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The present study is the first documented case of a deterioration assessment of a dimensional stone façade in Uruguay performed by a geological team. The rock applied is identified as Kösseine Granite, of Wunsiedel, Germany.

No conservation program was developed prior to this study in Palacio Salvo, although minor reparations have been recognized. Using ICOMOS (2011) deterioration glossary, five deterioration families were recognized, being Features induced by material loss and Discoloration and deposit the most represented. Of the first family rounding, perforation (with and without metallic insert), and missing part are the most frequent, both in pilasters, columns and steps, being abrasion very frequent in the latter. They are all related with anthropogenic activities and not a consequence of poor rock quality. Of the second family, the most frequent deteriorations are deposits and soiling.

Other relevant alterations are replacement of original pieces in steps, mostly by monolithic and Pan de Azúcar Syenite, that matches the décor of Kösseine Granite. The good performance of Kösseine Granite in Palacio Salvo after 92 years of exposure is related to its excellent physical and mechanical properties.

Monument Future

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