Читать книгу The Peppers and the International Magic Guys - Sian Pattenden - Страница 4




Title Page

Chapter 1 – The “Trick Of All Tricks”

Chapter 2 – Mind Magic

Chapter 3 – The Costsnippas Convenience Store

Chapter 4 – Preparations

Chapter 5 – The “Houdini Secret”

Chapter 6 – The Trunk with the Secret Panel

Chapter 7 – A Strict “No Children” Policy

Chapter 8 – The International Magic Guys

Chapter 9 – Stuck

Chapter 10 – Secret Escapology

Chapter 11 – The Greatest Show on Earth

Chapter 12 – The Cage of Possibilities

Chapter 13 – A Mouse, a Lion and One Hundred Doves

Chapter 14 – A Magnificent Day

Afterword by Dr Pompkins

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The Peppers and the International Magic Guys

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