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Glossary of Terms
ОглавлениеAnaphoraThe repetition of a word at the beginning of successive lines or phrases. See lines 121–123.CaesuraA break between words within a foot. E.g. | īndĕ || pĕr |.ChiasmusThe repetition of a grammatical structure in reverse order. E.g. nunc arbor, puer ante (adverb–noun, noun–adverb).EmphasisThe use of a word that has both an obvious and an implicit meaning.EnjambmentThe continuation of a sentence or clause into the next line, often for emphasis. E.g. fessus in herbosa posuit sua corpora terra | cervus (128–129).Figura etymologicaThe use of two etymologically related words in close proximity to each other. E.g. voce vocatur.Hapax legomenonA word that occurs only once in the extant records of a language.HyperbatonThe separation of a noun from its adjective by several words.MetonymyThe substitution of an attribute or property for a related entity. E.g. the use of “crown” for “king.”ParataxisThe avoidance of subordinate clauses in favor of coordinate clauses.PleonasmThe use of more words than is necessary to convey an idea. E.g. muta silentia.ProlepticA reference to something that has not yet occurred. E.g. Pygmalion is called “Paphian hero” before his daughter, Paphos, has been born.Transferred epithetThis occurs when an adjective that describes one noun is transferred to another. E.g. copia digna procorum instead of copia dignorum procorum.TricolonThree parallel words or phrases in immediate succession. E.g. iam iuvenis, iam vir, iam se formosior ipso.ZeugmaA rhetorical device in which a literal and a figurative meaning are linked. E.g. hanc [feminam] simul et legem Rhodopeius accipit heros.