Читать книгу Even in the Darkness - Shirlee McCoy - Страница 7
ОглавлениеDear Reader,
Life is filled with choices—stay or move, spend or save, take a new job or remain at an old one. If you’re like me, you’re faced with decisions every day. Sometimes it’s easy to choose what path to take. Other times all the paths look the same, no choice better or worse than any other. That’s when fear can take hold. We worry that we’ll make the wrong choice, that somehow our decision will lead us to a place we shouldn’t be. Fortunately, God is in control. He can and will lead us toward the goal—a life lived well for Him.
That’s what happens to Tori Riley. When a trip to Thailand puts her in the path of one of the region’s most notorious drug cartels, she wonders if what she thought was the right decision is actually the worst mistake she’s ever made. As she races through the jungle of Mae Hong Son, she must trust DEA Agent Noah Stone to keep her safe. His steadfast faith forces Tori to reassess her own wavering beliefs. Only then can she see God’s hand guiding her decisions and leading forward into His perfect plan for her life.
I’m sure you can sense how enthusiastic I am about this story! I hope you’ll share my excitement as you join Tori and Noah on their journey. And when the journey is complete, I’d love to hear from you. Drop me a line at shirlee@shirleemccoy.com.