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$_GET and $_POST methods


Here you will learn how to use the request variables $_GET and $_POST. These variables provide you with different ways to transfer data from one web page to another. Let’s look at the two methods, starting with GET. First, let’s create a simple HTML form.

$_GET []



<title> Form Methods




<form method=“get” action="actionpage.php”>

<p> <input type=“text” name=“greeting” size=“15”> </p>

<p> <input type=“text” name=“name” size=“15”> </p>

<p> <input type=“submit” name=“submit” value=“Salutation”> </p>




Save it as a form_methods.php file in the Apache htdocs/post folder created by you.

And now, we’ll create a actionpage.php file for the Output: data transferred from the form.


echo $_GET [‘greeting’];

echo $_GET [‘name’];

echo”! ”;


Save this file in the same directory as the form_methods.php file. This form looks like the following:

Figure 1. A simple HTML form

Let us enter a greeting and a name and click the Salutation button.

You can see that the data sent from a form with the GET method is displayed in the browser’s address bar:

http://localhost/post/formoutputpage.php? <=>


The Output web page displays Hello Emily!

$_POST []

Now let’s use the POST method instead of the GET method. Edit form_method.php form.



<title> Form Methods </title>



<form method=“post” action="formoutputpage.php”>

<p> <input type=“text” name=“greeting” size=“15”> </p>

<p> <input type=“text” name=“name” size=“15”> </p>

<p> <input type=“submit” name=“submit” value=“Salutation”> </p>




Edit formoutputpage.php file as follow:


echo $_POST [‘greeting’];

echo “”. $_POST [‘name’];

echo”! ”;


The browser address bar displays formoutputpage.php, but no data transferred using the POST method is visible, so the web page output remains the same:

Hello Emily!

You don’t have to create a second page to read data submitted with form because it is possible to submit the form to the same page. To do this use super global $_SERVER [“PHP_SELF”].


$self=$_SERVER [“PHP_SELF”];



If (isset ($_POST [‘greeting’]))

$greeting=$_POST [‘greeting’];

If (isset ($_POST [‘name’]))

$name=$_POST [‘name’];

if (($name!=“”) && ($greeting!=“”))

echo $greeting.””. $name;




<title> Form Methods





print (”<form method=“post” action=“”. $self.””>”);


<p> <input type=“text” name=“greeting”

size=“15”> </p> 21

<p> <input type=“text” name=“name” size=“15”> </p>

<p> <input type=“submit” name=“submit”

value=“Salutation”> </p>




The htmlentities () function

The htmlentities () function is used for security reasons. It converts all characters to HTML entities.

For example, the '<' character will be converted to HTML '&lt;”

If you add the ENT_QUOTES parameter, it will convert double quotes and single quotes to HTML entities.


$string='<a href="configure-all.com”> Web programming and design </a>”;

echo htmlentities ($string, ENT_QUOTES). "<br>”;


Output (on the browser screen)

<a href="configure-all.com”> Web programming and design </a>.

If you view source you will see HTML characters:

&lt; a href=&quot;configure-all.com&quot;&gt; Web programming and design&lt;/a&gt; <br>

The filter_var function (since PHP 5.2.0)

The filter_var function validates user input. Read more on the PHP.net website.


The example below validates the email address entered by a user.


function valid_email ($email) {

// filter_var returns false if email is invalid.

$email=filter_var ($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL);

If (!$email)

echo “Email is invalid!”;


echo $email;


valid_email ("master@configure-all.com”);

echo "<br>”;

valid_email ("masterconfigure-all.com”);



1. master@configure-all.com

2. “Email is not valid!”

When you pass an invalid email address to filter_var function (at the second echo) an empty string is returned.

Read about all exiting validate and sanitize filters on the PHP.net website.

Validate filters








Sanitize filters

$email=‘maste” rconfi <> gur/e-all.com’;

echo filter_var ($email, FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL);

Output: master@configure-all.com












Let us return to accessing the variables value submitted to the form using the POST method.

If (isset ($_POST [‘lastname’]))

$lastname= ($_POST [‘lastname’];

If you didn’t declare variables before the if statement, you will receive a notice displayed by PHP:

“Notice: Undefined variable name in C:\Apache2.2\htdocs\test\post.php on line 9”

The notice is displayed because the $lastname variable will be defined inside the if statement only. To have it defined anyplace on the page, you must declare it outside the if statement.


if (isset ($_POST [‘lastname’]))

$lastname= ($_POST [‘lastname’];

Now, no notice message will be displayed.

PHP Programming for Beginners. Key Programming Concepts. How to use PHP with MySQL and Oracle databases (MySqli, PDO)

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