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To start with, I would like to thank my colleague Stephen Benin at the University of Memphis who read an early draft of the manuscript and offered many perceptive comments and insights. Other friends read subsequent drafts of the manuscript, particularly Bob Turner, Circulation Librarian at Harding School of Theology. The Renaissance man, Dr. Steve Wachtel, read part of it and offered his wisdom. Dr. Dan Bahat, former Chief Archeologist of Jerusalem, made suggestions about archaeological matters. Anna S. Chernak read the manuscript and offered valuable advice and continuous encouragement.

I want to express appreciation for the resources and to the staff of the Harding School of Theology in Memphis, where Librarian Don Meredith led me to materials, Associate Librarian Sheila Owen helped me with research, and Evelyn Meredith supported my research with great cheerfulness. I am grateful as well to J. Andrew Sowers for preparing the index and to Clint Burnett, now a student at Boston University School of Theology, for helping with the preparation of the manuscript for publication.

Special thanks to the Hebrew Union College Library in New York, where Head Librarian Dr. Philip Miller provided me with all the necessary help and wisdom, and Librarian Tina Weiss helped me with research.

Finally, a special thanks to Dr. K. C. Hanson, editor in chief at Wipf & Stock, for his devotion and expertise in transforming my manuscript into this book.

Shaul Bar

Memphis, Tennessee

June 2012

God’s First King

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