Читать книгу Enlightening Message - Serhij Abramyk, Съргıȷ Абрамик - Страница 3



Since by the will of our God, the asteroid Apophis approaches to hit the Earth, perhaps even on April 13, 2029, to put an end to the evil system, life-saving information and the New Godright Rights will be given to those who sigh over everyday wretchedness and yearn for the truth and justice and want to escape the coming doomsday. We are living in the last days of a disgusting society that despises all that is good, drowns in idolatry and immorality, oppresses the poor, needy, migrants, widows and orphans. Everyone with the right mindset understands that God is not a man to be laughed at. In order to enlighten the future obedient population of the earth, all lies, especially religious and political ones, which drag modern society into a deep abyss – and let all the losers go there – will be publicly exposed. Those of you who follow the guidance will escape the terrible vengeance of the Almighty and enter a new era of godright overhide, where the righteous and peaceful people of the earth will finally have the opportunity to build a better, just world and experience the full-scale blessings of our God on a renewed planet.

Apophis is a near-Earth asteroid with a diameter of 370 m, with a supersonic speed of 30.728 km/s and a force of one hundred thousand atomic bombs. The probability of its impact with the Earth on April 13, 2029, according to initial estimates, was 2.7%, which was a record on the Turin impact hazard scale. Subsequent observations have ruled out the probability of a collision, but recent observations have shown that the 2029 flyby will be much closer than expected, 31,200 km above the Earth’s surface, between the satellites orbits. Considering that such a distance in the scale of the universe is negligible, that the asteroid may continue to approach the Earth in subsequent years, and that the slightest gravitational pull of the Moon or even a spaceship can change the trajectory of the asteroid, the conclusion of a reasonable man should be clear: heed the warning of God’s messenger and get ready to run to safe zones of the Earth! The messengers sincerely believed in the day of fiery judgment. (Isaiah 66:15,16; 2 Peter 3:7; Martyrdom of the Holy Apostle Paul 4; Quran 90:19,20) Even if heat, tsunamis, fires and earthquakes do not destroy mankind at first, then pollution, radiation, wild animals, lack of food, diseases, struggle for survival, etc. will lead to the destruction of modern civilization. (Amos 5:18—20) A survival zone away from civilization, from the shores of the seas, in highlands is the only option for refuge. No god of any religion can save anyone, because they all are false prophets, misleading people and opposing God’s messenger. Politicians who are supposed to care about the well-being of their citizens only device intolerable conditions for the poor and those who strive to live honestly. No space agency will be able to prevent the collision of the asteroid Apophis with the Earth, because it will be the famous day of God’s vengeance for all its lawlessness.

Left: Comparison between the best-fit convex and nonconvex shape models, and some of the available radar images of (99942) Apophis; Right: Hypothetical risk corridor for an impact on 13 April 2029, based on the 2020—21 planetary defense exercise.

Will the God forgive our sins through the sacrifice of reconciliation? No! Sacrifices are pagan rituals, purpose of which is to appease their gods. Jews, Muslims, and Christians alike celebrate holidays based on such rituals. Christians even claim that Jesus gave his life as a sacrifice for the sins of mankind, similar to how Abraham bound his son Isaac, which is a Jewish interpolation based on pagan mythology. This mythology and human sacrifices were brought to the Mediterranean by the Sea Peoples around 12 century BCE from America. The toponomy of cities of the Philistines, who were one of the Sea People, is easiely identified on the basis of the Basque laguage, as well as there is a similar hint to the toponymy of the Native Americans. How sad that the believe in the Savior’s sacrifice was invented by bloodthirsty Indian occultists! However, God never ordered people to make human sacrifices. Messengers always warned against such practices, because honesty, kindness and good deeds are the real path to God. (Quran 2:83; Isaiah 58) Everyone makes mistakes and always will, so instead of false religious repentance, let everyone work hard to make amends and accept a just rebuke. Let everyone shun holidays that have their roots in animal or human sacrifices such as Passover, Easter, Eid al-Adha, etc., which are actually festive demonic services.

Enlightening Message

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