innocuous with anxiety causing bleak disparity

so very hostile with malintent is normalcy for the injurious.

The solution lies in courageousness to claim the unacceptability

of their meager attempts to dominate mankind to simply deter.

Being hoodwinked is a process of manipulating gullibility

Formulating your own opinion and the fortitude of stoicism

will resolutely endure defections of purpose giving uniformity.

We desire to interact and discuss the problems before us

Our darling children should in no fashion be rudely ignored

As the industrial complex forced Vietnam our student campus

reacted by protesting with an urgent style and demeanor.

An example of repulsively avoiding reality is inextricably

correlated with misdirected inadequacy and unaccountability.

Nature screams and revolts with its mistreatment giving impetus

to serious thought of methods of conservation instead of ineligibly

running poisons into the stratosphere like a twisted voyageur.

This Earth is a beatific gift which each human should cherish.

Reckless corporate enterprises dismiss the absolute necessity

of sharing their wealth devoid of sympathy and robust in animus.

Conceiving a new perception applying philanthropic objectivity

could spur equality and help the extremity to ultimately perish.

The inner city deindustrialized catastrophe would be overturned

commencing a phase of the rebirth of chastity quite recognizably.

The disconsolate masses will ask their Counselor to calmly intervene

giving us consolation uprooting depravation from wretched despotism.

Throughout our isolation we have felt this dilemma unforeseen

as the consequences irk our sensitivity to express all in lyricism.

The senseless vitriolic erosion of society will cease as a conspicuous

revolution of conscious with appear greeted so sympathetically.

Politicians must free themselves from their expenses and burn

the bridges to lobbyists reflecting upon the plight of the poor.

The applause will echo through the streets as our servants forswore

the iniquitous influence of smearing as life becomes so copious.

Their maintenance of our infrastructure will actually veritably

declare our elected officials as representing our upward turn.

Once each individual decides to vigorously support us as they reconvene.

in future days we will witness a convivial celebration of basic humanism.

The prerequisite of demolishing the system at large incites the harmonious

to persevere as our livelihoods sharing concern for our oceans and marine

life and our environmental preferences will then be acknowledged with revivalism.

The Age of Aquarius is soon upon us to remedy our vagueness with clarity

as our mutuality will reign while all the lionhearted enthusiastically supervene.

Once we begin to congregate and enjoy throngs of personalized solidarity

we will rejoice because of our deep reflectance while sharing collectivism.


Ailing Victims of Negligence

The listing of an epitaph evokes our citizen‘s compassion

reflecting upon the sentimental innocence of emotion.

Inquiring sensitively for contemplation with an adaption

of abandoning our frenetic nature to display devotion

to the principles of humanism in an immediate reaction.

It is difficult to perceive in this overwrought environment.

with an absence of idleness, to pause and give remembrance.

Aghast and dumbstruck while peering into abandonment

the virtues we together possess arouse the prenotion

of susceptibility to recollect our gracious heavenly inheritance.

Hence we undertake the virtually impossible calming of commotion

in the light of departing with our ailing victims of negligence.

The ferocious transmissible viral monstrosity has brought torment

isolating us from each other for a common cause of diligence.

Sheltering ourselves like hermits is the totally fulfilled embodiment

of sacrifice arising the kindhearted chastity we practice in quintessence.

The egoless unselfishness is gloriously personified as our seven oceans

reveal a sleeping mermaid who awakens a vital retroaction

to our maxims and aphorisms guiding us to foster elegance.

Manifesting a pluralistic community of a relative similitude

inspires our individuality while shedding light on benefaction.

As we remorse in unison our wailing brings us reassuring solitude

awakening the necessity of reconciliation and signs of encouragement.

The pitiful parting of our beloved is accompanied with a shower of tears

with no anointing or extreme unction of our ailing victims of negligence.

One iota of understanding for the perils of their treacherous desolation

brings a chilling dreariness indescribably disheartening conjuring up fears.

The unimaginably incalculable anguish reaches a summit and magnitude

of a massively abominable emptiness resulting in paralysation and inaction.

Reaching over a rumbling river flooding the senses to save souls we most revere

as the nurses risk exposure trying to ease the pains of this aggressive turbulence.

Still the irresponsibility until a transformation to a logical partisanship appears

will irk our culture with a tumultuous rage for our ailing victims of negligence.

Blessing their departure as the ascension of the Prince of Stars is the coaction

bringing the Holy Spirit through Pentecost devoid of insincerity and platitudes.

Praying in tongues will initiate the beatitudes setting forth the enravishment

of the City of God healing we earthlings as our loved ones receive their providence.

The reunification is foreseen through the proverbs and our faith is the fortitude

to patiently endure the challenges of existence in our brotherhood as we persevere.

Meanwhile we live the axiom of neighborly love glowing through our aura to include

each soul and their consequence as we share this moment of sorrow and lament.


An Erroneous Emperor and His Ludicrous Lackeys

In the absurdity of the ongoing procedures we see am emerging phenomena.

The choice of partisan fears has obscured common sense in this hideous dilemma.

Irrationality has obscured decency with ignorance and a flagrant pretentiousness.

Trying to hold their chin high while the waters keep rising threatening to swallow

them as the jester keeps swinging his fists as he screams and aggressively thwarts.

These days dominates utter lunacy of a mocking bird who reiterates his bloody tweets

squealing in a disfigured fashion with subverted threats so very lame and hollow.

This lion roars his choruses with a horrific bellowing style of total relentlessness

placing cotton in the ears with his malice tainted with distortion as he ruthlessly contorts.

Assist us to find some judicious method of clarification as the congress’ helpless courts

mull through proceedings with an obvious form of logic in total remorse and defeat.

Heeding only to his own childish selfish attitude his negative charisma depletes

hope as he undeniably favors his Slavic Mafia whether our armies are sadly swallowed.

Selling his soul to the satanic he explicitly conspires with a gang of hardened criminals.

Lost in his idleness he wheedles through each day in search of his loss of basic principles.

Lawyering and laundering and stealing in abundance collaborating while he entreats

to the lowest forms firing his competence while selling his golf courses and resorts.

Our erroneous emperor is without clothes as he convinces his ludicrous lackeys

to support his methods of egotism while blurting his repetitious nonsense as he wallows.

With the absence of decency his nightmare continues no matter how absurd and wacky

bringing his servants to their knees as they look in the mirror while worshiping Lucifer.

How can they carry on as they clasp to their infantile power refusing to honestly report

to the monkey on their shoulders not pondering a thought as it is their fool they follow.

Their mouths are not kissable as they blurt their lies twisting even more crooked and stiffer

than the broom up their asses as their style of reality is deformed and totally shabby.

Then we have our secretary of state grinning miserably with a disgusting cynical sneer

as he abandons our allies selling them to their Turkish enemies as our poor Kurds retreat.

As well the attorney general is rabidly chasing a pipe dream of conspiracy which disappears

in the twilight disregarding his responsibilities of due process uselessly tasteless and tacky.

God help us as our competent compatriots clarify their story of abuse of power and adhere

to the factual corroborating in unison abhorring the situation so perfectly candid and discreet.

Murky are the waters for our patrician is stirring up dirt to obscure his bluff as this racketeer

continues clinging to his self-indulgency while his fairy tale land truly seems to drip and differ.

Respect for the opinion of others and multicultural cooperation is ridden with hate and deceit

as children are in cages crying for their mothers as his heartlessness seems to simply persevere.

This erroneous monster, the leader of the free world, is ready for the next victim he will extort

while his lackadaisical lethargic lackeys will look on as usual as they quake and quack and quiver.


An Irony of Preposterousness

His jaws were as lopsided as a poor platypus

He behaved addlepated like a total ignoramus

Discombobulated and completely estranged

Falling over his steps twisted and disarranged

Can someone help this poor unwished urchin.

He’s lost on the way to Oz like an evil munchkin.

Striking like Rumpelstilzchen with his white supremacy

making a pact with the Ku Klux Klan with his savage secrecy.

Hypocritically playing innocent and turning our stomachs

Freezing the right wing on their proverbial lazy buttocks

Condemning all who do not please his twisted fancy

Unpredictable with his jargon and his pants are very antsy

Loving his followers responding to his blatant fascism

reflecting his heritage which all Germans left for realism.

Absurdly gyrating his left hand with an unnatural circle

irking the ghouls to come forward with another obstacle.

Close-minded from the get go to any other infallible program

Stumbling over his words without the use of his diaphragm

His guttural irrational impulses are cluttering our self-esteem

Claiming only a handful deserve the lost American dream

The four freshmen shyly sing their song as congresswomen

exceedingly rapturous for every righteous loving citizen.

This brings wrinkles to his brow and a burst a brutal vengeance

warning them with consequences provoking an NSA surveillance.

Blinded by hyped up Zionistic rhetoric he threatens the passive Persians

raising the eyebrows of intellects forging their astute controversion.

Hideous remarks initiating an investigation of his mental health

His denial is perverted by his extravagantly superfluous wealth

Plumply sneering into the camera, irritating all with his insincerity

Illogically stumbling with his hodgepodge devoid of all clarity

Mindlessly murmuring his jumbled presentation of myths so hysteric

He reminds one of a drunken monk or a sanctimonious cleric

Arousing his masses to a group of dangerous non-thinkers

screaming out mottos damned for their gestures like token clinkers.

Hallelujah for he will never reform, lost in his world of corrosion.

fracking and whacking his course and polluting our seven oceans.

The Antarctic is swelling with no homes for the penguins

as the Jet Stream distorts in rapidity with Slavic eastern winds.

The internal melting of our holy green island he seems to deny

as polar bears are in deep despair as their habitat does modify.

His incapacity to understand our climate change is colossal

Still digging for the last and lost energy disturbing all sacred fossils

We pray for his enlightenment although all hopes have been shattered

and wait hopefully for words of wisdom from a jovial Mad-Hatter.

Needlessly starting his re-election campaign with his silly gibberish

swimming through untredded waters with all of his jellyfish.

Reminiscing his days with all those talented big-time wrestlers

Being remembered as one of the idiotically greediest embezzlers

Oh Lord it is time for me to lay down my pen and stop searching for insults

and let Green Peace and Friday for Future begin the well-needed revolt.


Apathetic Cronyism of Dystopia

Our man of arms has released another belligerent crony

as the DOJ grinned displaying his wickedness and iniquity.

Grimacing incessantly engulfed in a hypocritical sanctimony

brassy and bold ignoring righteousness and basic human dignity.

Peering callousedly hardened wearing no antiseptic mask

Boasting as usual claiming the ordeal will suddenly disappear

Relieving his doctors from their undertakings and tedious task

Conveying irresponsibility while menacing all to domineer

each neighborly attitude amidst his obediently helpless staff.

Waiting for a shower of compliments yet the trusty umbrella

is unlatched as they bounce off obliquely from his photograph.

Despicably submerged in his horrible sense of image and self-worth

stumbling over words and phrases for his autobiographical novella.

His horoscopic tendencies have plagued him since his very birth

Heaven forbid the dismal consequences which all fall on his behalf.

Ridiculing his brotherly counterparts who miraculously do appear

to possess a different opinion regarding his foolhardy referenda.

Disemboweling all his predecessors like a reckless racketeer

Constantly frowning with perversity, being bland is his only mirth

Pillaging logical rationale with an outlook of sheer stupidity

Heartless without sorrow always staring grimly and so austere

consumed with banal fetishizing while he’s losing his cognizance.

Tweeting while encompassed by his blindness and torpidity

scribbling rubbish raging unscrupulously full of malarkey

pathologically overridden coveting his need for dominance.

Mutilating the checks and balances marking an new oligarchy

where he as our Prez controls his fate of ultimate irrelevance.

Nonetheless his protofaschistic apprehensions do not adhere

to our founders as they find us forlorn like a captured abductee.

Throwing children in cages is a derangement of utter insolence

while his karma carries its extra baggage setting up his monarchy.

King George the Third with Henry the Eighth simply ironically laugh

how the Yankees have bumped the heads on his aggrieving arrogance.

The grim reaper has his sickle harvesting the Wall Street financier

blundering over his speculations for an attractive form of epitaph.

This nightmarish reality has throngs of believers ready to succumb

to the starlit staircase as even the bravest soldiers die in timidity.

Enacting no justice with his horrific stuttering style so cumbersome

resigning to cowardice as he reiterates his shame with negligence

invoking a dystopia of directionlessness with a depraved malignity.

While each persona withdraws his aura carrying a candelabrum

the Paradise is waiting as each is chosen and anointed in reverence.

Remorsefully the remainder are subjects to an imbecilic mooncalf

who whistles Dixie to the rednecks and discusses his ludicrous nonsense.

The impervious apathetic cronyism sickens with a shameful indifference

while are stars and stripes are waving with no orders to fly half-staff.

The schism has been mastered for his own political ends as we become

lost sheep completely brow-beaten seeking for compassion and civility.

We needn’t despise each other as we share our thoughts and wisdom

and assist the destitute as they struggle through their moments of futility.

The blessings will be abundant while we receive our sacred deliverance

guiding the world ‘s citizens to euphoria healed from the glum and drear.


Celestial Regina

Sing a song to Juno, the queen of the asteroids

Ring a gong for Pluto, the whiz of the astral void.

Hear a whispering wind blowing softly through the vacuum

Sense the twisting memory of Juno's lavish perfume

Astronomers ponder the lesion of her planet

as she circles nearly each third year the sun.

Astrologers wonder why her influence is so titanic

with each title she possessed in her mythology.

The elusive description baffles scholars and done

is the speculation of her pompous regalia.

Whittling patterns of history

Matching the mystery of her paraphernalia

inducting a sensual twist to her prophesy.

With an ellipse guiding its chosen course

we gather our focus so overwhelmingly gigantic.

Juno, the mother of Mars and daughter of Saturn

Jupiter adored her with his tumultuous voice.

Giving exaltations as she protects our subtle turns

with a sense of due respect as her modest choice.

Peering through a gorgeous night

Heavenly bodies steal the sunlight

The eleventh dimension is where we interlace

Happening beyond time and space

Amorphous dust is scattered about

across the Milky Way quite forthright.

Many giant planets are forming, burning

oscillating respectively in their kinetics turning

in a cycle of eventually permanent orbits.

Supernovas and galaxies are then transported

Stars are born bursting incandescently.

Others are dying and will be exported forward

forming another inception, magnificently

twinkling, radiating in a cosmic orchard.

Sing a song to Juno, the queen of the asteroids

Ring a gong for Pluto, the whiz of the astral void.

The interstellar Queen awakes my scintillating fantasy

Feeling secure within her gentle affection

Protecting my emotions from worrisome paranoia

Helping to disrupt the processes of agony

Stimulating a most wondrous and positive aura

We will radiate our internal warmth of perfection.

Suspended unresolved and heeding reality

we summon our secret prayers confidently

to beckon the benign with their gracious predisposition.

Ovidus had submerged himself in February's etymology

awarding us all an art of understanding our passions.

As Juno safeguards our matrimonial euphoria we rejoice

in the naivety of a newborn's innocent psychology.

As the infants dance with their patriarch in fashion

Nature will blossom accentuating the romantic.

Quasars and pulsars regenerate Juno's birth rite

as the strings resonate through interspace.

Commencing the ceremonial wonders she invites

the serene, the calm, the tranquil and the commonplace.

Imposing her impressive manner her compassion

exudes with a most pleasurable phraseology.

Flowing through a nebula is a melody so dynamic

to tame her rugged edges as a beam crossed her face.

Sing a song to Juno, the queen of the asteroids

Ring a gong for Pluto, the whiz of the astral void.

Glissading angelically, divinely enthralled, we light

the candles of an ancient altar which employs

our fate to navigate our praises to her with grace.

Stupendously flabbergasted with the foresight

of a genius we decipher the complexity of cosmology.

Overcoming vibrations sound over a panoramic

elegance releasing an ambience of gamma rays

emitting solace to perfect our glamorous ideology.

Spoken in limericks and riddles which rhymed

enacting our internal process of cryptology

we retire in recluse amidst her consoling delight.

Your song to the crown of the asteroids will open

The turnstiles of the future form a cohort women and men

of a future generation which may stumble on a new genesis.

They'll be the new pious doves of our terra firma. Ready to observe the metamorphosis

of different entities. The birth of a new planetoid and florets on its surface;

O' the Celestial Regina! You expose me to the extraterrestrial sterling mastery.

Fill my daughters and sons with a deep candor; let them dance with the quasars.

The stellar knowledge is the final key for survival

Teaches us how travel into different dimensions and begin a revival

of the lost nuances of life that once lived amongst us

Juno helps our descendants to reach that vivid life on Mars.


Colonnade of Corruption

Sorry for my rudeness of ruthless disruption

We are walking by a colonnade of corruption

Halt and harken the unruly cowardly senate

whose majority leader is a misleading zealot.

In the inception of this enlightened house

senators were not elected and ne’er a louse.

They were highly intelligent and appointed

from the state legislative branch anointed.

Regardless we are in the grip of the calloused

sipping on their blasphemous golden chalice.

The olden days were challenging but honored

No Ben Franklin was misused and laundered.

Now we received a kick in the buttocks

for insisting on a fair and just republic.

Blindfolded like the proverbial three monkeys

the elephants are attempting to crush the donkeys.

Under the direction of Kentucky’s Moscow Mitch

has brought on Donavan’s season of the witch.

As our Jack Daniel funky man is off to the race

Chuck calls it an absolute national disgrace.

The commandant presses to eclipse the midnight hour

The congressmen are bewildered and seemingly sour.

He claims he will disavow the existing vital evidence

petrified of new revelations which swallow innocence.

Our executive chief toyed around with oppression

Now he is shivering and fighting off depression.

Inviting lawyers or lunatics for his reality TV

carrying stone hearts and filled with apathy.

Oops there are newly-found damning documents

which ruin the hypocrisy and are no compliments.

Claiming ignorance of old friends and ancient aides

engendering ludicrously his lonely masquerade.

Caught just recently breaking the impoundment act

by extorting funds for his greater election pact.

Slipping up as well firing an illustrious ambassador

while Luzenko demanded the smear and massacre.

Transforming the presidency to an absolute monarchy

while acting so sympathetically yet a total oligarchy.

So our Senate leader has learned his Stalinist style

by forcing his position with a joker gone wild.

Trying to avoid due process with viable witness

ramming it down our throats to prove his fitness.

We will be paying our price for being patriots

being victims of his miserable shadiness.

A gruesome deal as he seems to be self-pleased

secretly bragging for the ranks are appeased.

Gradually proceeding like an old filthy aardvark

eating the desert’s insects before he does bark.

Heaven help us save us from their bloody clutch

Ruin the transmission of this devil’s fudge.

We will survive this dark chapter of history

and return to happiness from a galling misery.

Jesus is freed from the hands of fanatics

as his philosophy is the opposite of evil tactics.

Abandoning the middleman who is in public view

to explain what the Prez has simply misconstrued.

Standing accused with his grin so crass

maybe someday his ass will be grassed.


Complicit Perpetrators

The hearses are proceeding slowly to their morbid destinations

The crisis management has been negligently seen as an irritation

The horrific avoidance of our vitally important defense production act

has brought about this disastrous situation with a thunderous impact.

Their patchwork concept of gubernatorial oversight is quite a challenge

criticized to the ultimate forcing the accountable to become unhinged.

Promises never kept and swept under the carpet is the horrible result

leaving local officials with empty hands hurling their deserved insults.

Flattening the curve is the pipe dream of the sultry states of the south

nonetheless the reopening followed only with petrified cottonmouths.

Politicizing masks with a partisan smirk should be shunned as irresponsible.

Defeating the so-called hidden enemy has been abandoned hence impossible.

Therefore I charge the band of lackeys in the Senate as complicit perpetrators

avoiding this necessity and enforcing dereliction of duty of a premeditative traitor.

Holding rallies in hot spots as a chance for his up and coming political resurgence

suggesting shooting rays of ultra-violet internally

while consuming antiseptical detergents.

Appearing before Mount Rushmore with a jubilant crowd not social distancing

devoid of sensitivity for the Lakotas while Sitting Bull refuses a ritual christening.

On the following day on the south lawn risking the well-being of thousands

blurting his dreams of division though Crazy Horse had General Custer surrounded.

Glorifying a gang of Confederate Generals holding on to the George Wallace attitude

improvising his hogwash signing threatening laws constantly uttering his platitudes.

His henchmen are silent viewing the catastrophe without critiques or flinching

ignoring their tainted history with the white-hooded Ku Klux Klan and their lynching.

The traitor has blood on his hands while claiming the protesters are lawless criminals

creeping into the minds of his base with a perversity of shenanigans quite subliminal.

The rising count of cases can’t be prevented by circumventing rationale and science

gripping the gullible free-loving citizens by the throat

who dare to express their defiance.

Extricating unity subjecting us all with anxiety by not providing a viable solution

hindering the frontline employees with no contact tracing heeding his Slavic collusion.

Dismissing the necessity to protect our population with a darker message of heritage

speaking white supremist bombast ruthlessly

plundering livelihood amongst the carnage.

As the many diseased are released from his imperium

the red Senators view their watch

uneased by the coming elections no empathy is expressed

as their efforts were botched.

Abandoned in the inner cities, forsaken and forlorn.

are the impoverished and the destitute

infected by a viral onslaught in need of assistance

nevertheless lost so helplessly irresolute.

The administration is delinquent bumbling conceitedly

through personal malicious mishaps

resulting in a horrendous mortality while his scarlet gents

shy away with their handicaps.

The SCOTUS damns this process as maleficence

producing a decree of the second degree

waiting for the cessation of his rule preparing hand-cuffs

as a guillotine will end his hypocrisy.

Consumed from himself he let humans gratuitously perish, so crude and laisezz-faire

declaring his noninvolvement as chic

though he replaced laeadership with his doctrinaire.


Demure David And His Escapades

Curiously viewing over the crowd his eyes wandered to a flaming redhead.

He grappled for words as his speech left him and his heart was throbbing.

Notwithstanding he couldn’t pull the trigger to approach her instead

he embarrassingly dropped his glasses and the dame crushed them robbing

him from his sight as he stumbled into her looking as if it wasn’t intentional.

She was annoyed with his clumsiness and departed in total frustration

whispering an insult keeping her distance from the poor and barrenspirited.

Her stature was elegant resembling a costly queen or well-pampered thoroughbred.

Our demure David decided his baffling trick was not worthy or representable

and conjured up a theory for his next rendezvous nevertheless not being disquieted

with his somewhat obviously futile attempt for a feminine familiarization.

He wrung his sweaty hands and prepared himself for his next idiotic charade.

Where did David conceive his thoughts in such a manner as if they were inbred.

They were ready to be executed sarcastically marching in a harlequin’s parade.

He was as uncanny as they come with his ingeniously planned programs to upset

the apple cart of normalcy being the laughing stock of the cumbersome and disarrayed.

One early evening he received an offer to barkeep for a high societal congregation

of up and coming yuppies who were stealthily laying the groundwork for a cannonade.

These young entrepreneurs were members of Illuminati camouflaged as cadets

though separatists conniving their influence with a silver spoon acting to hoodwink

all into believing they were fine citizens holding virtues highly with their masquerade.

He decided to destroy the propriety of the upper class disrupting their etiquette.

He spiked their cocktails slightly and began to crossfire with a questionnaire

of their true intent discovering of course their origin and calling the authorities.

The sirens blew and the arrests were warranted as the clan was caught in their affair

and transported to the constable for further inspection in the course of priorities.

David was proud and once again saved from his own unblemished and demure nature.

He called himself a cellophane man who everyone simple evaded as no necessity

for the Earthly inhabitants who scurried stressfully in conquest of their procedure.

Therefore he endured the avoidance however embodied the wish for recognition

and concocted theorems to receive this profound desire and raise his demeanor.

Consequently he disposed his environment to actualize his next thrilling expedition

as he shyly cringed through a pompous entourage to realize his next adventure.

This would be the ultimatum of the century as demure David set his course impeccably

on confusing the speech of a counselor by building a sound system which would nurture

the voice of a pestilent child heckling and imitating an overbearingly demonstrative orator.

The presentation began and suddenly a child’s voice screamed down from the firmament.

The counselor then jutted and jerked wondering where in the hell was this opposition.

He properly continued and as he tripped over a line David pulled off his next escapade.

He exemplified an infuriating commentary of insults bringing derangement as a detriment.

The narrator through in his towel and crawled from his stage in resentment and humiliation.

David and his cohorts thrived in laughter overcome in an ecstasy of black humor made

in the subconscious of this mishap who needed kicks at the expense of his own merriment.


Detrimental Deflections And Remorseful Reflections

We are submerged in an era of excessively detrimental deflections

For example outrageously firing the intelligent community watchdogs

Trying to bury their importance on a Friday evening of Holy Sabbath

while mounting the problematic brings all Christians to genuflexions.

Packing the portions for McRib from the poor slaughtering of hogs

has left an example of the horrendous precautions in aftermath.

Blabbering like a tincture salesman is our man with no introspection

merely throwing off the cuff extemporizing his obnoxious blogs.

Pressing his obsessively laborious scams by pointing his fingers

paradoxically paranoid distrustful of his own shadow, a psychopath.

Holding his cabinet meetings distracting all who gingerly linger

destructively brainwashing his lackeys while ending with no epilogue.

Heed the warnings of his dangerous misappropriations which injure

our grasp of the predicament why hoodlums are in insurrection.

Raising out of the rubble with misconstrued anger which adjourns

susceptibility bringing raucous’ with misguided demagogues.

His attempts shrewdly blind the media confusing circumspection

while the intelligential aspects will be disbanded and won’t sojourn.

Our executive in chief is derailed stumbling insanely over his jargon

searching for a facsimile nevertheless there is no true analogue.

His blonde wig is waving in the wind seeking farcically for a bargain

repressively impervious stoically steadfast he’s devoid of all affection.

Submerged in his superfluous importance he exhibits his chosen pettifog

stirring dust to eclipse all into a sinister mess freeing an accused perjurer.

Then sarcastically adding to his list a corrupt campaign consultant

claiming mercy for his closed quarters as reason for his release.

Could this be because of Pompeii the Vesuvius showing the crease

in hiding the arms sale to Saudi where this meatball is not reluctant.

While our Attorney General displayed his cold-hearted intervention

forgetting his quest to demise Mueller by collaborating with Australia.

Off with the masks for our Prez has nothing to hide with his dialogue

with Rootie Kazootie blowing off with bluster his Russian regalia.

Yes we have old baggage with corpses in the cellar with an attendant

covering the evidence of many lost cases, our remorseful reflections.

Controlling the courts of injustices with a partisan hatred of peace

concealing his crumby businesses from the IRS for his own protection.

Checking his pockets for his slanderous nightmarish mismanagement

regardless of wasting opportunities while misplacing his paraphernalia.

Notwithstanding pushing blame on whoever being obviously nonchalant

while stinking up the recovery opening Pandora’s Box being so negligent.

Additionally the demonstration by our treasury of an apathetic arrogant

characterization of no checks on the necessity for a humane reemployment.

When will his reality theater finally pull up its rug and rightfully disease.

Or will our badgered population chose to wander obliviously in amnesia.


Disqualification of a Bumbling Baboon

Fond in my memory is the hilarious enjoyment of our Saturday morning cartoons.

I have now savored the moment of the disqualification of a bumbling baboon.

Insidiously recommending his pipe dreams of a wonder cure hydroxychoroquine

with lobbyist control and inside trading motivated Dr. Bright to rudely intervene.

This gentleman was hence dismissed for his critique of this perilous assumption

warning of the dangers throwing doubt upon the Prez’s horrid presumptions.

Demoted for his courageousness because our retarded dimwit was insulted

regarding his decisiveness, being embolden to correct what had resulted.

Blurting into his microphone claiming the entire reporters are fake news

although they have directly confronted his supposed lack of bugaboos.

Grimacing gladly he paints a rosy picture of his morbid macabre heresy

contending the disappearance of this nightmarish era without a remedy.

Recently brooding insecurely he stood completely hapless and obsessed

repeatedly scornful, scoffing anyone who would happen to be unimpressed.

Playing with two sides of the sword suggesting quarantine and sheltering

while tweeting states to think of liberating as the atmosphere is sweltering.

Like a rebellious child he dismantled the meticulous work of his predecessor.

only out of an illogical jealousy, taking on the role of an hideous suppressor.

The bipartisan intelligence community has finally closed the earlier case

of Russian interference where our self-consumed fool has lost his bloody face.

Feeling some sorry sentiments for the partners of the keystone cops and clerks

who dimly are the task force especially Tony Fauci and lovely Deborah Birx.

An exemplar of a cavernous stupidity was the incident of ultra-violet rays

with an injection of disinfectants to ward off the viral march and disarray.

This was the crux of an adjudication damning his ignorance and deception

wondering if his exoneration was an embarrassment omitting the indiscretion.

His lackeys are trembling for their profession is at risk as they are treading waters

without a rudder swallowing their pride as they are waiting for the next orders.

Calling for Independence Day with the Blue Angel’s and Thunderbird’s aerial parade

presenting an out of date memorial for our medical front line heroic war brigade.

Our quarterback’s brand of leadership has faltered immensely with malevolence

and heartlessness so injurious for our senior citizens full of benign benevolence.

No reply to our destitute governors who wait patiently for some assistance

especially if they lament in uncertainty being enraged and showing resistance.

The Jack Daniel Derby master, the speaker of the Senate, pleads for state bankruptcy

while conceding no blue state bailouts, amidst this crisis, is pure repugnancy.

Playing a round of golf while grooving with Georgy Porgie’s funky Savoy Truffle

planning in his iniquitous head how he will muster his next fuss or kerfuffle.

So now we stand at the crossroads with our Prez’s infantile but flagrant behaviour.

Maybe Ma Barker will resurrect and implore him for a saw-offed shotgun and a favor.


Unleashing the Angel of Death

Prioritizing the misers, the brokers and lobbyist’s economy

Leaving the inevitable disaster with an illogical anomaly

Pleading with reporters to exercise politeness in dismay

while distress has risen as the normal order of the day.

Testing is essential for controlling this grievous angel of death

who will usurp our heavenly gift of birth, our very first breathe.

Outrageously falsifying the urgency by trivializing the public dilemma

We’re imploring for mercy to resolve this heartless aimless agenda.

The irrational red tape left laboratories and us all highly vulnerable

though the coming results were petrifying and painfully unutterable.

Bureaucracy took the upper hand although by dragging their feet

they’re dragging the nation to a halt and an unpreventable defeat.

Sin city is in pandemonium whereas their fervor will never falter

to raise our desiderata beyond the skies as they clutch their holy psalter.

Beseeching the realms of comfort for relief and a desired sweet release

although we feel deserted we needn’t squeal as we scornfully beg please.

Unleashing the angel of death as she sweeps across the open prairie

Praying for a cessation with our rosaries to our blessed Mother Mary

Where is the pope with some words of courage and righteous blame?

We only need to cling to our saviour Jesus by praising his Holy Name.

Let our Holy Spirit guide us through this insidious treacherous era

calming our horrific solicitude through this nightmarish chimera.

The complete ineffectiveness of this crippled regime in charge

has invited this monstrous mayhem and the panic we have at large.

There is a quote calling it America’s exceptionalism’s tragic turn

leaving all normalcy to the devil as this pandemic uncontrollably burns.

The lack of precautionary measures is an absolute iniquitous fiasco

by replacing the imperatives with no rationally acceptable de facto.

By the living God we are blindly unleashing the angel of death

with simply sinister methods used by our own form of Macbeth.

Full of ambition to be without restraint is our unduly Prez

listening only to his childhood conscious and what it sadly says.

The gang of nitwits who voted against a trial with witnesses

disrupted a natural dismissal of his unauthorized businesses.

Whatever happened to the revelation of Mr. Jonathan Bolton?

All of the impeachment is forgotten in these times so golden.

Anyone may receive a test was a hideously cruel and bitter hoax

raising the eyebrows of many as sympathetic feelings this evokes.

Loosing trust in our commander with his baseless pretentious hope

Now many are evading his false pledges while he’s playing rope-a-dope.

The wish for an immunity and survival is so preciously held in our heart

Though ignorance is unleashing the angel of death as so many must depart

Unfortunately irresponsibly Washington created a caricature of insufficiency

Stumbling blocks for prompt action was the result quite consequentially.

I wish to convey my consolations to my culture of rhythm and blues

Giving my ardent passionate wishes for fulfillment of the dreams you choose

May the guardians of our Counselor protect our innocence and naïve gullibility

and offer us deliverance with God’s caress to save our heartfelt susceptibility.


Throwing a Pipe Dream Up For Grabs

Official condemnation of malintent utilizing blatant misinformation

is a candid approach in clarifying the source of our miscomprehension.

Destroying a logical reasoning by hording and victimizing believability

is perfect for an absence of a personal thought process conjuring gullibility.

Using the techniques of a tincture salesman claiming his wonder drug

will heal a woesome world which is overdone with stress and tension.

A KGB agent with a fantasy for falsehoods behaves like the coyest thug

with an exploding cigar intentionally throwing a pipe dream up for grabs.

The backwoods lackeys are repeating his propaganda in complete culpability

to a conceited self-admiring blatant bimbo who is our token equivocator.

Constantly devoid of guilt he replaces reality with a despondent view so drab

resulting in devising a grotesque kangaroo court of subservience and detention.

A kindergarten revokes this style of atmospheric pollution with annihilation

so wholesale for this goes against the grain of decency and basic normality.

These solicitors of this embarrassment needn’t view into their mirror to stab

and irk themselves for they are guided by a master whose shoulders shrug.

Inviting calumny with slander to distract an audience this horrific malefactor

attempts to take hold of the ignoramuses who all shout his ugly intentions.

The great leader of the free world has erected detainment camps to nab

any dissidents who disagree with his sermons of hate and intolerance.

He does bellow his misconstrued statements which irritate both poets and actors

who speak a warning of demise as he is throwing a pipe dream up for grabs.

Ignoring the arctic dilemma while loosening the constraints on the prevention

of absolute destructive forces on our climate with tornadoes and turbulence.

Hence his nonscientific references to fracking and firewater as a benefactor

reiterates the necessity for our holders of truth to obtain our viability.

Through true qualifications the impostors will be certainly exposed as factors

lie in perfect balance as the philanthropists will save us from dominance.

A Robin Hood will balance his arrow of justice as the foolhardy pinch and stab.

The angelic voices will whisper into the ears of the honest and innocence

will be reborn for the unblemished will conquer anxiety and apprehension.

We will flip the flapjack baking mildly the alternative as the great detractor

presents his argument to obtain a clear-headedness concluding with inference.

Accordingly the pleasure of an intelligent deduction will manifest a transactor

to alleviate the possibility of the farce of throwing up a pipe dream up for grabs.


Sociopathic Egocentricity

Ordinarily the unattractiveness of invariably seeking the spotlight

precipitates avoidance and the absolute rejection of attention.

Nonetheless reality television presented the ultimate highlight.

A platform for an individual plagued with sociopathic egocentricity.

This idiom has the reputation of intending to embarrass and humiliate

hosted by untalented ludicrous figures posing as true celebrities

notoriously glamorizing foolhardiness, idiocy and utter vulgarity.

Taking stage with an obliquely rude comment to totally disintegrate

sincerity twisting a spin with misleading diversions and chicanery.

Bungling up the works with contortions and a wrench in the machinery

leaving an orangutang more creditable with his attempts to regenerate.

Demonstratively dominating his regiments highly hectic and impolite

seems to expedite the senselessness into the horrors of detention.

Compelling no urgency while his legions are falling he reiterates

his fatuities while protruding his lips of lies and malintentions.

His irreligious manual movements without a smidgeon of charisma

brings chills down my spine as this insignificancy is so contrite.

Accusing with unwarranted malice the undefiled to dissimulate

the obvious with a wild goose chase to his haven of this stigma.

The self-constructed lawlessness is an unfathomable condescension

stupefying normalcy with the sycophants exercising their thievery.

Fact checking is a predicament for analysts revealing the enigma

as a farce for the unconscious cronies exhibiting their imbecilities.

Notwithstanding the incorrigible fruitcakes begin to deteriorate

the very essence of righteousness while not respecting our dilemma.

Complaining over gubernatorial courageousness he regurgitates

insults while calling the citizens to revolt and siege their principalities.

Although full in fault our celebrity taunts with a partisan parole

to assist the reelection of his abominably nonfunctional agenda.

Engulfed in his diluted worth he acclaims his ultimate stronghold

unimpeded from Congress demolishing the American dream in its entirety.

This poor being premeditatedly manipulates his selfish abasing intentions

for he is a lost soul in search of recognition since he was only three years old.

Watching from my crow’s nest the delivering of many distorted referenda

I hold my breath praying to Jude to emancipate us from modern treachery.

As all of Abraham’s angels greet the cherubs the mystery will surely unfold

the restoring of our meaningful life as our race was born to congregate.

Accompanying the many fates of our friends we implore the Gods to abate

these arduous times with sensitivity and a heartfelt wish of divinity.

Heeding our burdensome moments as a profound awareness we elate

to cherish our brotherhood while we prepare congenially in dignity.

Facilitate as well the personal sacrifice of healing sociopaths with a multifold

of enthusiastic tolerance deflating their balloons of false superiority.

Gleaming your power through the prism of love and humanistic equity

while sharing our Earth in its beatific majesty will reach a celestial supervention.

This leaves every impostor hanging his socks out on the line quite immensely irate

and discomforted as karma will ultimately be our blessed decisive intervention.


Revolution of Reconstitution

Human dignity is the opening of a viable propriety

Eclecticism means a myriad of diverse possibilities

accessing a path toward an enlightened loving society.

The acceptance of an illogical process is an imposition

we strongly reject offering aspiring decisions and abilities.

The deafness of the majority in Senate is atrociously appalling.

Nonetheless we keep imploring our message overhauling

the systematic annihilation which is the root of our anxiety.

Our voices are reaching all citizens of conscious with a demeanor

of patience internally invocating the eternal powers of divinity.

Racist’s karma will be ratified after 400 years of blasphemy

disregarding the basic principles of our protective Counselor.

Exerting forward demonstrating our egregious grievances

while a choir of harmonious angels cantillate a rhapsody.

Hallowed are our words announcing the coming remedy!.

Substantiated by a broad reinforcement we challenge

the status quo with rethinking their spiritual calling.

The preciousness of existence gives us the priority

to acclaim the fundamental values of pure survival.

We scoff as peacemakers the limitations of simple revenge.

Exchanging the virtues of our collective our affinity

is evident expressing the joys of our common inheritance.

Dismounting the insult to injury to announce the arrival

of discernment declaring our independence and perspicacity.

Questioning the merits of an irrational baseless authority

dragging ruthlessly our compatriots under their rivals.

The relentlessness of our massive burgeoning reconstitution

ring the bells of freedom proclaiming our revolution.

Mahatma’s theory of a peaceful form of civil disobedience

disrupts the idiotic brutality setting up our holy revival.

Watching the passing of time with a constant vocal barrage

is the compliment of pressure for our ultimate defiance.

We protesters are oblivious to untruths and espionage

irritating our path to a valid philosophy and solution.

This procedure is a grave necessity to precipitate integrity

during a global crisis as mankind beseeches for equivalence.

The predecessors of our metaphysics approach the infinity

of empathy with a shining aura appearing in their countenance.

Their celestial appearance will evaporate the pernicious mirage

which engulfs us while we pursue our goals with audacity.

In the aftermath of our fires which burnt brightly the embers

will smolder giving the phoenix its wings of perseverance.

With the perception of the emblem of consistency our entourage

presents emphasizes our projection of diversified members.

All ages, all races, all genders accentuate our chances and capacity

for transformation which endures through our honest radiance.

Acclaiming victoriously enhancedly we enunciate our exuberance

resounding to the Himalayas echoing upward for all to remember.

This instance we will capture as it resonates the halls of eternity

gifting us with acquiescence identifying our deserved recognizance.


Perversion of a Competitive Capitalism

Being born with scruples is necessary for a functioning conscious.

A lackadaisical approach to a grave problem is severely noxious

especially when amorally profiting from this insidious quandary.

Life upon this planet is a priceless experience through conception

arriving inexplicably from a celestial habitat quite contrarily.

Through the unblemished souls of infants we have the perception

to counsel our diversions and reaffirm our prospects as rapturous.

Notwithstanding greed has dominated the landscape customarily

leaving a trajectory of inhumanity neglecting common love forsooth.

The miserly exhibit their ruthless blood money so cold and calloused

during this exigency by high bidding items and concealing the truth.

They pit the forlorn and helpless against each other with their ungenerous

methods of disregarding decency while our brothers and sisters depart.

Stealing the moment of an axiomatic principle of general concern

by substituting a savage misconduct so disgustingly ravenous.

The angels of sympathy are the heartfelt, who invariably sojourn,

the front line respondents who unremittingly pray and sooth.

Each requires admiration, from the assistants to the counterpart

as they grapple with exasperation overwhelmed and timorous.

The alibi of an open market is inexcusable, horrifically hideous

while the viral hidden enemy marches without a lion’s heart.

These dividends should be confiscated and the circus adjourned

with a five-star general redistributing it to the humane and virtuous.

This obviously reveals the shortcomings of competitive capitalism.

The proceeding perplexity hopefully is devoid of perverse malice

with a recognition of life as precious and the only steadfast priority.

The obliteration of sensitivity for the unethical promotion of barbarism

will be met dismissing the despicable with fervor and absolute authority.

We chant “au corant” as our gullibility is misused to exhibit wisdom

overriding iniquity to preserve our innocence held in God’s palace.

The reprehensibility of this behaviour is a representation of charlatanism

reeking with a satanic stench unspeakably gruesome and venomous.

The perversion of a competitive capitalism is a seductive nihilism

which unwarily captures these brokers and salesmen lost and oblivious.

Perhaps not a fault of their own for they are propagandized with a phallus

being injected brainwashed from a pitiless system so overly rancorous.

It is time to instill a dose of righteousness through lessons in catechism

to find a code of practice which brings rebirth for our sumptuous minority.

As many take the stairwell through the galaxies they separate from schism

rejoining their ancestral family as to the bosom of Abraham they return.


Egomania Disrupts Relief

The cheerleader of our nation has blurted through his megaphone

his phrases of recovery sounding demonstratively monarchical.

Pointing aggressively to younger female reporters with a tone

of oppression steaming under his collar overwhelmingly fanatical.

Devoid of all necessities for reducing our macabre calamity

as the spiking is relentless gambling lives for the bureaucratical.

Denying the importance of our vital Defense Production Act

leaving capability squandered as Manhattan swallows tragedy.

In the hospital where our monarch was born is the horrific impact

to be witnessed as heroics are performed though he omits strategy.

The results of excluding verification and tests defies logic and sanity

as this viral infection marches while mankind has no chance to retroact.

The inequality of the victims reveals a tendency of a sociological

imbalance hidden secretly for decades vile and exhibiting inhumanity.

These discrepancies must be discussed why this unfortunate systematical

misuse has been allowed to exists in our republic avoided and untracked.

Improvising blatant jargon while fumbling a sense of rationale is satirical

for it serves only his survival while blaming the situation as unforeknown

although an entire staff cautioned him of the grim and diabolical.

Being confronted with inquiries answering dumbfounded in absurdity

while claiming the federal government sits irremovably on its throne.

Opening the gates prematurely for the economic high horses is stupidity

possibly dangerously stampeding our environment with the emphatical.

Scientists are wary of the solicitation of a fierce nose to the grindstone

which disregards the beauty of idleness as we abide to peace and serenity.

The seething of Fifth Avenue has paused at 42nd Street as the elliptical

course encircles the library while Bryant Park lies silent in gentility.

As the solemnity captures the hearts and spirits of our cornerstone

we reflect the quiescence which holds us comforted in chastity.

We needn’t allow ourselves to be politically bullied as sweet placidity

encompasses our awareness mastering mitigation scattered and bestrown.

Ignoring the jabberwocky as we evade disinformation; Quite typical

as the order of the day trying to scramble and stress us with animosity.

Our Native Americans were infected from the Black Rats of London. Known

were malaria, small pox and cholera. Now the pandemic is the radical.

The Feds want no misfortune although they’ve created a pandemonium

stirring up their gibberish inside a barrel of rubbish they think is tactical.

Once again we are confronted with mendaciously ruthless talk we must bemoan.

The task force holds the microphone and all journalists cringe in disbelief.

Their attempts at blaming others is a detour from their pompous podium

nonetheless Noam is waiting to deliver his most ardent speech and symposium.

Also admonishing the melting of the sheets of Greenland and the polar zone

as more humongous than the plague damning us to destruction and futility.

So we send our invocations to the Gods of the Universe to protect us from grief

beseeching them to heal the badgered soul of our leader absent of wisdom

healing him from his selfishness and narcissism as egomania disrupts relief.


Enthusiatic Egomaniac

Bursting on the scene with an electrifying fervor

Ripe for taking on any undertaking or venture

Clearheaded in his perspective the magical preserver

of an optimistic demeanor is filled with an absolute splendor.

Always astute and resolute his forthright style

of presenting his purpose overflows like a windfall.

The aura he emits glows shining with charisma

as a rainbow appears always with every single smile.

Nonetheless the dreary world is seemingly appalled

from him creating a puzzling jealousy hidden in an enigma.

With a cynicism and disbelief our man receives a stigma

because his individuality is unwarranted amongst pretender.

A skeptic cannot fathom the talents of this diplomat

who boils with intensity determined to keep his nature.

He retains contagious thoughts hence he won’t surrender

to mediocrity obsessed with perfection and the superb.

The critique is absurd for this sophisticated aristocrat

possessing the wit of a harlequin is totally unperturbed.

Consequently he is irreproachably immune to distract

himself with his sacrosanct mission for an obvious cure.

Rattling the elite with their impoliteness to render

their latitudes incomprehensible and impossible to endure.

Spilling the beans of their well-kept secrets to engender

an unpleasant unabated relentlessness for the pure.

Vigilante of a celestial choir he is the reprehender

chastising the babbling fools into the obscure.

Recognizing the preposterous propagators of injustice

he buckles over to calmly confuse and to counteract

the negativity with a blustery breeze so luscious.

Demonstrating in front of a beaming crowd at the market square

inspiring their lust to taste the optimal and the delicious.

The directionless attitude of a stressful state is to be bewared.

This is the methodology of brainwash instead of self-esteem.

Once this prerequisite in firmly in place and totally intact

we can separate ourselves and beget our reality with dreams.

Yes the insistence on being able to regenerate and react

to our own thinking process is the essence of a truthful scheme.

This playful musketeer, our suspected jovial enthusiastic egomaniac,

has a blessed outpouring awakening us with an art so debonair.

We should open our hearts to find selflove and our warmth we will share

guided by self-realization and a magnet which relentlessly will attract.

Heaven has gifted us to shine our torch as we exude the supreme

to heal the forlorn and trampled. Our credence to the positive

will never yield to disappointment as our white witchery impacts

our surroundings with exuberance for the absolute imperative.

Reflecting upon the exemplification of our enthusiastic egomaniac

we are challenged with his humanistic magnanimity and collective.

With his openness he emboldens our spirits to finally enact

the spiritual unity of mind and soul. Through his optimism an affective

genesis springs forth bringing a personal revelation to extract

newly-born emotions to assist our journey with the introspective

insight transporting our consciousness. We can certainly redeem

our balance guided through his assurance and our never taken back

with the mimic and personality of our mentor with his bombastic gestures.

His impartiality and passion for the pursuit of happiness interacts

and furthers our hope. God bless you our enthusiastic egomaniac.


Executive of Divisiveness

Praising our defeat of the threat of nationalistic Nazism

Then jumping to our toppling of nihilistic Communism

The missing link was the cooperation with comrade Stalin

and mentioning not perhaps your bizarre affinity with Putin.

Claiming thereafter we chased the Islamic terrorists

to the last corner of the Earth forgetting Vietnam.

In one cool breath you feel justified being a bigoted racist

nonetheless the Saudis you greet with a hypocritical salaam.

Ludicrously the Americans who happen to think otherwise

will be addressed as “You” and simply radical Marxists.

Insulting their mission and labeling them anarchists

agitators and looters who rightfully wish your demise.

Making no distinction between statues of the Confederates

and our other righteous forefathers he decides to twist

our demonstrators as a form of left-wing fascism.

Declaring they want a unquestionable allegiance

creating an alternative language and performing rituals

reciting mantras while propagating through journalism.

They force their commandments as totally indisputable

then they will censor you , banish you and tyrannize

your freedoms then punish and persecute you with fanaticism.

Nonetheless our Executive of divisiveness shows intolerance

projecting himself as repulsively heartless and entirely cruel.

The very first amendment of our constitution is to realize

the choice of free assembly for the expression of grievance.

Hence the usage of military force to exert a blatant schism

attacking peaceful efforts to manifest this is pure dominance.

Calling for a cessation of police brutality is for the mutual

community a blessing and for liberty completely irrefutable.

In memorial we cherish the memory of gentle George Floyd

as equity is our goal with the replenishment of resistance.

Our Prez is pronouncing his decrees and is thoroughly devoid

of sensitivity confirming the protesters are without perspective.

Spewing falsehoods meaning they have developed obscured virtues

with distorted facts purging history disfigured beyond recognizance.

Incessantly undermining the reformation of our concepts we pursue

the acknowledgement of our hopes with dignity irrespective

of being second-class in the eyes of corruption and dissonance.

He insists on clamoring constantly ridiculing the youth with abstruse

comments about even children being taught hatred with a semblance

of overriding unpatriotic tendencies acting like brainwashed humanoids.

Even substituting decency asserting the street crowd has destroyed

and defiled the American heritage which is wholeheartedly unsuitable.

Your critiques of 80 percent of your citizens will bring the remembrance

of witness intimidation, you screaming hoax and all your absurd decoys.

Shaking down like a mobster your Ukrainian colleague is irretrievable

with an unfortunate whistle-blower and the firing all you did employ.

Unhinged asking Jinping for assistance in your reelection with residuals

in your failed trade deal with a Mexican wall with a cage and female toys.

Soon the day will arrive announcing your disposal with no tangible

escape as SCOTUS orders you in hand-cuffs for your evil finance.

Your skeletons in the cellar will resurrect with books you can’t avoid

explaining your complicity enabling the resolution of a heavy ordinance.

Unambiguously you will be treated justly like a meandering anthropoid

searching for a comfortable incarceration forlorn without extravagance.

Then your jargon will be swallowed and realized as contemptible

leaving your fate in a shambles being despised in discountenance.


General „Ducky“ Custer

Our wartime Prez has his hands full lying like a equivocator

Hiding behind his desk while subtracting with his calculator

Calling out a female reporter with an abacus and a question

barking with indignity leaving the stage with indigestion.

Losing hope as the Native Americans express their outrage

remembering the Battle of Greasy Grass as we turn the page.

Trying to force the issue by opening up the sultry south

nonetheless the Alamo has left him with a cottonmouth.

Still claiming he's barricaded the borders to make us sure

while the hidden enemy is lurking underneath his furniture.

His doctors and professionals have decided to quarantine

keeping away from embarrassment and his sickening scene.

The senate has listened to their very unambiguous statements

while his other enemy is sheltering in his modern basement.

Blustering about testing although many soldiers all hang dry

waiting for a special czar to shout his orders made to mortify.

Our general's ears are stuffed full with some Quaker's oats

as he crosses the Delaware waving at the navy's rescue boats.

Thinking he is exempt protected by the constitution

which he has never read bringing all in convolution.

As he was a private he was honored a silver spoon

notwithstanding he has never become much of a tycoon.

Forthcoming is knowledge of his massive foreign debts

while the Chinamen have him hiding in his silhouette.

Wondering whether Kim is still threatening with a bomb

Secretly chatting with Salman of Saudi with a sweet salaam

Claiming that Obamagate was a most miserable unethical scam

only to distract his base who scream in disbelief "God Damn".

Now he's hiding in the bushes while Crazy Horse does prepare

to yank down his pants as Sitting Bull blocks the thoroughfare.

Caught helpless in a valley of gorgeous fields of columbine

trying to wash the Sioux's faces with some borrowed turpentine.

Surrounded on the hillside by a regiment of angry Cheyenne

our wartime Prez is outnumbered and being called a charlatan.

Dipping into his pockets spending only his smaller change

ranting deliriously stirring dust acting absurdly deranged.

As the unseen thief of life takes on its next feeble victim

Ducky quacks another falsehood selling it as a dictum.

Imagining he can win an election simply with economics

averting attention away from others totally autonomic.

His polls are falling into a cellar where he may not recover

He should find recluse with Melania, his haughty Slavic lover.

Time will tell if he repeats this evil old hapless Custer

known for Custer's last stand as he tried a failed filibuster.

Mournfully aching showing no recognizable emotion

playing the bully while the Supreme Court is in motion.

He plays Paul Bunyan lumberjacking chopping with multiple axes

as Congress goes at him again because of his most private taxes.

So we end this parody with a remembrance of exaggeration

which reaches the GOP as it stumbles in total exasperation.


Nastily Narcissitic

Looking in the mirror until your ears are profusely bleeding

Forthcoming is denunciation with some horrific proceedings

Avoiding condemnation is a pipe-dream left in your pageants

There will be little doubt of your contrition or congress’ malcontents

Lost in the clouds with your undeviatingly hideous fascistic remarks

Never perturbing the party’s base while leaving them in the dark

Completely illogically twisting reality with a grimace and a frown

Laughing like a scarecrow, your profession should have been a clown

Nonetheless your rhetoric elicits only a sarcastically somber laugh

Teaching your brainless simpletons to worship the golden calf

Sneering at all decency and conjuring up an unbelievable fable

Bringing the buffoons and oligarchs all to your impious table

Laundering your exchanges with your hotels at the Red Square

Infiltrating for personal gains while hiding in Ben Hur’s underwear

Surrounding your borders with the National Guard hiding your guilt

Monstrously plundering niceties ranting madly with dirt and filth

Consumed by adolescence in your behavioral style of lawlessness

However there is no principle to whack your buttocks of worthlessness

Screaming about noncitizens although your wife is a Slavic queen

Your color is a rosy pink like a piggish self-centered swine who’d intervene

It has been proclaimed essentially you are an unindicted coconspirator

Culpable of abuse of your campaign as your lawyer sits in an incubator

Fantasizing while counting sugar plums inaccurately claiming exoneration

It is only a question of endurance before your ultimate total damnation

Perhaps it would behoove you to discontinue your ghastly rude harassment

Reflecting on Moses’ tablets with the burning bush and the Ten Commandments

Redemption is retrieval which no hound barking, like your repulsively evil crowds,

ever will reach because your conceited attitude will remain till you’re disavowed.

Hence your theater is a Class Z show angering the house to breach a disagreement

furthering a unanimous decision resulting in your well-deserved impeachment.

A breakdown is not foreseen for your emotions are calloused and nonexistent

as you will be asked to leave willingly proudly marching into imprisonment.

Playing chess with the inmates listening to Elvis like the adorable Juliet Jake

Claiming as always the reports were falsified taking the tag of news which was fake

Still he walks staggering as a free man into his twilight after a Waterloo Sunset

Soaking my pen in ink and dabbing it lightly on the page of this soothing couplet.

Stealthily whispering to Melania about his blunders which are suddenly tumbling

he sits alone and stares at the wall awkwardly fumbling while his world is crumbling.


Malfunctional Thugocracy

Stealthily sneaking your unheralded evil thugs without badges

born from the underworld while lighting their stinking matches.

Grinning sadistically with their emerging ewe-like butting horns

shooting their pellets at anyone who’s angry or shamelessly scorns.

Slamming their shields against reporters protruding their billy clubs

leaving an old man bleeding praising their good god Beelzebub.

Sent to the streets of the capitol for the Prez was highly insulted

practicing his unattested power although a revolution has resulted.

His approval ratings are suffering while utilizing systemic injustice

while his henchman are lined up exhibiting their political cowardice.

Insidiously exercising on the streets spewing their repulsive hatred

while Donnie stands sacrilegiously waving our Holy Book so sacred.

Shocking the Episcopalians who start praying for angelic advice

during the hypocrites are discussing their iniquitous use of vice.

Apparently our commander in chief was a victim of low timidity

by hiding with his spouse and kid in a bunker with higher humidity.

Conspiring with his Attorney General to start an illegal private militia

counting his days for they are numbered. Let him sleep without insomnia.

Standing like a sergeant ordering autocratically his entire chain of command

sitting alone while voices creep into his head which ruthlessly reprimand.

Hiding behind his barricades to keep sense from entering his weary brain

looking completely dismayed as the demonstrations do steadfastly remain.

Because of DC’s lack of statehood he has brought in smokies from the south

who patrol in the light of all discrepancies which fall out of his bloody mouth.

As we witness the embarrassing idiocy of these cops with ominous décor

we ask the elegant Mayor why her 4000 officers are left to watch the war.

Our hopes for a respectful and empathic reply have disappeared in indignity

counting the days until we can emancipate ourselves from his horrific tyranny.

The demonstrators have displayed their right to express their solemn grievance

peacefully petitioning nonetheless being subjected to a state-sanctioned violence.

A looming decree of malicious intent has been wished from our hungry adversaries

destroying our constitution while dividing and conquering with ghostly mercenaries.

As the pandemic rears its ugly head the younger compatriots risk their precious health

while the misers and famous are irresponsibly mum rolling like hyenas in their wealth.

The courageousness has come from retired men of arms who share their concern

exclaiming persistently that this procedure must be consequentially overturned.

The falsehoods have assembled to define an alternative prism of unreality

which forcibly dominates our thinking process provoking an atrocious calamity.

Hence the values and virtues of our culture became an antithetical democracy

until we raise our awareness of the bitter misuse of a malfunctional thugocracy.


Irrationality of Prejudice

Two phrases of importance come to mind

We are not at fault for our genetic origin

All born from the Love of God’s humankind

like a melodious passion from a violin.

Comforted by the breasts of our mothers

as she caressed us with warmth and security.

No different whether rich or impoverished

we are chosen to be amongst each other.

Wide-eyed with our innocence unblemished

we hold respect for our neighbor in purity.

Why then arises this embittered intolerable hate?

Through sympathetic eyes we can replenish

the appearance of talented latitudinarians.

They deliver tolerance to gratefully illustrate

the recognition of one’s self-worth as priority.

Hence holding confidence for poor plebeians

for furtherance to realize their lives to cherish.

Relieving the inner turmoil of inferiority

while reaching a fruition through good Samaritans.

Remaining however humble as well as steadfast

to our collective deploring the iniquitous disparity.

Recollecting our heavenly gift the evil praetorian

will demise in shame then evaporate and vanquish.

The injustice will squander dissolve and dissipate

while the white-hooded racists are a thing of the past.

The demonstrators plead for a righteous equity

with the removal of the irrationality of prejudice.

A collaborative atmosphere can truly emancipate

us to a community of fulfillment and substance.

We cannot accept any form of vile superiority

for it perpetrates an ugly head of ignorance.

Let a view into our gorgeous universe to outlast

the shortcomings of a misdirected authority.

We will muster with creativity a metamorphosis

encircling our source of empathy with sincerity.

We are adept to develop our resources and tasks

to topple this outdated erroneous cowardice.

Antipathy is based on anxiety which often asks

an unanswerable question lost in inclarity.

The courageous response is the perfect remedy

claiming trust is a virtue of the downcast.

The useless exacerbation exists in a lost identity

to be found in our memory with growing genesis.

Holding the torch to the wind brings prosperity

against all odds to rediscover ourselves unsurpassed.

Regaining our childhood’s enthusiasm is a rarity

we must all strive for as a prerequisite with emphasis.

Needless hesitation will be chased without remiss

into the doldrums of uselessness and irregularity.

There is here a hidden truth with an obvious purpose

to exemplify the angelic nature to bring the antithesis.

Abandoning hatred soothing the weak and harassed

bounteously charitably spreading light and verity.

Hence the plea with our hands stretching skyward

mankind presents fervently so convincingly lustrous.

We have risked our well-being expressing a byword.

Once again we soulfully plead for a righteous equity

with the removal of the irrationality of prejudice.

Indeed the moment of reconciliation and magnanimity

will fall upon us enabling growth through a chrysalis.


Injustices of Autocratic Racketeers

The cup has overfloweth while patience has been crudely inflamed!

The rage throughout the closing hours flies like the bats from hell

irrepressible toward the witching hours with the officers in their aim.

A blatant disregard for a precious freedom has ruthlessly compelled

the urchins to be derelicts disrespecting property as useless commodity.

Possessions dissipate for life has been stolen as they recklessly defame

our cities nonetheless this radicalization is no longer an oddity.

We have been forced to accept as a daily discourse lawlessness

from the higher courts as the attorney general with his cheap undersell

releases perjurers fabricating misinformation and glaringly false claims.

Through coercion our self-centered monster has asked for a favor

and reinstated through the Senate a debunked Burisma campaign.

A sociopathic apathetic reaction while tweeting screaming murder

has backfired like a tear gas pellet ripping his face much graver

for he’s lost it amidst his arrogance attempting to enact a frame.

As the blazes burn the atrocious grievances no one can savor

are shouted in unison of the authoritative abuse. This is the precursor

for the outcries of horror as the rebel resistance will be maintained.

We hear the deafening silence of the rich or holders of supposed fame

as they speechlessly observe the societal collapse like a petty persifleur.

The anarchy has been established as a narcissistic norm to acclaim

the economic boom which has been sent to an embarrassing shame.

Wall Street is crumbling while the premonitions of valid experts

has been avoided from Dr. Carroll to Lisa Monaco as a voyageur

in outer space has escaped this disgrace while a pandemic rages.

We are witnessing a cataclysmic eruption as the entrepreneurs

all hastens to hide their savings as the ancient Greek sages

call Cassandra to predict Yani’s new inauguration of networks.

The indisputable reality of the injustices of autocratic racketeers

has plundered decency as the insurgence begins the golden ages.

The chaos is the symptom of an irresponsible denial of solid science

preached from Tony Fauci and through the CSC, Doctress Messonier.

Even in his staff the trade secretary wrote him memos as reliance

on his leadership was necessary warning not to underplay these stages.

The situation is dire with rioting and contempt. The grotesque sphere

we all must scrutinize while waiting for the eloquence of our orators.

The appalling scenarios will continue to unfold as we scalded the frontier

creating the tornadoes over the prairie as Nature was the victim of defiance.

Unfortunately the nihilism of our Prez is the example for our musketeers

as they exemplify the erosion of truth and sobriety making an alliance

with his ideology of conspiracy, hypocrisy so corrupt and completely insincere.


Inaccuracy Brings Fallacy

Confronting the unreasonable with propriety

for our Prez’s popularity does quickly wean.

Spraying out recklessly his false optimism

off on a search for a contorted time machine.

Practicing promotion of a misdirected ostracism

excluding scientists while looking for a vaccine.

Made in America through his faulty cronyism

leaving all who criticize your blatant idiocy

as the qualified bystanders look on in dubiety.

Clutching to your power with sheer hypocrisy

dismantling our infrastructure with such impiety.

Illogic is reigning while you purge with feudalism

ousting competency within our fragile society,

who all suffer from a misuse of opiate codeine.

Like his new concept of speed as it twists and warps,

hectically ticking is the loss of a righteous sobriety.

Falsified are your predictions as Gates will subvene

many efficient laboratories to still the raising anxiety.

Devoid of sorrow while we witness another corpse

proceed to the next dimension as you show no remorse.

Ad libitum is your philosophy of opening up the states

presenting your sessions to hold on to your notoriety.

Firing the intelligence representatives which simply deviates

from rationale while your comrades you simply endorse.

You fumble through your advice and reject it will inaccuracy

causing a raucous and commotion producing a contrariety.

Heaven helps as all professors are whistling out the fallacy

as you trip over your words dismounting from your horse.

Your new pretty princess is a liar spewing her injustice

she an object of our imagination just a funny nullibiety.

You act like a boisterous bastard suffering from cowardice

destroying unification while dividing our feeble democracy.

Each of your followers is demising into a cavernous deep ravine

confused and mortified with a nonfunctional bureaucracy.

Disconcerting is the overly rampant march to morbidity

wishing for a change of events to revamp the old routine.

Instead we have no head nor tail as you possess no strategy

floating in outer space while the gremlins have a scheme.

Counseling you to avoid the truth to create a larger tragedy

questioning your motives, asking you if you have any self-esteem.

Running after your second term resolved in solemn subjectivity

engrossed in you autonomic lust reaching for a quixotic dream.

I wish you lots of luck foreshadowing your glorious success

while all artists and athletes wait for their peaches and cream.

It seems you require slumber as your drive your new activity

nonetheless your tweet incessantly spawning only distress.

Read the Laws of Einstein and jog at the speed of light

pursuing your warp in the search of some life and viability.

Perhaps you won’t lose your toupé in the dark of night

finding your path home although we have horrible visibility.


Hysterical Henrietta

Hysterical Henrietta wore some rose-colored glasses

blowing soap bubbles like a nervy rambunctious kid.

Scratching her fingers across a funky blackboard

sending chills up the spine. She has a talent and outdid

the entire competition being very thrilled to annoy.

All of her piggy-bank savings she tended to hoard.

So slimy and greedy she was not to be outbid

Greasy and gaudy with a plastic smile as she sasses

the children like a great-aunt who wore corduroy.

Please chic have mercy I can’t handle your attitude.

Slap me across the face because I was making passes

Leave me at the dime store because I’ve lost my poise

Maybe there I can chew some lickerish for my solitude

has long been misused. Barraged by filth and noise

until I start to disintegrate and at last I crumble.

Losing my balance and then my precious voice

for I know sooner or later I will be screwed.

Finding the nuts and bolts flying out a rumble

Hysterical Henrietta was my last and only choice

hoping for humor to help me with my platitude

Screaming at the top of my lungs to keep me humble

as I slung shot her pebbles which stuck in her molasses.

Her eyes did bulge with a surprise attack as she soared

like an albatross trying to land upon the grasses

of the lawn of a Duchess and Duke who were sadly bored.

Outraging the gardener who strangely pulled his sword

which Henrietta grabbed as she started to stumble.

Catching herself before she fell to graciously conclude

her status was honored and never to be destroyed.

She simply needed the confidence to pick and choose.

She then began to bellyache as she began to mumble

a prayer for she knew from here to China she was adored.

You better not tread her path. This you should avoid

for her secretive style of living will never fumble.

She is a free-winging bird born as a humanoid.

A hermaphrodite who loves sipping some booze

Demonstrative deserving respect pointing toward

the detour on the junction of a trapezoid.

I find her amusing as she flaunts and struts forward

leaving all her admirers in a proverbial jumble.

Hysterical Henrietta won’t take no for an answer

We must forgive her for her courageous accord

Flamboyantly free of etiquette, only a few can enhance her

Free of all regulations safe from the paranoid

Gifted with freedom with twisted men who will romance her

Smiling with a cooing look with her lust totally restored

She rides her funky pony so marvelously overjoyed

Irresistibly decadent as her passions begin to ooze

Ready to capture any hungry fool as your private dancer

Hysterical Henrietta is a chameleon who readily voodoos

the atmosphere until she is totally underscored.

Watch out for she will transform. She is truly void

of all jealousy. Healing all with the way she will seduce.

Hallelujah for Hysterical Henrietta the absolute necromancer

Please cast your spell upon us with an joyously offbeat blues.


Ignorance of the Fact

By missing the notice of the intel reported

needn’t bring a response this contorted.

Forgetfulness is here fully generously forgiven

yet the facts are contradictory and forbidden.

Bounties on the heads of his poor soldiers

must be weight upon his shrugging shoulders.

Still we have the horrifically deafening silence

making excuses of full arrogance and compliance

Our Vesuvius is full of his molten lava

singing a version of Al Hirt’s joyous Java.

Claiming we responded with absolute fervor

responsible for each separate Taliban observer.

One tenth of a mill for a corpse in plastic

chewing gum with his grins quite spastic.

The dereliction of the most serious duty

has a Prez sitting upon his proverbial bootie.

Filled with an appalling blatant hypocrisy

while saluting the air force with his autocracy.

Risking a graduation for future officers

playing the elegant maskless philosopher.

Jubilating the army and the State of the union

while jabbering foolishly like a stinking onion.

Recklessly exemplifying a rowdy racketeer

trying to praise our confederate pioneers.

Now Manhattan will paint on Fifth Avenue

Black Life Matters, a reckoning quite overdue.

How can our Prez look any servicemen in the eye

when his betrayal are actions he cannot deny?

Shame on your ignorance but we have facts

inaction deserves a whack on your sacroiliac.

Actually your lawless creepy Attorney General

should prepare a coffin for your ultimate burial.

Letting your deplorable traitors run wild and free

is an insult to justice and common decency.

Many processes are under the rug and looming

SCOTUS will take care of your irrevocable dooming.

Your Press chic is a cute little Irish Catholic girl

speaking falsehoods as far as God Atlas can hurl.

Mike says we knew the credibility of the threat

hence the executive branch in total obvious debt.

Aware of the sickening plot of buddy Vladimir

has him frozen speechless gazing in the mirror.

One scandal to bury another still in the bloody bush

while the Afghanis are concocting the next ambush.

Hidden in their Earth is an unbelievable wealth

being slowly removed for western financial stealth.

The meddling of Congress was shortly in question

as the country’s servants are waiting for resurrection.

We must take the Prez by the ear for accountability

cowering to adversaries with his flagrant ineptability.

Maybe he truly never heard the screaming warning

yet I must inquire we now stop this brutal mourning.

The info has arrived on his desk in the Oval Office.

If he asks aggressively why this will surely suffice.


Here’s Donnie

What is the moral of this comical fable?

We have chosen a jester who is neither trained nor able.

He picked up quickly a quaint little “Milliardy”

and wasn’t very punctual, but foolhardy and tardy.

An absolute nincompoop and clumsy of foot

Very greasy and unkempt, full of rubbish and soot

Totally narcissistic with his nasty manners so sarcastic

A complete loser brownnosing the rich and cynic

Weak of speech, utterly dumb confused and illiterate

He stumbles over his words, ooing and ahing like an idiot

Bringing it all on the table his proposals so horrific

Lost his bloody mind and falsely supervised a clinic

Lord! Help us if he decides to get any meaner

We have the People’s Watch who register his demeanor

Such an atrocious calamity of absurd inexperience

The general prognosis is manipulation as his final preference.

Dumbfounded and permanently scratching our heads

I think we will pray to the angels pleasantly instead.

I’m sorry for my disconcerted complaintive temperament

I will impart my statements and glorify their content.

He concocted a brand new recipe for his side-show regalia

He was inducted in the Hall of Fame of bigtime Wrestling mania!

He was overwhelmed with female charm but not a macho gent

He was acclaimed as superlative for all the Beauty Pageants.

He displayed his feistiness as a boss, the master of apprentices

by firing the inept with a cigar in his mouth which he gladly practices.

If building square boxes wasn’t enough he chose helping models.

Surrounding himself with women was once again not so novel.

Then riding the apocalyptic horse with the old rightwing boy named Bannon

caused him some indigestion while he looked into the nasty cannon.

Then we all were shocked at his at the support of David Duke

with white supremacy as the theme it was never a fluke.

Standing in the south with all levers screwed in as planned

and shamefully scoffing the NAACP with the Ku Klux Klan.

Ouch a slap in the face for the liberal doorkeeper’s scheme

with the deposing of Bernie ruining the American dream.

Ridden with falseness and unauthenticity he picked apart

the weaknesses which were plentiful from the start.

With all our glaciers melting he says it is a farce

Claiming that the world’s not warmer his arguments are sparse.

Looking for amazing truths which he reflects out loud

by stripping apart the mistakes and clearing up the clouds.

Hallelujah he won on the day the wall came down

Leaving a ripple in the crease of his trousers downtown

He curls his fingers expressing his two bits like a troubadour

Of course he will continue are ignoble perpetual war

Too ignorant to establish a fascistic round of affairs

But swims with his errors so joyfully debonair

His cabinet is glutinous with a round table of CEOs

who further their madness with their contemptible host.

Lost are the lobbyists who have become superfluous

While his processes are deplorable and most disastrous

Chasing the illegal aliens across his guarded borders

Building his Chinese Wall with a payment he does order.

Oops the release of a tape from access Hollywood appeared

A raucous, vulgar and sexist, so he was condemned with utmost fear.

Oh my mother of mercy hear my prayers and my earnest beckoning plea

Save the world and return it to the common people of empathy.


Resolving the Temperaments of Persuasion to Encourage

Resolving the temperaments of persuasion to encourage

the initiation of individualism prompting self-motivation

to command original conceptions bringing variations in multitudes.

Inner contentment and personal growth bring our heritage

to center stage heralding in a phase of manifestations.

Ascertaining our imaginative courses as they escape in reveries

conceiving an animated sketch to portray our plenitudes

overextending our flair to encompass our singularity.

Witnessing our flow of thought to be our will of pilgrimage

as we meander through various paths of stipulation

encountering a myriad of reflections in our personal imagery.

Captivating our multifaceted shades of blue will engage

the naivety of our childlike exuberance and fascination.

Rollicking like the fawn appraising Nature’s simplicity

has rescued our fondness for the crystals of a snowflake

as each passes through our consciousness unscathed.

Luxuriously inspirited with rhythmical passages bring pulsations

gesturing nuances of excitation enkindling flames to awake.

Bewitching the landscape with embellishing decorations

invokes the forest nymphs to electrify us, compassionate and interlaced

enthralled in movement, as a form of ingenuity we will undertake.

Preserving the inception of this stream of apprehension and sensibility

we flourish through modernistic and futuristic impressions paraphrased

as such to build understanding and increase our dancing’s intensity.

Gentle whispers shall utter the unrevealed and enigmatic prelude

hence arriving suddenly is a fugal counterpoint and ultimate solitude.

Invigorating melodious transitions will envelop an idiosyncrasy

as it distinctly fluctuates transforming itself as we all partake

in conjunction with a congregation of an angelic soul’s sentimentality.

With our hands extended full of preciousness and reverent gratitude

we enhance our environment exuding our positiveness as we wake

the slumbering giants from their lethargic winter’s hibernation.

Resonating our eleven strings to ring majestically, our beatitude

comes forth as the divinity of our creativeness becomes our reality.

Fashioned is the art deco above the streets of this godly city

to lionize its gorgeousness and inspire our universality.


A summer Vision

By Ellias Aghili Dehnavi, from Iran

A lonely sunflower dances in the field.

Bright petals smile and salute

Clouds of the skies above.

Doves cross the field with their opened wings.

They rest in the sunflower's shadow.

Bees flying over a child.

Licking her melting ice cream.

Meet the sunflower.

A calf in the wheat field scatters the flies.

In the days of summer.

He eats and sleeps

While the sunflower parties with the bees and doves.


A Winter Paradox

It is freezing cold but my little bird sings.

Though the cruel coldness stings

The creature in the heart.

It's winter! Her sad ditty does impart.

The winter comes and lasts forever.

Like a camarilla, trained to take whatever

That is still green

Nothing his might does intervene.

It's so cold but truly pretty

The thick ices which are gritty

Crumble under our feet

While we pass the white street.

The crystals cover out earth like a shroud

But underneath there live a crowd

Who watch the beauty of snow

While somewhere else a tiny bud does grow.


Abandoned Angels

She was fifteen and the hellion was seventy five

So rich, but hardly walk and hardly alive.

Blowing his cigarette's smoke right to her face

Laughing hard at the poor woman's disgrace.

Became pregnant when she was thirteen

She was forced to work hard, was beaten, poor Kirstein.

.You're abandoned since you're a girl" then slapped her face

Laughing like a monster at Kirstein's disgrace.

Her father sold her when she was eleven

Thinking she is leaving for the heaven

While there were tears on her face

She whispered:" is this an end to my disgrace?"

She can never forget when she was nine

After her father had drunken wine.

Beat Kirstein and her mother on the face

Under his boots her mother couldn't brace.

Now abandoned for the second time

With a baby, burnt face, her loneliness no words can rhyme ,

The sound of hails on her face

Even rain is challenging her grace.

We all witness Kirstein and women similar to her

But nothing we do for their deaths to defer.

Together we can change their situations

Improve their lives, welfare and educations

And put a stop to their forced abrogation.


An Autumn Song

The lonely birds join the leaves' throng

And together they sing an Autumn song.

A sparrow joins them to sing

A fallen leaf in the wind does swing.

The cool breeze touches the naked trees

Drops of rain wet the little angry bees

Who can find no flowers to cuddle

Instead together they do huddle.

Summer slept and winter awaits

But the fall the universe decorates

With the colors: red, orange and yellow

A cluster of brown leaves sleep below.

Together, they all, sing the song of fall

The crows dance, the snakes crawl.

World is covered by a yellowish blanket

And everyone is invited for the autumn's banquet

Which is all about beauty and diversity

When all sing a colorful ditty.



In a cold summer you did depart

Since then I carry a broken heart.

Still don't know why you left me alone

To live with sorrow, to live on my own.

You were my close jaunty bright star

But now you're drastically far,

Now my life is a starless night

In which I sleep with fright.

We used to sailed on the same boat

Going to islands so remote

There you took my hand and said:

"I won’t leave you, even when I'm dead"

I died and you survived

It was me who strived

For all the moments of this love

But now I'm like a hunted dove.

The claws of your fake sweet words

Hurt my heart like some poisonous swords,

My story is more tragic than Macbeth

I suffered a suffering black death.


Chocolate Scoop

Me, Amy, Matthew and John

In a plain of Jonquil run.

Amy a butterfly chases

Big smiles on our faces.

Me, Amy, John and Matthew

Try a game which is new,

Who catches a white moth wins

Amy smiles, John grins.

One…two…and three I caught

Amy waits her shoes to knot.

John caught one and Matthew none

YAY, the game as usual I won.

Mr. Anderson, the ice cream man

Who said he has visited Iran,

Calls us to eat ice creams

Of happiness Amy screams.

Since forever we're a group

Always we eat the same chocolate scoop,

We laugh, jump and eat

Who cares his clothes to remain neat?


Dead light

Little kids with so many dreams go to bed

While the lights still shine,

For in the reality the light is dead

New lights in their dream they design.

Lights which never die.

A light connected to eternity

That help their dreams to fly

And depart from the gray city.

A reality without light

Doesn't worth to exist,

For people live in fright

And for their goals they don't insist.

A life without lights

A life filled with darkness,

Starless cold nights.

Sadness the hearts harness.

The kids prefer to sleep

Not to wake anymore

They sleep so deep,

The reality they ignore.


Dear Mr. Death

Warm greetings dear Mr. Death.

Where ever you are.

Calm and greedy dear Mr. Death.

Lives you take at a war.

A letter and flower for you, Mr. Death.

As a sign of friendship.

For our long term cooperation Mr. Death.

On the death fathership.

Recently you've been vapid Mr. Death.

Is anything wrong.

Maybe for the vacuous life Mr. Death.

Come on, you can get along.

Remember the souls we took.

By the hook or crook.

Veracity we had in our work.

You the boss and I the clerk.

Now I am old and weak.

A little tired and sick.

Maybe I should resign.

I can't grow like a wine.

So I decided to go.

Abdicated long ago.

My bones were fragile.

Couldn't resist to beguile.

Neither me nor anyone else.

In Tokyo or Wales.

Can't take down Mandela.

Let alone our wretched !..…

Still to you I shall tell.

May it for you rings a bell.

I was born in 1913.

Been savage and a little mean.

In a land act i hailed the world.

Not so far I became a lord.

Lord of a separation.

Targeted the heart of a nation.

Yes, for sure, I am the old Apartheid.

Known to you and knowingly worldwide.

I did what I could do.

But Mandela, who were you, who.

I'm leaving but for you a letter I leave.

For the world and who resists to believe.

I may return and put you all in fear.

In a broken heart of a kid, in tear in tear .…


Death of a Dream

When the wealth of the riches breaks the extremes

Thousands of poverty's children lose their dreams.

They sleep to see no more

But to run along a golden shore.

One dreams of warm cotton shoes

Other of learning how to play the blues.

A girl dreams of a doll

A boy of a colorful ball.

Some dreams are hardly dreams

For children wake with harsh screams.

Since they only see nightmares

And feel the coldness of their tears.

Some can't sleep to see dreams

Work till dawn when the sun gleams.

No one there to mollycoddle a little boy

Or give him a car, a bicycle or a pretty toy.

It's hard to see and forget

How life these youth does treat.

At least, before you hit the sack

Think of little John, Zack and Jack.

Who just sleeps to feel their dreams

While riches' wealth whacks the extremes.


Diary of a Monk

Red as blood they command

and Apostles cry,

His blood on the land

His soul in the sky.

Fire on the paper

not turning cold,

Abrahams are rare

And Nimrods are bold.

New world in a word

can't be confined.

In that big castle a lord

to the pains of people blind.

So, if that lord to be Nimrod

Who'll be the Abraham? I ask.

for the poor the food

and their starving task.


Do You Want Peace?

Shiva is Passim

Shiva your universal presence felt.

for enemies dooms already spelt

your miracles even stones melt

you, my enemies already dealt

Shiva stops my wrong ways

and my games he plays

he is merciful, world says

your troubles, his blessings chase.

Shiva! make me financially sound.

in your hands protection I found

make me ever well off

you have given Parvathy, left off

Shiva my case you judge.

let my argument cutting-edge.

see complainant gets crushing humiliation.

and get my just jubilation.

Shiva! you are Sun-shine in mist

for my enemies, prove iron-first.

you are devotees precious gift

enroll me in your devotees list.

Let me have successful fight.

after all I am right.

bring the thieves to light

Shiva! so high your kite.

Believers in Shiva are sapphires.

their troubles he slowly fires.

their lives he makes excellent

everywhere they are brilliant.

For Non-descript feel no scare.

Shiva always minds your welfare.

Your concerns he does share.

enemies he’s going to tear.

Shiva! your glories I sing.

happiness in my life, bring.

you are heart-land king.

to your feet, I ever Cling.

You are full of imagination

Shiva! kill my petty botheration

for my enemies, work ruination

let your test have limitation

from struggles bless me salvation

for you, I have temptation

save me, without feeling hesitation

in battle, get me jubilation

Shiva’ is excitement and sensation

defeat my enemies with humiliation

Turn my suffering into jollification

work out my life-beautification

with you is my association

Shiva has my welfare concentration

From sadness, happiness you make

Shiva! come for heaven’s sake.

incarnation now you must take

to save justice from fake.

On you, my hopes I pin.

Change my enemies to dustbin

Shiva! let my side always win.

As the case filed by morally thin.

Shiva! reinforce my confidence, Courage.

my enemies’ plans quash, damage

in your service I engage

devotion to you, my heritage

To serve you, my obligation

to protect me, your operation

wonderful are Shiva your creation

towards you, I have strong fascination

Surrender is easiest mode.

Arjuna took that road.

Krishna transferred Arjuna’s load.

this is spiritual code.

Krishna rushes to your call

he is all in all

in Mahabharatha he stands tall

he never allows me fall

To serve you, my obligation.

to protect me, your operation.

wonderful are Shiva your creation

towards you, I have strong fascination

Krishna and Shiva both same.

God has different variety name

it is high time he came

and put enemies to shame

To serve is my obligation

to protect me, your operation

wonderful! Shiva your creation

towards you, I have strong fascination.

In your service, I dedicate

with your devotees I associate.

Shiva! enemies-plans, you frustrate

on your name I always concentrate.

through circumstances, You communicate

With you, my side always won

troubleshoots, is your gun

life has been badly run

Shiva! at least now add fun

Man having sacred ash

has Shiva’s blessings-cash

devotees meditating Shiva ever

he will their sufferings sever

Shiva has surprises in store.

2007 was year of bore

2008 opens more opportunities door

success follows more and more

My Knowledge doesn’t invent

your service it underwent

sorrows, defeats you prevent

Shiva you are permanent

Technology touches the sky

Shiva is ever so high

Mobiles gadgets you buy

Tsunamis, Quakes don’t die

Krishna Margazhi your favourite month.

You are present, breadth and length

Rush as re- incarnation The Tenth

put my troubles to death

Make me rich to exist

In your service I persist

my enemies you fight, resist

to get success Shiva! assist

Shiva is force invisible

praying you is sensible

to serve you, desirable

make enemies’ designs miserable

My troubles Shiva you shoot.

ever I adore your foot.

your heart I did loot.

devotion to you, ideal route!



Scanty confabs on love

Like the memoir of eagle and dove

For bipeds are a proof

Let's not take this as a spoof.

And the golden eagle of the cyan skies

Whom you could not observe with thy naked eyes

Fell in love with a brown dove

Whom he saw from the skies above.

un amore benedetto santa

un amore così bella

They migrated from France, Paris

And dwelled in the city of love, Venice.


Vackra Drömmar

Hail to the Swedish northern light

For making the darkest nights bright.

But hail to your eyes of wonder

That kills the darkness like a thunder.

Your hands the inclement does melt

Warms as the first days we met.

Let's draw on the heart of sky

Two wings, then with our dreams fly.

You'll be the comet I chase

After 70 years I again see your face.

Your face, your hands gleam

Like always, my angel, Fahim.

But you are the shooting star

You're a dream, near or far.

Break the chains that fasten my feet,

I want to dream , the chains I can't defeat!

You be my comet and my holy dove

Let me dream and see you above.

What chains us is the mechanized life

That rejects the beauty of the shepherd's fife.

But let's hail that Swedish northern light

Let's break the chains just for to-night.


United at the Heart

Bright stars are dead

If the night dies and

The red roses will grow

On the simple plain soil.

No one goes to heaven

For being white or black,

The essence is the same

We all walk on the same track.

We are religious but forgot

The true religion of God!

To love and let being loved

Remember, we are united at heart.

The beauty lies in difference

And the difference makes the world,

Yesterday is different, tomorrow unknown

We are given the same soul but stay alone.

We all are members of a whole

Though we ignored the soul

But remember at heart

We unite and can't depart.


To The Future Kids

To the future kids I write,

That years ago in a fight,

We were forced to kill,

I don't know the reason, still…

To the future kids,

Sorry for our deeds,

We didn't want to kill,

Future kids, we know how you feel.

I write this for you to know,

Beggar becomes king, king descends below,

So nothing's stable

History maybe's a fable.

But what we say is the truth,

We were impacted by their abuse,

I mean apartheid,

So savage and wild.

We were used so bad,

Future kids, my son, don't be mad,

Feel our pain,

We could not even complain.


To That Falling Man

In the backyard of our alley that leads to death, "

"Some meters below the mall,

"Our society's in a mess

"It's not autumn but p eople fall.

"Depressed by deeds,

"Let down they say

"Smoking weeds,

"Doesn't turn the night to day.

"It doesn't help you to escape

"or helps you to forget!

"But your soul it does rape,

"your face it makes wet.

"You cry

"you're unconditionally gone

"your body burns, soul does fly

"Embrace the sky, embrace the sun.

"But then crashes on the earth,

"you were too close to sun and fall

"You crashed in our backyard mess,

"Near that mall.


To A Bygone Child

At a winter night under the shadow's light,

With a glow worm around his sight,

A word he said and saw the world,

Though it was cold he thanked his lord.

East winds that never did cease,

The autumns they always would please,

Touched his hair,

Shook his body and fur.

So much to know but little to care,

Lines of truth and reality we blur,

From the very moment of his life,

Against the world he holds a knife.

I've taught him how to love

The world, birds a dove

And gave him what I had

Poor little boys still so mad.

The logic behind this world,

About making things so bold,

Like the religion you follow,

Or the city you live in, Baghdad or Tokyo?

The logic behind our world,

The colors which are so cold,

White, yellow or black

Doesn't mean to attack.

Mankind so proud but lean,

Towards each other so mean

We behave

Expecting our God to save

Us but from who?

Yet we have no clue

That why we demean this way?

Expecting God to descend one day.

You all know these words,

Still we sharpen our swords,

I told my child to see the light

For the equality he wanted to fight.

Now that he's gone,

My light of life, my son,

Still never i can say,

How I miss him in every may,

A Melody Called Peace

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