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About the Author

Sherry Weddell created the first charism-discernment process for Catholics in 1993 and co-founded the Catherine of Siena Institute (CSI) in 1997 with Father Michael Sweeney, O.P. The Institute trains Catholic leaders in the art of twenty-first-century evangelization and fostering parishes of intentional missionary disciples, in facilitating the discernment of charisms and vocations among all the baptized, and in the theology, formation, and mission of the laity. Sherry and her international team of collaborators have worked directly with 140,000 lay, religious, and ordained Catholics in well over 500 parishes in 150 dioceses across North America and in Europe, Asia, and Oceania.

Sherry is the author of Forming Intentional Disciples: The Path to Knowing and Following Jesus (2012) (also available in Spanish as Formación de Discípulos Intencionales and in Polish as Badz Uczniem Jezusa). She also edited and contributed to Forming a Parish of Intentional Disciples (2015). When Sherry is not hanging out in airports, she enjoys tending her high-altitude Tuscan garden in the Colorado Rockies.

Fruitful Discipleship

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