Читать книгу JUNKIE II - Shawnda Christiansen - Страница 3



It was the same old situation, day in, day out. Being a public servant felt a lot like slavery.

This is the way it all ends. My world.

My life.

Life, in a nutshell.

So many people, so much confusion. Day in, day out. Punching time cards, begging for vacation days, scrambling to build savings, spending thousands of dollars on college to try and gain a life that garners more financial resources than minimum wage.

Lose a little. Gain a little.

Never achieve the goal.

By the time I was sworn in as Sheriff I had completely given up, given up on the idea of cleaning anything up. Until one day it occurred to me that there was a way to control the drug problem and boost the economy at the same time.

My numbers would soar and I would be a hero. I couldn’t see how that would be a bad thing at all. So I did it. I began a partnership with the source, the source of most of the drug distribution in the United States. They had a business model that no one could argue with, running all of the drugs through a pharmacy. Hell, even I couldn’t argue with it; that shit was legit.

It was flawless from start to finish, and I honestly saw an improve- ment in the town. Not just financially, but even in the behavior of a lot of the junkies around town, because the product itself was as clean as the driven snow.

Then June Taylor had to come along.

June, the junkie I had given so many chances to. June, who I had helped over and over and over again. Her?

It really had to be her?

Her and her buddies who banded together to be pains in my ass. They ruined everything.

Lives were lost, lives that could have been spared, but those lives were nothing compared to the carnage bestowed upon this town if the Cartel found out that the whole operation was exposed.

I tried to stop her; I did, but as they say, “You win some, you lose some.” As I lay here, incapacitated, I have to admit, for the first time in my life, I lost.

It’s the little things in life. Those are the ones that get you and you never see it coming until BOOM! You’re dead. Now that it’s too late you realize that when it comes to the little things in life, there’s really nothing bigger.


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