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Research and Clinical Trials


Hundreds of thousands of pounds are spent on research, clinical trials and licensing for each allopathic or orthodox medicine, pill or potion which appears on the market. This is done with the best will in the world – to help alleviate suffering and disease. Unfortunately, medical science has only recently come to the conclusion that for all the care and time spent, these pills and potions often give side effects, sometimes even leading to death.

Although essential oils have not been clinically tested in this way (it would cost billions of pounds to test each oil and synergistic mix for each therapeutic effect of which it is capable) scientists feel that the same tests for proof of efficiency carried out on drugs should apply to essential oils. Drug companies are exceedingly rich and can afford to do costly clinical trials; users of essential oils have neither the money nor the facilities for such work. It seems to me unreasonable not to recognize traditional and repeated beneficial experiences over many centuries, simply due to lack of clinical trials – very important where the use of synthetic compounds of unknown potential is concerned (and also extracts from known poisonous plants such as the foxglove). Surely the same concerns are not as necessary for naturally occurring medicines which have been in use for thousands of years with extremely few recorded ill effects – nothing to compare with the number of adverse results from the use of drugs over barely one hundred years! Concerns over the use of essential oils are certainly not important enough to discourage their use and risk losing the natural heating agents given to us all. The proof of the pudding is in the eating, as we all know, and if essential oils had serious side effects they would certainly not have survived to the present day. People do not continue in the long term using remedies which do not work or make them ill.

God’s world (a fantastic achievement) has existed hundreds of thousands of years already. Humans learned in their early days to use plants not only as food, but as medicines, long before modern civilization as we know it rocketed into being during the last three or four hundred years – particularly the last 100. How can we possibly think anything we have done in the last 100 years is ‘proved’ to be better? We are only just beginning to discover the harm we are doing to our own environment, to the atmosphere, even to our own bodies in this short time span – with such things as car fumes, fast foods, steroids, synthetic vitamins and the unnecessarily bright and poisonous food colourings which the majority of people consume each day.

I am not saying here that all plants are without risk, simply that the clean record of traditional use together with up-to-date hospital research projects, trials and general case studies should be sufficient. Misuse is a different matter and is covered in chapter 6, as are the differences between herbal medicine (in which many very toxic plants are used, e.g. boldo, tansy, etc.) and aromatherapy (which does not use the oils from any of these potentially dangerous plants).

Good, wholesome food is of itself a medicine, and it is a well-known fact that the development of many diseases is in direct proportion to the development of additives and synthetics together with the use of growth hormones and fat inhibitors to produce bigger and better plant and animal foods.

When looking back in history for the origins of aromatherapy, it is as well to remember that aromatherapy has but a short history, the word being coined only relatively recently. The history we have been looking at has been that of plants, their extracts, compounds and essential oils. Although the latter are the essentials of aromatherapy (in the therapeutic sense), they are not limited to this particular aspect in their use, being extensively used in the perfume, cosmetic, household and food industries.

‘The Lord hath created medicines out of the earth and he that is wise will not abhor them.’

FIGURE 1.1: A 19th-century French lavender still (by courtesy of Raspail of Saillans)

Aromatherapy Workbook

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