Читать книгу Cowboy Dreaming - Shawna Delacorte - Страница 3

Melanie Felt Cody’s Warm Breath
Across Her Cheek,


then his lips on the side of her neck. His words tickled her ears. “We should figure out the sleeping arrangements for tonight.”

He rose suddenly and added a couple more logs to the blaze. “There should be some sleeping bags in the cupboard,” he said. “And another cot…” It was almost a question.

All right, Ms. I-can-take-care-of-myself-and-don’t-need-anybody, what do you plan to do now?

This was not the time to panic, Melanie told herself. She was a self-sufficient woman who would handle this logically and intelligently.

As she watched, Cody jabbed the burning logs, causing embers to fly—like the hot sparks she felt every time he kissed her. The intensity in his face and the captivating pull of his masculinity drew her to him. Her insides melted into a simmering pool of desire.

Maybe common sense and levelheaded thinking weren’t all they were cracked up to be…

Cowboy Dreaming

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