Читать книгу Exposed: The Sheikh's Mistress - Шэрон Кендрик, Sharon Kendrick - Страница 2

‘I am choosing you to become mistress to the Sheikh.’


He made it sound so...mechanical. ‘Is there a new vacancy, then?’ Sienna questioned acidly. ‘Or will I be sharing the post?’

Hashim was so used to complete compliance—to grateful and eager acceptance from adoring women—that for a moment he was taken aback by her flippant attitude. ‘I do not think you realise the honour I am affording you,’ he said icily.

‘No, I probably don’t,’ said Sienna gravely. ‘Perhaps you could tell me a little more about what this exciting position entails?’

‘You will have an open charge account.’ His black eyes flicked disparagingly over her jeans and stained T-shirt. ‘And in future you will buy clothes that please you, and please your Sheikh. I should like to see you in silks and satins from now on.’

‘How delightfully simple you make it sound,’ Sienna murmured. ‘Anything else?’

Exposed: The Sheikh's Mistress

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