Читать книгу Charlie One - Seán Hartnett - Страница 10



AORArea of Responsibility
ASUActive Service Unit
BleepSlang term for a Royal Signals radio operator at a JCU-NI Det
BrownieSlang term for a photographer attached at a JCU-NI Det
CIRAContinuity IRA
CMOECovert Methods of Entry
COCommanding Officer
DetSlang term for a JCU-NI outpost, short for ‘Detachment’
ELINTElectronic Intelligence
FLIRForward Looking Infra-Red
FMBForward Mounting Base
FoSForeman of Signals – Warrant Officer in charge of all technicians at a unit
FRUForce Research Unit
GPMGGeneral Purpose Machine Gun
HandlerBritish Army Intelligence Officer who handles informers within paramilitary organisations
HMGHeavy Machine Gun
IEDImprovised Explosive Device
IVCPIllegal paramilitary checkpoint
JCU-NIJoint Communications Unit-Northern Ireland
JTF-HQJoint Task Force-Headquarters
LEWTLight Electronic Warfare Troop
LVFLoyalist Volunteer Force
MLAMember of Legislative Assembly
MODMinistry of Defence
MRFMilitary Reaction Force
NCONon-Commissioned Officer
NLJDNon-Linear Junction detector
OCOfficer Commanding
OOBOut of Bounds
PIRAProvisional Irish Republican Army
ProntoSlang term for a Royal Signals NCO in charge of all radio communications at a JCU-NI Det
PSNIPolice Service of Northern Ireland
RCGRegional Co-ordination Group
ROERules of Engagement
RPGRocket-propelled grenade
RSMRegimental Sergeant Major
RUCRoyal Ulster Constabulary
RUFRevolutionary United Front
SASSpecial Air Service
SBSSpecial Boat Service
SCTSpecial Communications Troop
ShakeySlang term for an SBS Trooper serving at JCU-NI
SLASierra Leone Army
SpannerSlang term for a Royal Electrical Mechanical Engineer (mechanic) at a JCUNI Det
SpookSlang term for an Intelligence Corps officer at a JCU-NI Det
Squadron OCOfficer Commanding Squadron
SugarSlang term for an SAS Trooper serving at JCU-NI
TCGTasking and Co-ordination Group
TSCMTechnical Surveillance Counter-Measures
UDAUlster Defence Association
UDRUlster Defence Regiment
Charlie One

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