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The portion immersed in the acid fluid. Zinc. The portion out of the acid fluid.

The meaning of the above table is, that if we test the electrical condition of any two of its members when immersed in an acid fluid, we shall find that the ones at the head of the list are positive to those below them, but negative to those above them, if the test have reference to the condition of the parts within the fluid. On the contrary, we shall find that any member of the list will be found to be negative to any one below it, or positive to any above it, if tested from the portion NOT immersed in the acid fluid.

Fig. 1.

Fig. 2.

§ 9. A very simple experiment will make this quite clear. Two strips, one of copper and the other of zinc, 1" wide by 4" long, have a 12" length of copper wire soldered to one extremity of each. A small flat piece of cork, about 1" long by 1" square section, is placed between the two plates, at the end where the wires have been soldered, this portion being then lashed together by a few turns of waxed string. (The plates should not touch each other at any point.) If this combination (which constitutes a very primitive galvanic couple) be immersed in a tumbler three-parts filled with water, rendered just sour by the addition of a few drops of sulphuric or hydrochloric acid, we shall get a manifestation of electrical effects. If a delicately poised magnetic needle be allowed to take up its natural position of north and south, and then the wires proceeding from the two metal strips twisted in contact, so as to be parallel to and over the needle, as shown in Fig. 1, the needle will be impelled out of its normal position, and be deflected more or less out of the line of the wire. If the needle be again allowed to come to rest N. and S. (the battery or couple having been removed), and then the tumbler be held close over the needle, as in Fig. 2, so that the needle points from the copper to the zinc strip, the needle will be again impelled or deflected out of its natural position, but in this case in the opposite direction.

§ 10. It is a well-known fact that if a wire, or any other conductor, along which the electric undulation (or, as is usually said, the electric current) is passing, be brought over and parallel to a suspended magnetic needle, pointing north and south, the needle is immediately deflected from this north and south position, and assumes a new direction, more or less east and west, according to the amplitude of the current and the nearness of the conductor to the needle. Moreover, the direction in which the north pole of the needle is impelled is found to be dependent upon the direction in which the electric waves (or current) enter the conducting body or wire. The law which regulates the direction of these deflections, and which is known, from the name of its originator, as Ampère's law, is briefly as follows:—

§ 11. "If a current be caused to flow over and parallel to a freely suspended magnetic needle, previously pointing north and south, the north pole will be impelled to the LEFT of the entering current. If, on the contrary, the wire, or conductor, be placed below the needle, the deflection will, under similar circumstances, be in the opposite direction, viz.: the north pole will be impelled to the RIGHT of the entering current." In both these cases the observer is supposed to be looking along the needle, with its N. seeking pole pointing at him.

§ 12. From a consideration of the above law, in connection with the experiments performed at § 9, it will be evident that inside the tumbler the zinc is positive to the copper strip; while, viewed from the outside conductor, the copper is positive to the zinc strip.[3]

§ 13. A property of current electricity, which is the fundamental basis of electric bell-ringing, is that of conferring upon iron and steel the power of attracting iron and similar bodies, or, as it is usually said, of rendering iron magnetic. If a soft iron rod, say about 4" long by ½" diameter, be wound evenly from end to end with three or four layers of cotton-covered copper wire, say No. 20 gauge, and placed in proximity to a few iron nails, etc., no attractive power will be evinced; but let the two free ends of the wire be placed in metallic contact with the wires leading from the simple battery described at § 9, and it will be found that the iron has become powerfully magnetic, capable of sustaining several ounces weight of iron and steel, so long as the wires from the battery are in contact with the wire encircling the iron; or, in other words, "the soft iron is a magnet, so long as an electric current flows round it." If contact between the battery wires and the coiled wires be broken, the iron loses all magnetic power, and the nails, etc., drop off immediately. A piece of soft iron thus coiled with covered or "insulated" wire, no matter what its shape may be, is termed an "electro-magnet." Their chief peculiarities, as compared with the ordinary permanent steel magnets or lodestones, are, first, their great attractive and sustaining power; secondly, the rapidity, nay, instantaneity, with which they lose all attractive force on the cessation of the electric flow around them. It is on these two properties that their usefulness in bell-ringing depends.

§ 14. If, instead of using a soft iron bar in the above experiment, we had substituted one of hard iron, or steel, we should have found two remarkable differences in the results. In the first place, the bar would have been found to retain its magnetism instead of losing it immediately on contact with the battery being broken; and, in the second place, the attractive power elicited would have been much less than in the case of soft iron. It is therefore of the highest importance, in all cases where rapid and powerful magnetisation is desired, that the cores of the electro-magnets should be of the very softest iron. Long annealing and gradual cooling conduce greatly to the softness of iron.

Fig. 3.

Magnets, showing Lines of Force.

§ 15. There is yet another source of electricity which must be noticed here, as it has already found application in some forms of electric bells and signalling, and which promises to enter into more extended use. If we sprinkle some iron filings over a bar magnet, or a horse-shoe magnet, we shall find that the filings arrange themselves in a definite position along the lines of greatest attractive force; or, as scientists usually say, the iron filings arrange themselves in the direction of the lines of force. The entire space acted on by the magnet is usually known as its "field." Fig. 3 gives an idea of the distribution of the iron filings, and also of the general direction of the lines of force. It is found that if a body be moved before the poles of a magnet in such a direction as to cut the lines of force, electricity is excited in that body, and also around the magnet. The ordinary magneto-electric machines of the shops are illustrations of the application of this property of magnets. They consist essentially in a horse-shoe magnet, in front of which is caused to rotate, by means of appropriate gearing, or wheel and band, an iron bobbin, or pair of bobbins, coiled with wire. The ends of the wire on the bobbins are brought out and fastened to insulated portions of the spindle, and revolve with it. Two springs press against the spindle, and pick up the current generated by the motion of the iron bobbins before the poles of the magnet. It is quite indifferent whether we use permanent steel magnets or electro-magnets to produce this effect. If we use the latter, and more especially if we cause a portion of the current set up to circulate round the electro-magnet to maintain its power, we designate the apparatus by the name of Dynamo.

Fig. 4.

Typical Dynamo, showing essential portions.

§ 16. Our space will not permit of a very extended description of the dynamo, but the following brief outline of its constructive details will be found useful to the student. A mass of soft iron (shape immaterial) is wound with many turns of insulated copper wire, in such a manner that, were an electrical current sent along the wire, the mass of iron would become strongly north at one extremity, and south at the other. As prolongations of the electro-magnet thus produced are affixed two masses of iron facing one another, and so fashioned or bored out as to allow a ring, or cylinder of soft iron, to rotate between them. This cylinder, or ring of iron, is also wound with insulated wire, two or more ends of which are brought out in a line with the spindle on which it rotates, and fastened down to as many insulated sections of brass cylinder placed around the circumference of the spindle. Two metallic springs, connected to binding screws which form the "terminals" of the machine, serve to collect the electrical wave set up by the rotation of the coiled cylinder (or "armature") before the poles of the electro-magnet. The annexed cut (Fig. 4) will assist the student in getting a clear idea of the essential portions in a dynamo:—E is the mass of wrought iron wound with insulated wire, and known as the field-magnet. N and S are cast-iron prolongations of the same, and are usually bolted to the field-magnet. When current is passing these become powerfully magnetic. A is the rotating iron ring, or cylinder, known as the armature, which is also wound with insulated wire, B, the ends of which are brought out and connected to the insulated brass segments known as the commutator, C. Upon this commutator press the two springs D and D', known as the brushes, which serve to collect the electricity set up by the rotation of the armature. These brushes are in electrical connection with the two terminals of the machine F F', whence the electric current is transmitted where required; the latter being also connected with the wire encircling the field-magnet, E.

When the iron mass stands in the direction of the earth's magnetic meridian, even if it have not previously acquired a little magnetism from the hammering, etc., to which it was subjected during fitting, it becomes weakly magnetic. On causing the armature to rotate by connecting up the pulley at the back of the shaft (not shown in cut) with any source of power, a very small current is set up in the wires of the armature, due to the weak magnetism of the iron mass of the field-magnet. As this current (or a portion of it) is caused to circulate around this iron mass, through the coils of wire surrounding the field-magnet, this latter becomes more powerfully magnetic (§ 13), and, being more magnetically active, sets up a more powerful electrical disturbance in the armature.

This increased electrical activity in the armature increases the magnetism of this field-magnet as before, and this again reacts on the armature; and these cumulative effects rapidly increase, until a limit is reached, dependent partly on the speed of rotation, partly on the magnetic saturation of the iron of which the dynamo is built up, and partly on the amount of resistance in the circuit.

[2] This refers, of course, to those portions of the metals which are out of the acid. For reasons which will be explained farther on, the condition of the metals in the acid is just the opposite to this.

[3] From some recent investigations, it would appear that what we usually term the negative is really the point at which the undulation takes its rise.

Electric Bells and All About Them: A Practical Book for Practical Men

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