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RUT BUSTER #1 Holy Housework!


What, more housework? No, I’m talking about reenergizing your home or your workplace in a way that creates an environment that is inspiring to be in and helps invigorate your life! And, yes cleaning is part of the equation but, rather than thinking of it as yet more housework, try thinking of it as preparing the foundations for an exciting new chapter of your life!

Put on your all-time favourite music and shake a tail feather along with the feather duster! I’ve been known to vacuum to everything from Van Morrison to Vivaldi, although it might be advisable to use headphones or ear buds if you’re giving your workplace the once over whist cranking out Van Halen!

With a little help from Elvis, or Eminem, you’ll be putting a whole lot of great energy into your environment instead of the traditional elbow-grease-and-resentment!

QUOTE: “I’m not going to vacuum until Sears makes one you can ride on.” Roseanne Barr

AFFIRMATION: If cleanliness is next to godliness, I must be an angel!

Rut Busters

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