Читать книгу Aqua Fin Crossing the Crucibles - Sherman E Hister - Страница 6
Chapter 5 Oasis Tribute
Оглавление“What would you want to know? If it’s classified you know I will be unable to answer.” “Were you studying emotions?” “Can you be clearer with your question?” “Did you ever do any studies based on a subjects emotion, and the effect of the cannabis?” “What do you want to know?” “Did it have a good or bad effect?” “All I’m going to tell you is both?” “Why is that?” Fredward looked passed him, “That’s all.” Miller took this information with himself to the hall with the tubes. He thought about it with the water rushing sound through the tubes.
Miller found a desert where he would perform another show. He decided to live out in this wilderness for a week to plan it out. When he woke all he knew was he paid a pilot to return in a week to pick him up. He thought he had enough food and water for a week. Until then he would just act like he had planned everything out. He probably had so he starts to walk, sure enough only after a short distance he stumbles upon an oasis. There were actually flowers growing here among the trees that occasionally waved in the wind over a small pool with rocks around supposedly running in and out of the ground. This really began to surprise him he could not have picked a better place to land. He or the pilot couldn’t have seen this place now knowing neither could have the pilot when he left leaving in the direction the plane came from. Miller just stood still in the oasis waiting to see what would happen next. Sure enough there was movement outside the oasis in the sand the wind lifted a circular moving funnel of sand in that direction. Miller stood in amazement realizing this would be his show.
The plane returned within a weeks time, and the pilot just had to land and stop. Miller loaded his gear as the plane lifted up in the direction of a larger airport. When the small plane landed Miller noticed the large hanger from across where he unloaded. That looked about like what he would eventually, before boarding he alluded to the ability to look at the structure, and when he was on board homeward bound he folded a piece of paper he had gotten from the large airport.
As Miller returned to where he lived there was a knock at his door. This happened to be the first knock he had ever heard at this place where he lived. He opened the door surprised that anyone knew where he lived. It was Anastasia and he remembered she had been here before. “Are you happy to see me?” She was holding a file pretty full of paper. “What do you need that for are you going to do some work?” She smiled, “Oh well I might look over them, but I just don’t want to leave them out in my car.” Miller didn’t really need to know so she came in. “Where have you been this time?” She must have stopped by when Miller was gone. Miller didn’t know how to answer because when he sat down the files fanned out enough for Miller to glance at them when she was asking him more about what had he been doing because he sure doesn’t go to the water treatment plant everyday. While Miller began his answer to this question he realized something. “Well actually I was working.” She looked at him with disbelief. He was not focused on this how come she had the files similar to what Miller had asked Fredward about that Fredward was not able to really answer. So Miller asked, “Where are you heading?” She didn’t understand why he would ask this, “Well I’m not planning on leaving yet.” That wasn’t what Miller was asking for. “No I mean after here. Are you going back to the plant?” Anastasia was insecure about the question he asked so he speaks. “Just beginning to work on some new work, I’ve got a lot to create in a certain amount of time.”
“Well then I’ll just go,” Miller took a chance, “You can stay and work too if you need to.” He said so she could stay. Miller then wondered if she should have these results. Something was going on Miller knew it. Then it hit, what if these were classified, should she have them. Probably not, Miller thought this as if it were being made up. What was she doing he thought. Then it hit was she even from here. “What are you going to have to do?” This question made her seem more aware and Miller wasn’t trying to do that. He simply didn’t know what to do. So he offered to make something to eat and she said she was interested, but it turned out Miller needed to go buy from the store for what she was going to eat. Well some of it he needed French bread. Miller only made it to the water treatment plant and Fredward was there. For whatever Miller told Fredward he was sure back with French bread fast. “I didn’t think you were going to return.” Miller knew otherwise she would still be there. Miller made their food and then she seemed that she had to be going. Miller knew she would be. The next day Miller had been working harder than ever before. It was time to max out a performance he thought. This would be a show to remember. He was setting a ticket percentage up that the people whom buy these tickets would be also buying a ticket to be flown to this airport. The rest of the tickets being sold he would just sell the tickets according to the person who bought the ticket would need to find their own route to the show.
Miller was curious about the incident that involved Fredward so he made his way over when he got the chance. Fredward Sampson scientist was hard at work as usual when Miller stepped in. “You’re not going to believe this.” Is all that Fredward would say before unloading a story of information on Miller he found himself thinking about on his couch. He had misunderstood the severity of Fredward’s notes being outside the grounds of the water treatment place Miller didn’t really care because he remembered he saw. He saw enough of the results that it would allow him what he needed. Miller began working on a new group of songs for the desert show. Before he knew he was playing at the desert airport. It was a sold out show. He could tell the songs he wrote added with the voice pitch he discovered created an affect he was trying to figure out, but instead it worked just by him doing the work. Miller waits to see what this would cause. He wanted to organize another show. Miller wanted to play the biggest show he played before because he felt accomplished, and intended on sharing his music the way he wanted to. He had worked that hard in preparation to be at this point. When Miller returned home he was not prepared for someone to be using his shower. When he opened the door to the bathroom it was Anastasia standing behind the shower curtain. “What are you doing in here? How did you get in, did you break into my house?” Anastasia walked passed him with her towel covering her body. “I’m a spy if you haven’t figured it out, but I got away after you went to see Fredward.” “Got away from what?” Is all Miller wanted to know, Miller wasn’t sure what to think but there was a naked girl in his bathroom and he had been on the road for a while. Lets just say when they talked about what she said, Miller knew what to tell her. She had been a foreigner and was not going back, and assumed guilt here because she gave the notes back. It took her several months to get her hands on the notes, and she was more interested if Fredward would still let her work. Miller thought he probably would, but she would have to illicit herself to experimentation. Anastasia looked strangely at Miller but hoped he’d just kiss her. Better yet Miller asked her if she ever used any of the property at the water treatment plant. She had done it before, but not at the plant. “Would you want to now?” Miller was serious when he pulled a bag from his pocket and asked her if she had a light. They make their way over to sit, and smoke some cannabis together. When they did the talking occurred. “When did you become a spy?” “That’s not something I want to discuss right now.” “Well then are you ever going back?” Anastasia smirked, “I don’t know. I probably need to start smoking more of this.” She pointed at the bag on the table by where they were sitting. “Do you think if I submit myself to testing he’ll always make me use this stuff?” Miller shook his head, “Not really.” “Good, it’s not always for me.” They sit there for a few minutes, and Miller asks if he can play for her. She is delighted by his question, and so he begins to play one of his songs for her. He has to stop due to the look on her face. She was shocked at his ability, and asks if he had always been able to sing like that. “No, but I guess with the practice I worked at it until I could do it.” Anastasia was calm she was very strong and her demeanor seemed sure. Miller got them something to drink and sliced some fruit. She went out to her car while Miller ate some fruit, and before to long he was looking over what he had been working on. This was a new song that he finished as Anastasia came back inside. “Do you mind if I stay here until I get my own place.” Miller hadn’t realized she had left, and had already gone and talked it out with Fredward. Miller couldn’t believe she had already done this in that amount of time, but thought she would probably stay any way. Miller couldn’t believe how happy he was. He had surpassed any dream he had ever had for himself. The work was a gift he felt so lucky to have. So he worked as often as possible. When Anastasia had made enough money to start buying her own place she found a small house similar to Miller’s, and close to his and the water treatment plant. Miller’s music was beginning to need to book larger shows for the amount of people who were wanting to buy a ticket. After he played at a desert located hanger it seems his voice had the ultimate effect. It was something people were becoming in common with. Miller had played more around the world than he had been playing in his own country. So he decided he might change that. He started booking more lake shows around his country. The first summer he did that he would have to slow down. They were the most memorable summer days of his life. It seemed to work so well for him that when he would get home he would sleep through two or three of Anastasia’s shifts. When he would get home she would come over. This would only last for the rest of the summer. When Miller and his work stopped he drove to the snow to take a needed vacation. Miller became aware of how much he needed to practice. So he took the time to learn how to snowboard. It was a soaring experience not just because of the amount of ice his body needed when he was done for the day, but when he got the hang of it, it was similar to the freedom of flying. He really stayed an additional amount of days because of the girls he kept meeting. The women they happened to be older than Miller, but they all seemed to enjoy skiing as much as him for vacation.
Miller would have to get back. When he did he made a return visit to the water treatment plant. It seemed different almost reorganized with what seemed like more equipment. “Yeah, they just started one day and I had to work around without it being known what I was doing then on to make up work. That was it for three or four weeks.” Miller lost interest when he noticed a new type of plant. “Well I came up with that after months of research and testing and I have to say I recommend you trying that.” Fredward’s since of approval was satisfactory so Miller was sure to have a bag of what had been discarded. “So you’ve been playing music this whole time from when you first started working?” Miller was caught off guard by the question. “I’ve been really busy. Why?” “No it’s nothing you’ve just seemed to have changed.” Miller didn’t know how to take this but, “Later, thanks.” Was what he said as he left the science lab for home. He couldn’t believe Fredward would need to tell him something like that. But he guesses a lot of working changes you enough to notice. And the reason he left was so he could get to work. When Miller got home he made a paper roll of the cannabis he was given. He smoked it while he rolled a cigar of the same special cannabis blend Mr. Sampson shared with him. The smell was driving Miller crazy when he was trying to follow up with what Fredward was saying. Miller had never craved something he could smell like that. That’s why he made quick work to get some of the smoke in his lungs. He wanted to feel its affect and it surpassed anything he ever felt according to smoking types of cannabis. This almost made him realize it wasn’t for him, any more. Once he decided that was all that he ever needed. When he came down to normal this work amount didn’t stop until the morning. When he was ready for a ride that is the next thing he did. As soon as he got to the trails he felt a relief that he was about to have fun. So he began riding the trails and soon had to stop to let three deer cross the path in front of him. He was astonished how comfortable they seemed at how close they were to him. When they cleared the path he began again and went for a hard long ride. He decided to go to the water treatment plant with the bag he wanted to return of the discarded plant material. When Fredward saw that he was emptying the baggy into a bin he asked, “Did you not enjoy it?” Miller assured him, “No I did it just made me realize I don’t need to use it anymore.” Fredward understood and kept on the course he was heading. Before he got out of the area Fredward turned and asked him what it was like. Miller had to take a second to think about how to explain. “You know it was so much it was clearing.” This could have been the best answer for Fredward to be told because this was the first plant he had engineered. “And that’s astonishing, thank you.” Miller had to explain more. Miller saw Anastasia from a distance with a smile for Miller. He looked at her and kept looking. Anastasia was elated by Miller’s action on her behalf led to where she was. If he hadn’t made helpful suggestions she knows she could be in an impossible trouble. When he smiled he waved goodbye he was busy and had to go. When he got back to his workstation he began to schedule the events country wide, and would eventually have to call for each to be set up. Miller took the time while drawing out the posters he would use to market each event, to work on his voice. The songs he was interested in singing he could flip through his journal realizing he could probably put the posters on billboards around the areas he would play on their highways. This also made him realize, if he were going to play, he would need to make a round on his plane to check out where he would have a venue.
The work would take him quite a while to finish scheduling. He would have to start off the construction of these parts soon enough to knock it out within a year. This was a goal that came to mind for the whole tour. Miller had gotten so use to the different types of cuisine he was having that now he was going to need to do something for this. He knew he could fly back to these places, but then he decided he would just get a bigger place. He would need more land not another house. This got him thinking he could grow the food he was wanting to consume. That wasn’t that important, and could happen in the mean time. Miller’s music was becoming mainstream in different parts of the world, but he wasn’t experiencing any thing different in his life. He wasn’t what was having an effect with people, but the message people were receiving amongst one another. He wasn’t much of the attractant, but more of what he had made. What had a lot to do with the start of making his music, Miller hadn’t realized was when he and Fredward met then what transpired between meeting, after how they met. Miller didn’t know the same effect happened to Fredward. This kind of worked off of each other. Miller taking Sampson up on his original offer to work for him took Miller to a whole new level. By working with Sampson Miller had more of a reason to be over by the trails, and would ride them more often. Which in fact caused Miller to work on his music idea more and then being able to invest in it with what he was paid for working at the water treatment plant. The flight of Miller’s work started there. The situation where he met Fredward was a push in a new direction for Miller, and then entry into a facility without any requirement was a foreboding experience. That led to his trail riding by mountain bike that led to a creative motivation. Some time later after his development he was motivated to use it. He shared what he could do with other people.
Miller was tired of writing and working so he went for a plane ride. Miller had done quite a bit of work previous to his take off, and he had a number of places he needed to see. The first was a sight, he’d write it down as number one. The next site on the list was again another show. He made it half way through his plane visits when he met a stewardess that would keep landed for a date and a night then back on his way. Returning home was way quicker than he could have thought. He was there and back like nothing passed the last few days felt like six hours to him. Well he would need to start making phone calls. This was an eight-hour period that left only a few sites unwarranted. His guarantee in the other ones was the start of building his show.
He hadn’t seen Anastasia in a while so he guessed she must be busy. The scientist was working on a lot more Miller had noticed. Miller got busy. He started working on what would be his commercials for the show what he would put on billboards. This was going to be a big investment, but he knew he could cover it he would just have to make a good amount, he would see. He was not going to worry about vendors, but you would really want to go if you bought one of his tickets. Some of the areas were expensive for rent. Their would be a few shows at night. Miller lost total control for a bike ride and went straight to it. He was not interested in smoking cannabis like he had been before the relaxation of exercise was what he wanted. Sure enough when he got to the hollow he began to write something and when he finished he was on it again riding the next trail like there was no tomorrow. More girls were using the trails he started noticing so was he.
As he woke up he wasn’t hungry or tired he wanted to get on his bike. As soon as he got to the trails he got into a conversation with the first girl on the trails. She didn’t have much to say, but Miller lived right by. The next girl was really thinking hard when he got over to her, but she didn’t think twice when he invited her over. He was getting kind of tired but he went again anyway, and he got a dinner date who would spend the night before another trail visit. It was summer so Miller could also offer a shower. This girl couldn’t get enough of him or the trails. It was all he could do to remember to have clothes on the trails much as have them off at home. This girl had skipped her job for a day without realizing so he made sure to write down her number when he got it in case she ever wanted to come back if they didn’t see each other on the trails. When she left Miller went back to the trail’s, and these girls weren’t going to go anywhere without each other so Miller spent that with the two girls in his bed. On the way to the store Miller decided he would buy as much foreign type cuisine he could buy. He wasn’t going to want to fly over seas for at least two weeks he wanted to get as much of the show done so he could enjoy more of the trails and his summer. He didn’t take to much time at the store because of an older woman way aware of Miller so he was only glad the girls from the trails left when he went for the store. She wasn’t too reserved and was more than comfortable enough to say a hello, and he was comfortable enough to walk her to her car. She was very complimenting of the dish Miller prepared for the two of them to have. “Where did you learn to make that?” Miller took a second, “I was traveling and wanted to get something to eat. So I went to the first place I could find and some how got what we just ate. I was so hungry I just showed my money and I was served a plate.” This story went well with another pour of a bottle one of a few Miller had acquired on a visit to a vineyard. Come to think of it he hadn’t played there yet, but the wine was well made. This couldn’t keep them busy.
Miller made a trail visit to work a line that came to him while going to sleep. The trail was definitely busier, and after getting the line out of his head he had a visitor. She invited him to walk on the trail with her, so he locked his bike and they began to walk as he put his pad back in his pocket. “You writing about the trees?” A funny question the girl asked Miller before he hugged and she laughed. “What was that for?” Miller couldn’t believe how funny saying that to him was, “You made me feel good.” So then she kissed him and he kissed her back. He told her to follow the guy riding his bike without a helmet. She just said, “Okay and be there in a minute.” She made her way out to her car and looked in the direction he told her and there he was. Miller needed to water the plants and stuff outside of where he lived so he let her in as he left the door open to turn the sprinkler in the right direction. Before her got all the way back inside where she showed him a clear bag she must’ve had in her pocket. Miller shook his head, yes. And then he pulled the pack of rolling papers he kept in his pocket, to give to her. She had one rolled before Miller handed her a match that she struck even though she was entertained he had a match. They didn’t get around to smoking, and when she left Miller wanted to do some work on a song.
He slept a little then wrote a little then slept a little. He wrote for a few hours before. He did more about scheduling the home tour event then got back to tour to people. Miller would really only shower after sweating on stage while he was working. To Miller more and more it seemed that there wasn’t any real need for him to be the center of attention. He had done so well with making his music and coordinating each event that he was just in charge of setting up the party everyone there seemed to be into. It was that he didn’t think he would have trouble getting a place to sleep. He was glad he got the transportation for him to sleep in that had a shower. It was every girl that slept in there with him would want to take a shower. There were mornings where there would be two to three people crammed in there. Miller would really only shower after sweating on stage while he was working.
To Miller more and more it seemed that there wasn’t any real need for him to be the center of attention. He had done so well with making his music and coordinating each event that he was just in charge of setting up the party everyone there seemed to be in to. He could go out, and get a drink with those who bought a ticket to hear his music just like he bought a ticket himself. He definitely didn’t have to miss one with the occasional autograph. Miller had to be honest with himself. He happened to really like all the people who liked his music.
Miller had to grow a third and fourth lung it seemed to finish the last legs of his shows. The last show he put in the extra effort it was time for him to just let go. When he finally got back he drove from the airport after filling his vehicle with the boxes of protection he got. He knew he would need them. He wore one quite often before that show run so he only thought ahead before building another show. When he woke up a few days later he checked on what he made and started driving around. He was looking for the land he would want to buy. After driving around he knew this would take some time. He also knew he might just end up flying more often because he really wanted some of that food when he started flying over seas. He had to go sleep some more. He was in need of sleeping he had exhausted himself playing like he did, but it was totally worth it. When he woke up he called his pilot, and scheduled a flight to take him to two locations passport included. One place he loved the tigers that would walk around the second was the same sort. When Miller got back he had to put everything away. It smelled different in there more different than it’s ever smelled in there. He took a couple hits of cannabis to even out the odor. Miller thought, “Man that’s good.” He went to the kitchen to make some food. He was going to use some of the stuff he had and probably finish some of the ice cream that he had.
This was an excursion so he got to sleep. He wasn’t going to be able to keep his eyes open. He did make it to the couch, but that was it. When Miller was asleep he had a series of dreams that made him wake up and write some of it down, all of it. He didn’t think anything more that you couldn’t make that up. So as he went on he was able to get it down. He was realizing he could come up with songs with anything. It was what all this hard work afforded him. He sat there experimenting with what he could write, and before he left he had written two songs. That was kind of more than he had ever done. He got up from there and left to see what was on the trail. When he bumped into another on accident due to the part of the trail he did run in to someone. He was paying attention just more to the run loosing interest in what else he could meet. He became in different she seemed so cool. They didn’t talk for a while, but started kissing. She leaned in, and he followed without much reserve. She had commandeered his hip. When she said, “We should go to my car, I don’t live far from here.” “Neither do I.” Miller was insistent so they drove there and had there way with each other. Miller was insistent on her staying for dinner. She would need to shower after dinner, but she wanted to stay. She was older than Miller, and she liked that. When she let him know what she did he was interested in that. She broadcasted one of the local news channels. She had been doing this for over fifteen years. She had a great job, and would probably retire with it is what she ended with her explanation of her career. Miller really didn’t know why she had a hard time believing him that he was a musician. She just didn’t think he acted like someone who would do this. It encouraged her to ask him more. “You really design your shows, and figure out how to sell the tickets on your own?” Miller was surprised she didn’t get this so then she asked him, “Do you pay anyone to help you?” Miller was sure he paid his pilot, the venue locations to play, and the fact he recently had to afford a place that would travel where he would go for a place to sleep. She thought this made since enough to believe that was how he was able to afford his own place at his age. “Its really a whole lot of work.” “I can imagine.” She believed him more now if he could afford all of that to. He was intrigued when she asked to see his plane. So they went for him to show her. She was impressed when they took her aboard to see. They were glad to get back, and they talked the majority of that evening. Miller took a second to write down a note after they had gotten in bed. She was sure he probably worked constantly, but wasn’t interested in that at the moment.
They ate breakfast before Miller asked what she had to do for her week. She didn’t have anything planned, but work. She would need to do that, and that was normal for her. He had some work he was interested in doing, but he would probably be there all that week. “Do you want to come back?” He asked. She thought about it and said she would come back the day after tomorrow with more of her own stuff.