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Dear Reader

After Legal Seduction, many of you contacted me asking if Iris’s sisters would get a story. Well, I’m happy to say—yes!

A Dose of Passion is Macy and Derek’s story. You remember Macy, right? Iris’s older foster sister, the doctor. Macy longs to fall in love and experience her happily-ever-after and Derek Logan is just the person to help her fulfill her dreams. He just doesn’t know it yet.

If you have read my Jenkins Family Series, you might remember Derek. He was first introduced in book one of that series—Craig’s older brother. Derek is a single father and his main goal is to raise his son. Life doesn’t always go as planned. Not only does he become a millionaire overnight, but he also falls in love when he least expects it.

I hope you enjoy A Dose of Passion.

Let me hear from you! (www.sharoncooper.net)

Sharon C. Cooper

A Dose Of Passion

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