Читать книгу Familiar Stranger - Sharon Sala - Страница 11

Chapter 3


David ran without thought, focusing only on the impact of foot to ground and the mind-numbing relief that exhaustion always brought. Leaving Cara had seemed cowardly, especially after he’d come all this way to see her. But he was too ashamed to let her see his weaknesses—to admit that something as innocuous as a nightmare could undo him to this extent.

When he’d first run into the woods behind her house, he’d gone without a destination other than to forget. But a short time later, when he realized he had no idea where he was, he paused in a clearing and looked at the sky, reading the heavens like road map. The North Star was a constant that he quickly sought out. Once he found it, he realigned himself with the world and wished it was as simple to do that in his own life. By the time he’d outrun the demons, he had begun to circle back and was less than a mile from her home. Now it was simply a matter of getting there before exhaustion hit.

He came out of the trees, his steps dragging, his feet numb and burning. As he started up the gentle slope behind her house, he looked up and then stopped.


She’d turned on the lights so he could see to come home.

There had been so many times in his life when he had not allowed himself the luxury of shedding a tear. He had no way of knowing that the simple act of lighting his way home was all it would take. But now…

He shuddered, then swallowed around a lump in his throat. Not once since he’d begun this lonely journey that had become his life had he had someone to come home to.

Dear God, if only he did belong here—to Cara and what was left of her world. He needed it—deserved it. He’d given up so damned much. Surely he would be allowed some joy on this earth before his days were over. He took a deep breath and then shook off the thoughts. As long as the showdown with Frank still loomed, he couldn’t allow himself to dwell on the future. He threw back his shoulders and started to walk.

Cara saw him come out of the trees. Her shoulders sagged with a relief she wouldn’t voice. He paused at the bottom of the hill, and although she couldn’t see his features, she was struck by the stillness of his posture, as if he’d become a part of the scenery. Then he started toward her, his steps slow and dragging.

She stood up from the chair in which she’d been sitting, then stayed within the shadows, struggling with the urge to run to him. Still uncertain where she fit into his life, she watched, waiting to take her cue from him.

David felt her presence before he saw her, and when she stepped out of the shadows to the edge of the porch, a weight lifted from his chest. This was just like a dream he’d had so many times before. Coming home to find this woman awaiting his arrival was nothing short of a miracle.


“Are you okay?”


“I made some coffee. There are fresh towels and a washcloth in the bathroom.” She hesitated, then added, “Do you need anything else?”

He swallowed around a lump in his throat. “Just you.”

“I’ve been here all the time.”

“I know. I’m the one who’s been lost.”

She walked off the porch and took him by the hand.

“Then welcome home, my darling,” she said softly, and led him inside.

David went silently, knowing that simple act had done more toward saving his sanity than anything else she could have ever done.

When he came out of the shower it was close to four in the morning. The lights were out in the rest of the house, with only a small ginger jar lamp lighting the area beside Cara’s bed. He stood in the doorway, watching her sleep. So still. So beautiful.

He wondered how many times Ray Justice had done this very same thing, maybe in this very same place—watching his wife in their bed. Jealousy burned low in his gut but he shoved it aside. There was nothing left to be jealous about. The man was dead, and he was here.

But there was Frank.

The possibility existed that he might never have another chance to do this—to stand within the quiet of a home and watch the woman he loved as she slept. This time, it was regret that drew him to the bed. He pulled back the covers and slipped in beside her, selfishly taking everything she had to offer now.

When she sighed and turned, snuggling her cheek against his chest, his arms tightened around her.

God…don’t let this end.

Then he closed his eyes and let exhaustion claim him.

David smelled coffee and rolled over in surprise. Most of his adult life had hinged on being cognizant of his surroundings, even in his sleep, and yet Cara had arisen from this bed and dressed without him knowing it. And from the scents wafting down the hallway, she’d been up for some time. Not only did he smell coffee, but if he wasn’t mistaken, also bacon and the aroma of baking bread. He rolled out of bed and grabbed a clean pair of shorts and a shirt, unwilling to waste another moment of this day. After a quick trip to the bathroom to brush his teeth and comb his hair, he padded barefoot down the hall. The television was on in the living room and he stopped, taking a moment to listen to the announcer.

“Talks between the Irish Republican Army and Great Britain have come to a halt. Reports from unnamed sources tell us that the recent bombing in Trafalgar Square has been attributed to a renegade faction of the IRA and that until this has been sorted out, negotiations will cease.”

“Damn,” David muttered, and made himself a mental note to check on the status of the situation. When the announcer continued, he lingered another moment, although he was torn between his duty to SPEAR and his longing to be with Cara.

“On the local front, hit-and-run robberies are continuing within a three-county area of upstate New York. Just last night, a liquor store in Three Corners was held up, and the clerk on duty was shot and robbed of more than six thousand dollars. The woman, a thirty-four-year-old Asian mother of two, is still in surgery. More on her condition later.”

David sighed, sorry for the woman and her family, but his focus had to be on the larger picture. Even though it was on a limited basis, terrorism had already made its mark in the United States. It was part of his job to make sure it didn’t escalate.

When the station broke for commercial, he turned to other issues—namely breakfast with Cara.

When he entered the kitchen, Cara was washing her hands at the sink. He walked up behind her, slipped his arms around her waist and nuzzled the back of her neck.

Cara gasped with surprise.

“David! You startled me,” she said, then she leaned back against him and closed her eyes as his hands moved up her belly to her breasts.

“Then we both got a surprise this morning,” he said, as he turned her in his arms and kissed the smile on her lips.

“How so?” Cara asked.

“I never heard you get up.”

She shrugged. “I was trying to be quiet. You were sleeping so soundly I thought you must need the rest.”

“That’s beside the point,” David said. “There were lots of days and nights I went without sleep and I still stayed alert. It made the difference in my ever seeing another sunrise.”

She cupped his face with her hands. “Yes, but that was when you were in danger, right?”


“So…subconsciously, you knew there was nothing here to fear. End of story. Now come sit down. Breakfast is almost done.”

She was right, and the answer was so simple, he didn’t know why it hadn’t occurred to him first. Maybe he’d spent too much of his life in hiding to be able to do this normal-guy stuff.

“Need any help?” he asked.

“No, but thanks.”

He took a seat, thinking he couldn’t remember the last time he sat down to a meal with flowers on the table. Then he saw the basket of hot blueberry muffins and his heart skipped a beat. He felt Cara’s hand on the back of his neck.

He looked at her. She was smiling.

“You remembered,” he said softly.

“How could I forget,” Cara said, and then brushed a brief kiss across his mouth. “We had breakfast together at Flanders’ Deli the morning you left for basic training. I was so mad at you and I still came to say goodbye.”

David sighed, unwilling to think about the negative aspects of their parting. “It was blueberry muffins with some kind of sugary stuff on top.”

“Streusel. It’s called streusel.”

David touched the corner of her mouth. “You had it stuck right here.”

Cara smiled. “And you removed it with your tongue. Caused quite a scene there in the deli, as I recall.” Then she frowned. “Someone told my parents. When I got home, there was the proverbial hell to pay.”

“Sorry,” David said.

“I’m not. Even though they’ve been gone for several years, after knowing what they did to us, David, I don’t think I can ever forgive them.”

“Holding on to grudges isn’t healthy,” he said, thinking of Frank. “Let’s just focus on here and now.”

Cara sensed he was alluding to more than what her parents had done, because that dark look was back in his eyes. Determined not to talk about anything negative, she handed him a muffin and made herself smile.

“Start on that while I get the rest of our food.”

The bread was warm against his palm, and when he broke it open, the scent of sugar and blueberries made him feel like a kid of sixteen all over again. Ignoring the butter and jam, he took a big bite, savoring the taste as well as the thought behind it.

“What do you think?” Cara asked as she set a plate of bacon and scrambled eggs at his place.

He swallowed. “I think Ray Justice was a damned lucky man.”

At first, the mention of her deceased husband was startling, until she began to accept the compliment in the manner in which it had been made. She smiled.

“Why, David…what a genuinely dear thing to say.”

He arched an eyebrow. “I have my moments.”

She laughed and then went to get her own food, leaving David with the sound of her laughter echoing in his ears and the knowledge that whatever happened later, he’d been right in coming.

They finished their meal in near silence, each absorbed in the simple wonder of sharing food. For Cara, the whole experience seemed surreal. Day before yesterday, David Wilson was a heartache from her past, and now he was sitting in her house, at her table, eating the food that she’d prepared. But this David was nothing like the boy who’d left her behind. He was hard and secretive and rarely smiled. She wanted her old David back. Not only that, she wanted more—so much more. But she kept remembering an old saying about being careful of what you wished for. Her life was settled. If he stayed, could she live with a man with so many secrets—a man who had to wear himself out physically to be able to rest? She sighed. God help them both, because she had never wanted anything so much in her life and she was afraid she wouldn’t be up to the task.

David got up to pour himself another cup of coffee.

“Want a refill?” he asked.

“No, I’ve had enough.”

Her words wrapped around his senses, reminding him that he would never have enough of her. The smile he’d been wearing stopped at the corner of his mouth as he sat the cup down on the counter, unfilled. Then he walked across the room, pulled her up from her chair and into his arms.

“You sure?” he asked, his voice husky with promise.

She smiled. “Maybe I was a little hasty.”

“If you come back to the bedroom with me, we can take all the time you need to decide.”

A shiver of longing rolled through her as she slid her arms around his neck.

“The way I’m feeling right now, it won’t take any time at all.”

A rare smile broke the somberness of his face as he scooped her up in his arms.

“I can walk,” she said, as he carried her down the hall.

He laid her on the bed and then crawled on top of her, straddling her legs. There was a gleam in his eye as he began to undress her.

“Tell me that again afterward,” he said.

Breath caught in the back of her throat as his hands tugged her shirt from the waistband of her slacks. From where she was lying, he seemed indomitable. And then he leaned forward and centered his mouth across her lips. She moaned.

He leaned even closer, his mouth against her ear as he whispered something dark and promising that sent her sense of self into a tailspin. Could she do something like that—even with a man she loved?

Clothes came off, flying in every direction.

Her slacks.

His shorts.

Her bra.

His shirt.

When there was nothing left between them but his promises, he turned her over on her stomach.

Cara shivered as his hands encircled her ankles. After that, nothing in her life would ever be the same.

Cara stepped out of the shower to find David waiting on her. She smiled slowly, gazing her fill of his strong, naked body and the look in his eyes.

David returned her grin as he wrapped her in a towel.

“What?” he asked.

“It would have been an absolute tragedy if I’d lived my whole life without experiencing that.”

The corner of his mouth tilted, but not much. “That, as you call it, is one of the most interesting pages of the Kama Sutra.”

“Oh? And here I thought you’d learned that from some Mata Hari type during your world travels.”

“Hell, honey, it wasn’t a James Bond type of life, I can tell you that. I could count the number of women I’ve slept with in the last twenty years on one hand and have fingers left over.”

“Oh, I wasn’t speaking from jealousy,” Cara said. “Quite the reverse. I was going to suggest that if I’m ever with you and you see any of those women again, please introduce me.”


“I want to thank them for whatever they added to your expertise.”

His eyes widened in surprise and then he threw back his head and laughed as he swung her off her feet.

Cara wrapped her arms around his neck, grinning at his delight.

“God, woman, you unman me,” he said, as he set her on her feet.

“Not for too long, I hope. Now let me get dressed. I can’t stay naked all day.”

“Why not?”

Her grin widened. “Because I have things to do.”

He frowned. “What kind of things?”

She shrugged. “Normal, everyday things, like picking up some clothes from the cleaners, buying groceries, washing the car. You know…just stuff.”

David followed her into the bedroom and sat on the bed as she began to dress. He didn’t want to admit that he didn’t know. Stuff hadn’t been on his agenda since the day he’d left for Vietnam.

“Can I come?”

Cara turned, surprised by the hesitant tone in his voice.

“Of course you can. I expected you to.”

“Is there a dress code for this kind of stuff?”

She started to laugh and then realized he was serious. Her hands fisted as she struggled to keep the anger out of her voice.

“I keep wanting to ask exactly what the hell the United States government did to you in the name of peace, but I’m afraid of the answer. You can wear shorts or any kind of pants. Jeans…slacks, whatever you like. A shirt of any kind is fine with me. There’s this great little restaurant where we can have lunch.” She frowned, then added, “Actually, it’s more like a tearoom, but the dress code is casual.”

“Okay,” David said, and took a pair of chinos from a hanger, then stood for a moment, choosing a shirt that would match.

Cara paused, watching the play of muscles across his back. Her gaze fell on the multitude of scars on his body as it had so many times before. Suddenly blinded by tears, she turned before he could see them and began digging through a dresser drawer.

It occurred to her then that she’d taken her freedom for granted, never considering the countless men who sacrificed on a daily basis so that she would never live in fear. She turned abruptly.


“Yeah?” he muttered, as he bent over to tie his shoe.

“Thank you.”

He looked up. “For what?”

“For the years you spent in the service of this country. For the nights you didn’t sleep and the pain—”

He stood and put his forefinger in the center of her mouth, gently stopping what she’d been about to say.

“You don’t have to say this,” he said.

“Yes…actually I do,” Cara said. “I spent a lot of years feeling sorry for myself because my life didn’t work out the way I’d planned. And then I see you, like this, and what you suffered while I was warm and safe and—”

Her voice broke and she looked away.

David’s expression was shuttered. How did he respond to a brutal truth?

“Come here, honey. It’s okay.”

“No,” she muttered. “It will never be okay.”

“It’s almost over,” he said.

She frowned. “That’s not the first time you’ve alluded to unfinished business. What is it, David? Why can’t you tell me?”

He tried to grin. “You know the old spy joke. If I told you, then I’d have to kill you, and we both know I couldn’t do that. So…”

Cara turned away, muttering something beneath her breath as she finished dressing.

David arched an eyebrow as he smiled. “Those are pretty salty words for such a pretty lady.”

She purposefully ignored him, which made him smile even more. This woman was a far cry from the girl he’d left behind. He was falling in love all over again.

“I’ll finish dressing now,” he said.

She almost glared. “Are you making fun of me?”

“No, ma’am.”

She sighed. “Yes, you are.”

“What would it take for you to change the subject?” he asked.

She lifted her chin, refusing to smile. “I’m going to the living room. When you’re ready, I will be waiting.” Then she marched out of the bedroom, leaving him on his own.

David hesitated briefly, then grabbed his wallet and keys before following her exit. This might be new and uncharted territory for him, but damned if he wasn’t looking forward to it.

Tearoom, indeed.

Two hours and a half dozen errands later, they walked into the restaurant. Almost immediately, Cara saw people she knew. They waved a hello, and she could tell by the looks on their faces that their curiosity was raised by the man at her side.

Earlier, she’d almost lost his company when she had gone into the hair salon to pick up a bottle of her favorite shampoo. One of the stylists had flirted, which he’d calmly ignored, but when the shampoo girl came by and pinched his behind, Cara thought he was going to bolt. Cara had calmly told the girl to go molest someone else, which had made everyone laugh, including David. After that, the rest of the morning had been fairly innocuous. But now there was this. She glanced at David, judging his expression. To her surprise, he was looking at her.

“What do you think?” Cara asked.

“It smells good in here,” he said.

She smiled. “The food tastes as good as it smells.”

“Then I think you made the right choice, and I think those people at the table near the window are trying to get your attention.”

Cara sighed. “Yes, I know. What do I do…about you, I mean?”

An eyebrow arched. “What do you want to do…about me, I mean?”

She grinned. “One thing has certainly changed since I first knew you. You have a wicked sense of humor. Now be serious. Is it, uh, safe to introduce you as David or should I—”

David slid his hand along the length of her spine and gave her a gentle push in their direction.

“I am who I am. If it was dangerous for me to surface, I damn sure wouldn’t have brought it to you.”

She looked startled, and he realized she hadn’t considered that aspect of his life having a negative impact on hers.

“Cara! Dear! How wonderful to see you.”

Cara smiled. Obviously they’d stood too long at the door waiting to be seated. Her friend Debra Shay had been too curious to wait.

“Good to see you, too,” Cara said.

“Well…aren’t you going to introduce me?” Debra asked, and then glanced coyly at David.

Cara smiled. “If you promise not to pinch him on the backside, I will.”

Debra giggled and patted David’s arm in commiseration. “Oh, no! You must have been at Ream’s Salon. That Janis female is lethal around good-looking men.”

David smiled. “I’ll take that as a compliment,” he said smoothly. “I’m David Wilson. It’s a pleasure to meet one of Cara’s friends.”

“David, this is Debra Shay,” Cara said. “Ray worked with her husband, Roy.”

David nodded congenially while thinking that he felt like he was playing a part. Normal chit-chat, ordinary people, having lunch in a tearoom in Chiltingham, New York. It was a far cry from subterfuge and espionage. And then the hostess arrived and the moment ended.

“I’m sorry for the delay,” she said. “Please follow me.”

“Nice to meet you,” Debra gushed, giggling again as David and Cara were shown to their table.

David seated Cara, then took the chair beside her. As soon as the hostess left, he took Cara’s hand.

“That wasn’t so bad, was it?”

She made herself smile. “No.”

“Why do I feel like there’s a but just waiting to come out?”

She sighed. “Because there is.”

“Then what?”

“This doesn’t feel real.”

He started to smile, which was the last thing Cara would have expected him to do.

“What’s so funny?” she asked.

“I’d forgotten that we used to think alike.”

“What do you mean?”

“Just a few moments ago I was thinking the very same thing. I feel like I’m acting a part and any minute now someone is going to yell cut and I’m going to turn back into—”

He caught himself before he said the word Jonah and looked away, but the message was clear. Cara put her hands over his and gave them a squeeze.

“It’s all right, darling,” she said quietly. “If you’re uncomfortable, we can go home. I’ll make us some sandwiches and we can—”

“Hell, no. I’m not fragile, just out of practice,” he said, and then handed her a menu. “Now, tell me what’s good.”

The smile on her face was worth every uncomfortable moment he’d had thus far. When she bent her head to study the menu, he watched her changing expression as devoutly as he’d watched the sunrises over the Rockies. He didn’t know how this journey was going to end, but he would never be sorry he’d made it.

“How hungry are you?” Cara asked.

He blinked. Telling her the truth about what he really hungered for would probably embarrass her, but when she started to blush, he figured she’d just read his mind.

A small grin tilted the right side of his mouth, then as quickly disappeared.

He leaned across the table until their foreheads were almost touching. “I’m starving,” he said softly

Her blush heightened. “Just don’t lick the corner of my mouth again until there’s a really good reason.”

His eyes glittered warmly as he sat back in his chair. “You’re safe for now,” he promised. “Now, since you’re the expert here, why don’t you order for me?”


“I think I’m secure enough as a man to let a woman order for me without feeling threatened. Besides, I’m curious as to what you think might appeal to me.”

“What if you don’t like it?”

He thought of the times he’d eaten grubs and insects to survive and decided against mentioning it.

“I’ll still eat it.”

She beamed. “My kind of man.”

The teasing disappeared from his eyes. “Sweetheart, I was always your man.”

Unprepared for the gentleness in his voice, Cara’s eyes teared, but she blinked them away.

“Just for that, you’re going to get their famous dessert, too,” she said.

“What’s that?”

She grinned. “Cake. It’s called Better Than Sex.”

David thought she was putting him on until she pointed to the dessert portion of the menu.

“No way,” he muttered, wondering what else had changed in this world while he’d been hiding behind the generations of Jonahs who’d gone before him.

“Oh, yes, and when you’ve finished your meal, I’ll prove it,” Cara said.

At this point, David’s sense of justice got the best of him. He’d never had a bite of food in his life that was better than making love to Cara—not even when he’d been starving.

“You just do that,” he whispered. “And I’ll be a really good boy and eat everything on my plate, but when we get home, I’m going to prove to you that there isn’t anything better than sex, especially when it’s with the right person.”

“May I take your order?”

Startled, Cara looked up. The waitress was grinning—proof that she’d overheard, at the very least, the last thing David just said. Cara glared at David and then rolled her eyes. This would be all over the tearoom before they’d been served their first dish.

The waitress waited, her pen poised above her pad.

Refusing to look at David, Cara gave their order. As soon as the waitress was gone, Cara glanced up, but he seemed preoccupied with a couple across the room. She turned to look and then sighed. It was Ben and Katie Murphy and their new baby girl. Probably their first outing since the baby’s arrival last month. She looked at David again. The pain in his eyes was unmistakable. Despite the fact that everyone in the room would see and put their own interpretation on the action, she reached for his hand.

Startled by her touch, David blinked, then turned his focus to Cara.

“I’m sorry,” she said softly.

He sighed. So she’d read his mind again. So what else was new?

“You have nothing to be sorry for,” he said briefly.

“Don’t, David.”

“Don’t what?”

“Don’t deny your feelings…not to me.”

“Okay then. What do you want to hear first?” he asked, his voice barely above a whisper. “That I envy that young couple the life ahead of them, or that I want things I know I can never have?”

“I can’t give you back your youth, but I can give you a daughter…and grandchildren.” She held her breath, afraid to say the rest of it—that she would be his wife if he wanted it.

David made himself smile, unaware that the action never reached his eyes.

“You’ve already done that,” he said. “And I can only hope that they will forgive me as quickly as you have.”

“There’s nothing to forgive,” Cara said, refusing to admit her disappointment that he had mentioned nothing about the future of their relationship. “When they get to know you, they will love you.”

Before David could answer, he saw a woman approaching their table. From the look on her face, the curiosity was eating her up. He gave Cara a nod and then braced himself, thankful he was sitting down. This one looked as if she wouldn’t settle for a simple pinch on the behind.

“Ooh, Cara, who’s this big hunk and where have you been keeping him?”

Cara flinched and David saw it, identifying the woman as someone other than a friend. Whoever she was, she’d just become his enemy, too.

“Macie, I thought you were in Reno.”

“I just got back, and look, I’m a free woman again.” She wiggled the empty fingers on her left hand as proof.

“I’m sorry to hear that,” Cara said.

“Don’t be! I don’t know what I was thinking when I married that Glen Harvey.”

“That he owned his daddy’s business?” Cara muttered, too low for anyone but David to hear.

“Well,” Macie said. “Aren’t you going to introduce me?”

It was the way Macie Harvey leaned over, displaying her more than ample charms in David’s face, that pushed Cara’s buttons. That plus the fact her husband, Ray, had confessed to having a brief affair with Macie between husbands three and four. Although she had finally forgiven Ray, she had never confronted the woman. Suddenly, now seemed like the perfect time to yank her chain.

She turned in her seat, giving Macie a beatific smile.

“Macie, this is David Wilson. He’s not only my childhood sweetheart, but also Bethany’s father. David, Macie Harvey. Elizabeth Taylor has nothing on our Macie for shedding husbands. I believe Glen was number seven…or was it eight?”

David was surprised but secretly pleased that she’d admitted their relationship. He stood and held out his hand.

“Mrs. Harvey, my condolences on your recent divorce, but as I’m sure you must know, time does heal all wounds, except those that kill you, of course.”

Macie blinked. She didn’t know whether to be insulted first, or run to spread this juicy bit of news. She opted for the news.

“Yes…well…thank you, I’m sure,” she said, giving Cara a fierce glare.

Cara returned the look, still wearing her smile. Macie was the first to look away.

“I’d better get back to my table,” Macie said. “I think my order has arrived.”

“Enjoy,” Cara said.

Cara’s eyes were glittering as she turned to David.

“Cara, honey?”


“Remind me never to make you mad.”

She started to grin. “Why?”

“Because you shed blood better without weapons than anyone I’ve ever seen.”

She tossed her head and then smiled primly. “Thank you. It’s part of the gift of being a woman.”

“Old enemies are often the most difficult to dispatch,” David added, thinking of Frank.

“She had an affair with Ray. They thought I didn’t know.”

David’s heart twisted. So many things she’d had to endure, and all because he hadn’t come home. This time, he was the one reaching for her hand.

“This time, it’s me who’s saying I’m sorry.”

She shrugged. “You didn’t do it. You have nothing to apologize for.”

“Oh, but you’re wrong,” he said softly. “It’s what I didn’t do that has caused the most hurt.”

Before she could answer, their food arrived and the tension of the moment dissipated.

“Hot beef sandwich and tuna salad, coming up,” the waitress said, setting the hot plate of thinly sliced roast beef on toast points with thick brown gravy in front of David and the plate of cold tuna salad on lettuce in front of Cara. “Eat hearty, folks, but remember to save some room. You don’t want to forget that dessert.”

David laughed.

It filtered through Cara’s anger, leaving her weak and breathless. It had been so long since she’d heard that remarkable sound.

“This looks great,” David said. “I don’t remember the last time I had this.”

He dug in with relish, rolling his eyes in appreciation.

Cara smiled and tucked into her own food, all the while thinking about cake and sex with the marvelous man at her right.

Familiar Stranger

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