Читать книгу The Gypsy Ribbon - Shannon MacLeod - Страница 11



Beth was by nature an early riser, but the prior evening’s potent combination of mead, wine with dinner and the near kiss that made her go screaming off into the night had taken its toll, so it was nearly eleven before she awoke. Her eyes barely opened when the silence was shattered by the Wicked Witch of the West theme from the Wizard of Oz. After a moment of lazy deliberation, she rolled over to answer her cell phone, curious at the unknown number.

“‘Lo?” she mumbled.

“Good morning, sunshine,” that damnably musical voice said. “Are you not up yet? Jaysus, gal. It’s all of eleven o’clock. It’s James, by the by. James Kelly? You might remember, we met last night in a dark and scary parking lot…”

She bolted upright in the bed. She quickly smoothed her mussed hair, her braid having unraveled in the night. “James! Um…yes, I’m up. Uh…Hi! What’s…going on?”

He laughed and a small chunk of her emotional armor fell away in response to that warm, rich sound. “I’m calling to see if you’d like to go to lunch. Someplace out in public during the broad daylight hours so I don’t frighten you off again.”

Still not quite certain she wasn’t deep in the throes of a really excellent dream, she thought fast. Surely there’s no harm in just having lunch, a little inner voice chided. “Okay,” she agreed. “What time? Would you like me to meet you somewhere?”

“How long will it take you to get ready?” he asked. “I think I’m pretty close by, I can pick you up.”

“I can be ready in just a few minutes,” she said, then added warily, “Just how close are you?”

“Very,” he snickered.

She rocketed out of bed and ran to her bedroom window, yanking the blinds open to reveal the parking lot. Just as she suspected. There he was, leaning against the hood of his rented Lexus, clad in faded jeans, a Tampa Bay Bucs t-shirt and ball cap, running shoes, and the most devastating smile she had ever seen. Yup, still dreaming. She giggled in spite of herself and waved.

He waved back. “So…how long will it take you to get ready?” he repeated patiently.

“Give me just a minute.” She breathed then hung up before her mouth could betray her thoughts. Her mind was racing as she began trying to talk herself off the ledge. “Yes, he’s sitting out there waiting for me. Me. Okay, don’t panic. Jeans, jeans…where the hell are my jeans…”

She hopped through the bedroom on one leg as she pulled them on, thanking the Goddess she had finally gotten around to doing laundry yesterday. Pulling on a light knit top, she ran to the bathroom, dabbed on a little makeup and yanked a brush through her hair until she was satisfied it didn’t look like she had just crawled out of bed. She found one sneaker in the closet–one of the good pair that she saved for special occasions–and after a brief but harrowing search found the other one under the bed. She laced them up, grabbed her purse and ran for her front door.

Stop right there! Her inner voice screeched before she could fling the door open and sprint down the stairs three at a time. Walk. Do not run. Taking a deep breath, she counted to ten, then twenty, then fifty. When her pulse was as close to normal as she was sure it could be under the circumstances, she opened the front door and stepped out into the sunlight.

* * * *

James was a bundle of nerves. He had sat there for at least five minutes before he got up the courage to call, but once he heard her voice he relaxed. Now he was keyed up all over again as he waited for what seemed like hours. It’s only been ten minutes, he tried to reassure himself, sitting back on the hood. A horrible thought suddenly occurred to him and he froze, muttering under his breath. “Christ almighty. I hope she’s not sneaking out the back door. He was just contemplating a stroll around the back of the building to check when she glided down the outside stairs.

Thinking her even lovelier in the daylight, he smiled warmly at her. Slipping down off the hood of the luxury sedan, he took her hand and brought it to his lips, kissing her fingertips. “Good morning, Miss Beth,” he intoned formally He caught himself staring at her beautiful eyes as he tried to count the varied hues of green and gold.

“Good morning, James. This is a nice surprise,” she said, lowering her lashes shyly. “I guess Lily told you where I live too.”

He nodded. “I had to coerce that bit of information out of her, so don’t hold it against her.”

Beth smiled when he opened the car door for her then ran around to get in the other side. “Where did you want to go for lunch?” she asked, fumbling around for and finally finding the seatbelt. With a loud click, she belted herself in and looked at James expectantly.

James assumed a bewildered expression. “Honestly, I have no idea,” he confided, “I never thought I’d get this far.” She stared at him in disbelief then burst into laughter which continued until tears rolled down her cheeks. When she was able to compose herself again, she peeked over at him from underneath the damp lashes. “Well, do you have any suggestions?” he demanded, then unable to resist any longer burst into happy laughter which got Beth started all over again.

After a few minutes of unrestrained hilarity, James broached the subject again. “Let’s just handle it this way. I’d like to spend time with you. How do you propose we do that? We can work lunch in there somewhere, I’m sure.”

Beth thought for a moment. “I had planned on going to the mall today, but I’m sure that’s not something that you’d like to do. It’s not really very exciting…”

His face lit up with delight. “I haven’t been to a mall in ages. I don’t get to do stuff like that on tour. We’re always in too much of a hurry,” James said.

“If you really want to, we could just walk around the mall for a while, maybe get something to eat in the food court,” she offered.

“I would love that,” he murmured as he started the car. He sat staring in momentary confusion at the steering wheel then turned a bright smile to her. “Now then, darlin’, where’s the mall?”

* * * *

The drive to the large Brandon mall took only a few minutes from her apartment. Finding a parking place close to the building, they entered through one of the big anchor department stores. Beth was charmed to watch his myriad expressions as they moved through Dillard’s toward the interior of the mall. He seemed determined not to miss anything, and she found herself getting swept up by his infectious exuberance.

They chatted amiably while they walked past store windows, pausing occasionally to admire a display or browse an aisle kiosk. Just as they turned toward the food court, Beth happened to notice that they were being followed. Not just by one person either, but a whole group of people, growing by the minute. She could have smacked herself for her own stupidity bringing one of the most famous faces in the world to the mall. She cleared her throat nervously “There are people following us,” she whispered.

He stiffened almost imperceptibly then taking her hand whispered, “Follow my lead.”

He turned back toward the crowd flocking along behind and walked directly toward them as if they weren’t there. When they got close enough, an emboldened teenager stepped out from the crowd and asked, “Hey, you’re James Kelly, right? From Horizon?” The gathered throng rippled with excitement, awaiting the answer.

“Sorry, folks.” James turned to Beth and laughed, speaking loudly enough for those closest to overhear. “I get that all the time, but I swear I just don’t see the resemblance. What do you think, sweetie?”

Beth struggled to keep a straight face. James had spoken with a perfectly neutral American Midwest accent, not a trace of brogue to be heard. She studied him and said, “Maybe a little. I think it’s the beard. I’ve heard you sing, though, and you’re not even close, sugar.”

They laughed and kept walking until the disappointed crowd began to disperse as quickly as it had gathered. They continued walking in silence until James said quietly, “I don’t much like doing that. I mean, they’re fans and all and they’re great, but today I want to spend time with just you.

Beth’s attention was divided between being flattered beyond measure and praying she wasn’t blushing. “You did that accent pretty well,” she murmured, “Had to do it much?”

“On a couple of occasions,” he admitted. “Usually when I go anywhere I’m surrounded by bodyguards. My manager would be royally pissed off if he knew what manner of devilment I was getting up to today.” His green eyes danced with mischief. “But I’m not overly worried about that. Hungry yet?” As they turned again and headed back toward the food court, Beth got around to noticing that he hadn’t let go of her hand. And, she decided, for now that was fine by her. For now.

The food court at noon was packed from end to clamorous end with harried moms, screaming toddlers and business professionals from nearby office complexes. After giving it a quick glance, James suggested giving one of the more private mall restaurants a go instead. The first one they tried wasn’t yet full, and Beth was grateful when they were able to slide into a quiet booth with only a few moments wait. They perused the menu and laughed when they both decided on the same thing–a bacon cheeseburger, medium, extra pickles, and onion rings instead of fries. As they settled in to wait for lunch, James asked her, “What nationality is your last name? I don’t think I’ve ever heard Vargo before.”

Beth smiled proudly. “Hungarian. Some of my ancestors were Rom.”

He gave her a thoughtful look and a slow, sensual smile spread across his face. “So here’s me sitting and talking with a bona fide gypsy. This day just keeps getting better and–” He jumped as his cell phone went off with a double beep. Looking down at the caller ID, he answered it with a grin.

“Yeeesss?” James said. He listened for a moment. “I’m not at the hotel. I’m having lunch with a beautiful gypsy,” he said, winking at Beth. Pause. “Yes, I remember what you said. Yes, the pond. I know. Jaysus, Ian, go have a nap or something. I’ll call you later, all right?” With a parting chuckle he ended the call, shaking his head in mock pity. “Poor Ian’s a nervous wreck. How is Lily holding up?”

Their server appeared, setting their soda glasses on bar coasters and dropping paper wrapped straws next to them before vanishing again. James snatched his straw, tore off the end and before Beth could blink lifted it to his lips and blew the wrapper at her. It shot past her ear and fluttered down into the next booth, fortunately unoccupied. Her mouth dropped open in mingled shock and delight.

“Em….accident. Sorry about that,” he muttered, offering no further explanation. “So…you were saying about Lily?”

With a wary look at her dining companion Beth peeled her own straw, stuck it in her glass and took a long drink before answering. “As well as can be expected,” she said. “She’ll be worse tomorrow than today, though. I think Ian’s the best thing that has ever happened to her. I’m so happy for both of them.”

James nodded in agreement. “I think the world of Lily. She’ll do him good. We all thought he’d never settle down.”

Beth toyed with her wrapper, tying it in knots to match the ones in her stomach. “What about you? You probably have a girlfriend tucked away somewhere…” She bit her lower lip again when her little internal voice scolded, you’re fishing. Just stop and enjoy it for what it is.

He frowned. “No, I don’t…I’m afraid my job doesn’t give me much time for a relationship. Our tour schedule is aggressive, sometimes six nights a week in six different cities. These few days are the most time I’ve had off in a long, long time, and I had to fight like hell to get them. I wasn’t going to miss this for the world.” He took a drink of his own soda. “On a brighter note, my contract is coming up in July. I’m planning on taking a whole year off, maybe go back to school and finish my degree. I can’t tell you how much I’m looking forward to waking up in the same bed more than two days in a row.”

Beth was surprised at his candor. “I guess I never really thought about it that way. You always imagine the rock star life is glamorous and fun, but it doesn’t sound like you get to have much of a life at all.”

He shrugged, giving her a sheepish smile. “Don’t get me wrong. It’s been a grand ride, and I’ve loved it for the most part. The music’s great and the fans are amazing. I’m looking forward to some peace and quiet, though. Staying in one place for a while, maybe…” he paused in midsentence and took another sip. Beth’s gaze was riveted to his softly pursed lips wrapped around the straw. She shook her head to clear the tantalizing mental images those lips inspired.

“So how about you?” James asked lightly, throwing her question back to her. “Got a boyfriend tucked away somewhere?”

Trying to pretend he didn’t just ask her that, she swallowed hard and shook her head no, then swiftly changed the subject. “Have you decided where you’re going to go back to school?” she asked. You’re fishing again, the voice warned.

He gave a start as his phone beeped again. Checking the caller ID, he frowned and pressed ignore then slipped it back into his pocket. “My manager. I’m not really interested in talking to him right now,” he explained.

Just then their lunch arrived and James tore into his with relish. “This is deadly good,” he said in between bites. He ate with gusto, smacking his lips and rolling his eyes in pleasure. “Jaysus, best burger I’ve had in ages,” he groaned. Beth nodded in agreement, her own mouth too full to answer.

After they had finished, James answered her earlier question. “I went to college full time for almost two years including summers. I’ve been doing distance learning since then, trying to get my credits in. Leeds would take me back of course, but I rather like the idea of settling here. Ian says there’s some good universities nearby, and Meg says she’ll even feed me once in a while if I stay.”

Beth’s heart did a little Snoopy dance at that revelation. It was difficult, but she managed to keep her face impassive. “There’s quite a few, but I guess which school depends on your major. What were you studying before?”

He flushed as if embarrassed. “Classical guitar and voice. Never had any interest in playing rock guitar, odd considering what I do for a living.” He paused as the server came to clear their plates then continued. “I like the old music, medieval, renaissance. I think there’s some sort of recessive gene that causes that. Meg, Ian and I all got it,” he laughed.

She smiled at that. “I love it too,” she said. “You know I work for Meg and Dan at the fortuneteller tent. I get to hear that kind of music all the time. Did Meg tell you they’re going to start doing historical shows for school kids? It’ll be loads of fun.”

“Sounds like it,” James said as he stretched, his spine making noisy settling pops. “I haven’t had much chance to visit with Meg. She’s in full-on wedding mode. Did you meet the rest of the family?”

She shook her head. “I haven’t met Sean and his wife yet, but I’m sure I will,” she said, ignoring the siren call of the dessert menu. “I’m looking forward to the reception. I’ve never been to a real Irish wedding before.”

James brightened at her admission. “Do you dance? It’s required by law at all Irish weddings, you know.”

Heat flooded her face. “A little. I haven’t had much practice.”

He reached across the table and took her hand. “And that in itself is a shame and a sin. A beautiful woman like you should be dancing every day,” he said, clucking his tongue in disapproval. “I’m afraid I’ll have to insist that you save at least a dozen or so dances for me tomorrow night.”

Mutely, she nodded her agreement. A bright light suddenly flashed, then another and another. James swore under his breath. “I think we’re going to need to get moving. I’m sorry,” he apologized as they slid out of the booth.

Beth looked at him, shocked. “Why are you apologizing? It’s not your fault. Besides,” she added pertly, “how do you know they weren’t taking my picture?”

Startled, he turned to look at her and a big, beautiful grin spread split his handsome face. “You know, darlin’, maybe they were doing just that.”

Holding hands and humming the Mission Impossible theme, they dodged and ducked their way around corners, behind potted plants and through more clothing racks than was necessary to get back to the car without being seen. Safe behind the tinted windows of the sedan, they doubled over laughing like a couple of children at their narrow escape.

James wiped his eyes and gave her a grateful glance. “You know, I can’t remember having laughed this much in a very long time. Thank you,” he said sincerely.

She didn’t reply, but surreptitiously admired his profile out of the corner of her eyes as he maneuvered through the crowded mall parking lot.

They arrived back at her apartment much too quickly. “Thank you for throwing caution to the wind and having lunch with me today; I truly had a wonderful time,” James laughed, offering his hand to help her out of the car.

“I did too, thank you,” Beth grinned, accepting it. “You know, you’re really not at all what I thought you’d be like.” She groaned inwardly as soon as she said that, not believing she actually said it out loud.

He raised a quizzical brow. “And just what, pray tell, were you expecting?”

She shrugged. “I don’t know. I guess all the things I’ve read about you–”

“The majority of which aren’t true,” James interjected.

“I just thought you’d be…I don’t know…I never would have thought you’d enjoy hanging out at the mall and eating a burger like normal people. Not to say you’re not normal or anything,” she added in a rush.

To her relief, he laughed heartily. “I’m just as normal as you or anybody else, I reckon. I just happened to have a job that’s a little on the different side. “ He didn’t release her hand as they walked up the stairs to her apartment, coming to a stop in front of her door. Beth hesitated and James chuckled.

“It’s not that,” Beth blurted out, “it’s just that it’s…a mess. I wasn’t expecting company.” Straightening her back, she pointed a finger at him and ordered, “Give me two minutes. Don’t go anywhere.” She unlocked the door and darted inside, slamming it behind her.

His voice followed her through the door. “At least this time you asked me to wait before you took off. I’m inclined to think that’s promising. I’ll just, ah…hang out here on your stoop. Patiently and without complaining.”

Only a few moments had passed before Beth opened the door again. “It wasn’t as bad as I thought,” she said by way of apology. “Wanna come in?”

He jumped up from his seat on the stairs, brushed himself off and stepped through her open door into her apartment. He looked around slowly and grinned. “This is a great apartment. I like it.”

Beth flittered around like a fluffy red bee in a bottle. “Would you…ah…like something to drink?” I know I would, she thought, her mouth suddenly dry as a bone.

James headed straight for the overloaded bookcase, tilting his head to read the haphazardly stacked titles. “No, thanks,” he said, perusing her music collection. “Wow. You have all our CDs. ‘Tis complimentin’ you I must be on your grand taste in music,” he said in a thick brogue. When she giggled in response he grinned at his successful joke. “You have a nice laugh.”

She blushed at the compliment and had just opened her mouth to thank him when her phone rang. James burst into uncontrollable laughter. “Jaysus. Don’t tell me that’s your phone ringing.”

If it were possible, Beth blushed even deeper. “It’s Lily. Excuse me, I’ll be just a second,” she squeaked, bolting into the kitchen to grab a soda. “Hey,” she answered, yanking on the refrigerator door. It flew open and hit the counter behind it with a resonating bang.

“All right in there?” James called out.

“Yup, it’s all good, thanks,” Beth yelled then dropped her voice down to a whisper. “Goddess help me, I’m a mess,” she muttered, adding “Hi, Lily.”

“Hi, yourself. What kind of mess?” Lily laughed.

Beth glanced back into the living room where James was on hands and knees browsing the stacks of books piled on the floor. “I kinda have company. I’ll call you later.”

Lily gasped. “Is James there? What are you two doing?”

“In all his glory,” Beth whispered before breaking into a nervous giggle. “I’ll call you later. Witch’s honor.” Ignoring Lily’s gleeful outburst she hung up and returned to the living room with two sodas. “Oh, you said you didn’t want one,” she said in dismay.

James took the can from her. “I suddenly find myself thirsty, so yes, thank you. Now how about you take a deep breath and just relax.” Taking her hand, he sat down on the couch and pulled her down to sit with him. It wasn’t long before the two of them were chattering away like old friends.

When James finally looked down at his watch again, it was late in the afternoon. “I’ve taken up your whole day, I’m afraid, but I’m going to have to get back,” he sighed. “I’m having dinner with Sean, Ian and Dan tonight, and sharp as that lot is they’d probably notice if I wasn’t there.”

“Bachelor party?” Beth said, her eyebrows flying up in mock surprise.

James chuckled. “Ah no, nothing like that. Just dinner and a few drinks after, reminiscing, that sort of thing. They’re very faithful to their women, as they should be.” He smiled.

There was an awful lot in that statement that wasn’t being said aloud, she decided, tucking it away for further deliberation. They stood and she walked with him to the door.

“I really did enjoy your company today,” he said, “Thank you for agreeing to go.” He nodded his head with mock solemnity. “You’re a brave lady, Miss Beth.”

“Brave is as brave does, sir, but I enjoyed it too. Thank you for asking,” she said, equally as somber.

He laughed. “I, oh…is that a squirrel?” he suddenly asked, glancing toward the window. Beth turned to look and when she did, James stepped in closer and his lips softly grazed her cheek.

She gasped in surprise. With a deep, satisfied chuckle he stepped back, his gaze dancing as he appraised her. “Excellent, you survived. There’s a good start. I’ll give you fair warning, though,” he promised, raising his hand to gently brush his fingertips over her lips, “the next time I kiss you, you’ll see it coming.”

Beth shivered from the soles of her feet all the way up to the roots of her hair at his softly spoken words. With a jaunty wave, he turned and bounded down the stairs. She closed the door behind her and leaned against it, hand to her flaming cheek. She reached into her pocket for her cell phone and called Lily back. “He just left,” she said, sounding out of breath.

Lily squealed. “He’s been there all this time? Well?”

“Well what?” Beth asked.

“Did you…you know,” she hedged.

“Oh, yes,” she lied smoothly. “A couple dozen times. It was great. The earth moved and everything. He’s going to write a song about it, he said. Maybe two. Of course I didn’t sleep with him, you nitwit, I just met the man yesterday.” She giggled. “Although I have to say he’s just about too pretty for his own good and he’s a whole lot nicer than I expected him to be. He’s incredibly smart and….and he makes me laugh and…”

“You liked him.” Lily’s voice held the slightest touch of smug satisfaction.

“Of course I liked him. Handsome, funny, and sweet enough to make cookies out of. What’s not to like?”

“You liked him,” Lily insisted.

“Fine,” Beth snapped. “I liked him. And when the wedding’s over and he’s flying back to wherever it is in the world he’s going, I’ll tuck that memory away to treasure because that’ll be the end of it.” There was a long silence then Beth heard the distinct sound of cards being shuffled. “What are you doing?” she demanded.

“I asked what was on the horizon for you and it came up Nine of Cups, so I wouldn’t be too sure of that, Miss Know-it-all,” Lily said primly. “After all, things have been known to change, haven’t they?”

The Gypsy Ribbon

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