Читать книгу Mah Jong for Beginners - Shozo Kanai - Страница 11




When the players’ seats are decided, the Eldest Hand should be determined, The Eldest Hand is said to be the EAST HAND.

The person who took the East tile casts the dice and counts the number indicated by the spots from East (starting with himself), to the right. If the spots add up to 7, then West casts the dice next. The person, indicated by the second casting of dice, counting to the right (starting with himself) is the Eldest Hand, or East.

We can simplify the throwing of dice from twice to once, but it is more formal to throw twice.

The right hand of East is South, the opposite hand is West and the left hand is North.

When one game is over, the Eldest Hand passes to the right and South becomes East, or the Eldest Hand; West becomes South, North becomes West and East becomes North.

Mah Jong for Beginners

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