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Dear Reader,

Is there someone in your family or circle of friends who’s the go-to person? You know, the person who can be counted on to get things done? For me, it’s always been my older brother Gary. In the Riddell family, it’s Cal.

Cal—or Junior, as he’s known by most—has never dodged a responsibility in his life. He sits at his father’s bedside at the hospital. He makes sure the bills are paid, checks on his brothers and listens to people complain. In short, Junior’s the type of man I’ve always admired. He’s solid and dependable and smart. Of course, it doesn’t hurt that he’s six-foot-three, with black hair and gray eyes … and has that kind of slow Texas drawl that curls a girl’s toes.

I knew he’d have to find a special woman, and I think Susan Young fits the bill. She’s an Ohio transplant raising a son who was recently diagnosed with diabetes. She’s gorgeous and smart and more than a little stressed. And just independent enough to not be in any hurry to be “managed” by Junior.

Their relationship pulled at my heart, made me smile and made me cheer a bit, too. I’ve always been a sucker for a happy ending. I hope you enjoy their romance, as well.

And, I hope you’ll return back to the Riddell Ranch for Trent’s story in My Christmas Cowboy. His romance takes everyone by surprise!

Happy reading!

Shelley Galloway

My True Cowboy

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