Читать книгу Selling My Soul - Sherri L. Lewis - Страница 4
Here I go again, thanking the same people since it hasn’t been that long since my last book came out and not much in my life has changed. This will be short.
I thank God that He’s helping me day by day to realize my dream of being a full-time writer. Thanks for the ideas, the favor, the connections, and the faith to continue pressing into destiny.
To my family—thanks for all you do to support my career as a writer. Words cannot express my gratitude.
To Rhonda and Dee—thanks for the plotting session that birthed this book. I couldn’t have done it without you!
To Grace—thanks so much for your help with the facts and feelings from your trip to Mozambique. You made me feel like I was there! I pray God hastens the day of your return.
To Claire Hollywell—thanks so much for all the info you shared about Mozambique as well by e-mail and through your blog. May God bless your work there.
To my literary godmother, Victoria Christopher Murray. Thanks for all you do. I mean everything!
To Mel Burns and Attorney Alesia Hilliard-Smith. Thanks so much for all your help with the legal information.
To my Bethel Atlanta family—thanks for all your love and support and for pushing me towards destiny.
To all the wonderful book clubs, reviewers, MySpace, Facebook, and blogtalkradio friends that have done so much to make my previous titles a success. I appreciate your support!
To my readers—I’ve been greatly moved by reports from missionary friends of the awesome move of God happening in various places all over the world. This book was based on info gained from a ministry I greatly admire in Mozambique. For more information, please check out Heidi and Rolland Baker of Iris Ministries at www.irismin.org.