Читать книгу Monument Future - Siegfried Siegesmund - Страница 292

Materials and Methods Stones


In this paper three sandstones used in the Scottish heritage are investigated:

Doddington sandstone (D) is a common building stone used throughout Scotland and is currently used as a replacement stone at Jedburgh Abbey, Scotland. The sandstone is quarried at Doddington quarry near Wooler in the Scottish Borders region; and forms part of the Fell formation, deposited during the early-mid Carboniferous. The sandstone is mineralogically mature and textural immature; with rounded-sub rounded grain shape and an average grain size of 0.25 mm. Mineralogy consists of: quartz (90 %); feldspar (mainly orthoclase) (10 %); and minor amounts of muscovite, lithic fragments and clay within the matrix. The sandstone is classified as a quartz-arenite.

St. Bees sandstone (BC) is currently used as a replacement stone at Arbroath Abbey and is quarried on the west coast of Cumbria, England. The red-dark red sandstone is part of the Chester sandstone formation, deposited during the early Triassic. The sandstone is texturally and mineralogically immature; with (sub)rounded – (sub)angular grain shape and an average grain size of 0.12 mm. The sandstone is classified as a lithic arkose. Mineralogy consists of: quartz (60 %); feldspar (orthoclase and plagioclase) (20 %); lithic fragments (10 %); mica (biotite and muscovite) (10 %); and clay-rich matrix. BC exhibits planar 193bedding on a scale of 1–2 mm. Therefore, during this study BC samples were measured in two directions: parallel and perpendicular to bedding, to determine the degree of anisotropy and potential effects on output signals.

Forest of Dean (F) is a distinctive grey-green sandstone used throughout the UK, for example in the restoration of Dunkeld Cathedral, Scotland. The sandstone forms part of the Pennant sandstone formation deposited during the mid-late Carboniferous; and is currently quarried at Barnhill quarry in the county of Gloucestershire, England. The sandstone is mineralogically and texturally immature; with (sub) angular grain shape and an average grain size of 0.19 mm. Mineralogy consists of: quartz (70 %); feldspar (orthoclase and plagioclase) (10 %); lithic fragments (15 %); muscovite (5 %); and a clay-rich matrix. The sandstone is classified as a (sub)litharenite.

Monument Future

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