Читать книгу Brief public speaking tutorial - Сергей (Sergey) Зайцев - Страница 4



The well-spoken word was enough to stop a retreating army, turn a defeat into victory, create or destroy great empires. What is the purpose of any speaker? – Encourage listeners to take any action. The individual is weak. And only joint efforts can achieve significant results. Therefore, to convince others to help him, each person has to act as a speaker. The Bible says: “A man is fed up with the fruits of his mouth.” Napoleon believed that a person who could not speak would not make a career. Some people do it better, others do worse. Can you learn this, or is a talent needed here? Try to finish reading this book to the end, and I think the answer will be positive. But even the best book will not give much, if you do not practice public speaking. Likewise, the commander’s abilities develop only on the battlefield, although they need good books on military art.

Brief public speaking tutorial

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