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Dear Reader,

Thanks for picking up Mommy in Training! While some books have seemed to come together pretty quickly, this one sure didn’t. Over the past eight years I’ve written and rewritten Matt and Minnie’s story. The only things that stayed the same were Matt and Minnie’s characters and my belief that their romance was worth sharing. I couldn’t be more pleased with how the story turned out.

I enjoyed writing Mommy in Training because it allowed me to think about Texas and remember everything I love about the Lone Star State. I grew up in Houston, and my husband and I spent the first five years of our marriage in a little town north of Dallas. Through Matt and Minnie, I got to go back to places where everyone knows each other, heat and humidity are nothing to take lightly and where a trip to the grocery store means putting on a fresh coat of lipstick.

So, though it’s cold outside, I hope you’ll take a little break with Matt and Minnie. Sip some tea. Imagine it being as hot as July, and remember that sometimes the best things just take a while to happen. But when they do, they’re certainly worth waiting for.

If you get a moment, I hope you’ll join me at my Web site, www.shelleygalloway.com, or at the Harlequin American Writers’ blog: www.harauthors.blogspot.com.

Happy reading!


Mommy in Training

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