Читать книгу Respect the Dead - Shawn McLain - Страница 16

Another Night at Work


Steve got into the car turning the key the engine purred to life. The radio came on. It was news on all the channels. Nonstop talk about the illness and how the cities were having trouble with rioting. Steve selected his IPod. After that he was happily oblivious off in his own world the rest of the trip.

So far the ride across town to the distribution center had been uneventful. The roads were empty with very few people daring to venture out. The few Steve saw hurried about wearing surgical type masks. He shook his head as he saw them. “Like I said, that sanitizer stuff would just make people susceptible to this kinda crap. See,” he looked at the steering wheel, “I rarely wash my hands and I feel fine!” He scoffed holding up his hands as if that proved everything.

Beth I hear you calling.” He smiled to himself as the song began to play. He was happy his sister was done with Corey. "The guy was a douche." He muttered. He passed a car parked oddly on the sidewalk. "You know Wes has been in love with her for forever." He told the car as he passed. "More importantly I trust the guy." He now explained to his car's interior. "Even if it doesn’t work out, Wes will show her how a boyfriend should treat her."

Something caught his eye down a side street. He slowed slightly. It looked like a fight. There were three or four people all crowding around someone on the ground. Steve reached for his phone. He was about to dial when he heard the police siren.

“I guess someone already called that in.” He accelerated and thought no more about it.

At the next block the light was turning read. As slowed to a stop he was surprised as two Harley's thudding loudly to a stop next to him. He glanced over at the steel and chrome covered machines. One bike was covered by a burly bearded guy who looked the part. The other bike had two people on it. The rider was a smaller guy. His jacket looked almost new. On the back of the bike was a girl. Steve admired the her figure. She was covered in leather from head to foot. She shouted something at the big guy and laughed. Steve noticed she was kind of pretty, at least he imagined she was. All he could see were her eyes under the full face helmet. She had the visor up to be heard. She had intensely blue eyes. His mind began to wander. The thunder of the engines startled him. The bikes roared off leaving Steve staring at the green light.

He watched them ride away, the taillights getting smaller and smaller. His mind still on the girl he pushed in the clutch and shifted into first gear.

“Beth is right dude; you seriously need to find a girlfriend.” He said to himself.

Letting out the clutch he began to accelerate thinking about catching up with the bikes. No more than the thought crossed his mind, “SHIT!” he yelped jerking the wheel hard to avoid hitting a woman who stumbled out into the intersection. Jerking the wheel straight and barking the tires angrily Steve gave the woman the finger, “Watch out you fucking drunk!” He shouted through the closed window as he pulled away. The woman stumbled after him for a few paces then continued her slow shuffled across the street.

“Moron.” He muttered angrily. Accelerating down the road he scanned ahead for the bikes but saw nothing. Slightly disappointed he cursed the stumbling woman out again in his head. He really wanted to see the face that held those eyes. Then the idea of the huge brute on the other bike made him think maybe he was better off not finding them. The fact that they were nowhere in sight was one thing. The complete lack of anyone else out and about was something else entirely. This started to bother him. Maybe things are as bad as they were saying.

Making his way down the empty streets felt eerie. Normally this trip should have taken longer. Shops were closed. There was no one out, no one at all. The last person he saw was the drunken woman. He began to wonder where the bikers had been going and whether he should follow. To his surprise he had arrived at his destination.

Steve pulled into the parking lot. He found a space easily. Surveying the lot he notied how many spaces were empty. His mood soared. Even with being early he knew the lot was more sparsely populated than normal. That meant more work to be done. It also meant possible overtime. Hitting the fob he smiled as the alarm beeped. The headlights winked at him. Checking his phone he saw he was at least ten minutes early even with leaving late. “Imagine how early I would have been if I hadn’t been bothering Beth?” He shrugged as he headed into the front office to clock in. He decided to grab a cup of coffee before jumping into his day.

As soon as he walked into the building he was met by Rachel Smyth who was coming down the hall. Rachel was one of the managers. She was in her early fifties, a little plump but with a pleasant happy face. She was one of Steve’s favorites. No nonsense and tough as nails but she was fair and actually a lot of fun to be around if you did your job and didn’t whine. Being a hard worker Steve was one of those employees who she got on well with.

“Hi Stevie, how are you doing this late afternoon?” She asked with a smile.

“Just happy to be alive.” He responded.

“Glad that is the case. How is your family? Anyone sick?”

“No we are all fine. How is yours?”

“Well my husband has called complaining of a bad headache. He wants me to stop and pick up something on the way home.” She shrugged.

“Better raid the medicine cabinet here. I hear all the pharmacies have been cleaned out.”

“I got it covered.” Rachel winked reaching into her pocket to reveal a handful of aspirin packets. “Are we going to see your sister again this summer? She was such a help last year.” She continued as they moved down the hall. “I wasn’t sure what her plans were.”

“Well she is headed to college next year so I guess she might try to get something here part time. You know to pick up some extra money before school starts.” He shrugged.

“Well, she is always welcome. Have a good shift if I don’t see you before I leave.” She gave him a wave as she headed off to her office.

“Yeah have a good night, talk to you later.” Steve returned her wave with a smile then headed outside to the loading area. He sighed, kicked a few rocks across the pavement then swung into the seat of his forklift. “Do I really want to work here the rest of my life?” He thought, “Maybe I should get my act together. Suck it up and go back to school. Community college maybe, to help Dad out so Beth can go to State like she has always wanted to. Yeah sure, maybe this time you won’t screw it up Steve.” He frowned bitterly as he lifted a container off a truck.

Respect the Dead

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