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Dear Reader,

Life is noisy kids, spouses, friends, jobs, all vying for our attention. Add to that the roar of traffic, the lilting music from the radio, the dramatic overtones of the television, and the noise becomes almost deafening. With our modern lives so filled with demands, it’s easy to be swept along on the waves of sound, carried here and there in ever more frantic motion.

A few years ago, during one of the most hectic times in my life, I visited Smith Mountain Lake with my husband and kids. Early one morning, before the rest of my clan woke, I stepped outside. Water rippled against the shore and fish splashed in the lake, but other than that the world was silent. During those few moments of precious solitude I realized I’d been so busy, so caught up in the noisy demands of life, I’d forgotten how important it is to sit in silence and to listen.

Piper Sinclair is like that, so caught up in her busy life she’s forgotten that talking to God requires tuning in and waiting for the quiet stirring of the soul that says—“Yes, you’re on the right track” or “Come on, kid, get it together.” When Piper’s life is threatened and her busy world becomes chaotic and unpredictable, she must learn that taking the time to wait for God’s answer is as important as rushing to meet life’s demands.

Join Piper and photographer Cade Macalister as they work to stop a person bent on destruction, and when you’re finished, drop me a line. I can be reached by mail at 1121 Annapolis Road, PMB 244, Odenton, Maryland, 21113–1633. Or by e-mail at shirlee@shirleemccoy.com.


When Silence Falls

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