Читать книгу Her Hero And Protector - Shawna Delacorte - Страница 4

Her Hero and Protector





Brandi Doyle – Why would someone stalk this quiet, unassuming woman? And worse yet, why would someone abduct her?

Reece Covington – He’s hiding away from society in his mountain cabin after serving a prison term for something he didn’t do. After his last experience, will he allow himself to be drawn in by another woman who claims to need his help?

Lt Frank James – Good cop gone bad or simply overzealous in his duties?

Lyle Hanover – Assistant DA who prosecuted Reece based on Lt James’ testimony. Should he have looked at the case a little closer?

Joe Hodges – Is this FBI agent the friend he pretends to be, or does he have an agenda of his own?

Her Hero And Protector

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