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Chapter 6

It wasn’t exactly like Jamie was avoiding Cole. It only looked like avoidance. So what if she’d locked herself into the guest room and worked all day? That was what she had planned for this little staycation anyway.

It had absolutely nothing to do with the gyrating make-out session yesterday. Nothing. Okay, maybe a little something. But she didn’t have a clue what to say. Or do. After that little mutual revelation, she hadn’t even said a word, just walked upstairs and locked herself in, only surfacing for breakfast and to reset the router. And breakfast had been a hurried standing-up affair while she shoved a muffin into her mouth and hoped he didn’t see her hiding in the kitchen.

She didn’t need to explore the grounds. Or enjoy the fireplace. Or the Christmas tree she’d decorated. She was perfectly fine in her room working.

She wasn’t hiding at all. Pants on fire.

She wasn’t at all concerned that she was living with the enemy. Rooming with the one man who wanted to rip apart her life. No, wait, considering Brandon, make that the second man. Jamie kept trying to tell herself it made no difference now that she knew who was behind Teched. The same rules applied. Work her butt off, get the game done and live to fight another day.

Her phone rang and she rummaged through her laptop bag to dig it out. She answered with a grin when she saw who was calling. “Hey, Mia. How is the newlywed? Shouldn’t you be holed up in some fabulous location with your very sexy husband?”

Mia Donovan had grown up in Hope, just one town over from where Jamison and Cole had grown up. She and Mia had often competed in the debate tournament together. She was one of the few friends Jamie had kept from high school.

Her friend laughed. “Oh, don’t you worry, Ryan and I are getting plenty of alone time. It’s been a little hectic trying to start the production of my new show as he drags me halfway around the world on my honeymoon for three months.” Her friend was the producer of a weekly docuseries for the TVN network.

“Oh, the woes of a woman in love,” laughed Jamie.

“I know you said you were going to be in town, and Ryan surprised me with a trip home to New York for the holiday. I’d love to see you if you’re around.”

A chance to see Mia, and get the hell away from Cole, she was so down for that. “I would love to see you. Do you mind meeting me halfway in say, Reynolds? They have that pub on the edge of town. It’s a bit hipsterized but might still be fun.”

A night out was just what she needed. She’d been working all day and was making good progress. A few hours to give her brain a rest weren’t going to kill the time line.

“You’re on. Seven thirty?”

“Sounds perfect.” She hung up the phone with Mia and finished the component she was testing. Tonight would be good. When she got out of the house and away, she would be able to find her calm, rational center.

Unwrapping The Holidays: Hot Coded Christmas / Be Mine for Christmas

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