Читать книгу World War IV: Militant Islam's Battle For World Domination - Sheldon J.D. Cohen - Страница 4




Osama bin Laden

All through this extremely hectic period of the early 1900’s to 1941, the Middle East was home for Arab Muslims and a minority population of Christians, and Jews many of whom fled Eastern European anti-Semitism. They were all victims of the geopolitical machinations of this hectic time.

Make a quick leap ahead to 2013. We have been involved in a war now for about twenty years—some would say forty—but few accept it and fewer understand it. This war is not against sovereign countries, as it was in World War II enabling us to band together against a visible enemy, but rather is against the virulent religious ideology of radical or Militant Islam bent upon our destruction and manifesting itself by acts of terror against our countries, citizens and facilities. Yet most of us do not recognize it for the concerted effort that it clearly manifests to the entire world.

Although Militant Islamic believers represents a small, but significant percentage of those who embrace the Muslim religion, it is powerful, well financed, and according to their own statements, hopeful of destroying the United States who they see as the Great Satan, the usurper of Muslim lands, the pilferer of Muslim resources and the one obstacle that stands in the way of their stated goal—an Islamic Caliphate controlling the entire world. They do not mean to hide this goal and their methods of achieving it.

What happened that brought on this hatred post World War II and into the 21st century? Here is some history.

First, it is necessary to understand that the Muslim religion, like the other two great monotheistic faiths, Christianity and Judaism, is not a single entity, but rather consists of different factions. Modern Christianity and Judaism do not advocate violent overthrow of perceived enemies as a means of spreading their philosophy throughout the world. But there is a definite militant element of Islam that professes that philosophy and does not care who knows it; just listen to their Imams teach and preach. Some in the West have proposed that the name of this struggle should be called the War on Terror, or the War against Evil, but those names, in my opinion, do not focus on a single, organized threat that today has no qualms about professing its desire for taking over the world. It is for this reason that I prefer the War on Militant Islam because Militant Islam has told us that they are at war with us, and they have demonstrated it by their deeds. They need to know that two can play at that game, but the struggle may well spell doom for many. The problem is that death in the struggle guarantees paradise for the Militant Islamic devotees—according to their firm belief—so it is a glorious solution for them; but death for the secularists and infidels does not offer that guarantee. With this religious mindset of the Militant Islamists, would the struggle ever cease and are we doomed to a never-ending war of civilizations? We will analyze that thesis.

Putting a more specific face on Militant Islam includes mentioning the two main current factions: al-Qaeda and the Taliban, evolved in more recent times both of whom profess a deep hatred for Western ideology. They see the United States as the principle impediment to their establishment of a world order based upon a strict interpretation of their Koran (holy book) and Islamic law (Sharia). Osama bin Laden, founder of al-Qaeda and organizer of the destruction of the Twin Towers in New York on September 11, 2001, has stated:

“We love death. The U.S. loves life. That is the difference between us.”

“America is a great power possessed of tremendous military might and a wide-ranging economy, but this is built on an unstable foundation which can be targeted with special attention to its obvious weak spots. If America is hit in one-hundredth of these weak spots, God willing, it will stumble, wither away and relinquish world leadership.”

“America is worse than the Jews.”

Mullah Muhammad Omar was the leader of the Taliban who controlled Afghanistan before the attack on the United States on September 11, 2001 that brought down New York’s Twin Towers. He served as host to Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda forces in Afghanistan while they planned their destructive suicide attack. He said:

“The plan [to destroy America] is going ahead and God willing it is being implemented, but it is a huge task beyond the will and comprehension of human beings. If God's help is with us, this will happen within a short period of time.”

Militant Islam not only hates America, but also any Western regime viewed as an agent or ally of the Great Satan. Even secular Islamic regimes that the radicals view as lackeys of the Americans and/or their Western allies must disappear by whatever means possible and are therefore legitimate targets for destruction. In essence then, Militant Islam must first rid Muslim countries of secularism before they concentrate on ridding the world of the United States in their path to world control; a daunting task, but nothing is too daunting for an ideology as fanatical as Militant Islam.

World War IV: Militant Islam's Battle For World Domination

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