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Chapter Two


Olivia was in such a rush to get to her locker at the end of school on Wednesday, she had to make a quick, dancing side-step to avoid the stooped, elderly janitor who stood in her way. With only a few hours to go before the grand opening of Café Creative, she didn’t have much time – she’d have to rush home if she wanted to scoff down a quick sandwich before heading over to the museum.

As she bundled her books into her locker, a familiar clump-clump-clump caught her attention.

It was the unmistakable noise of Amelia Thompson’s heavy black boots marching down the hall.

Olivia glanced around curiously. The gothabulous senior was making a bee-line for Penny Taylor. Penny was a bunny freshman who had once pretended to be the gothiest of goths – but actually preferred the lighter, sparklier side of life. Today, Penny looked as bright as spring in a blue cardigan and pale pink dress . . . and Amelia was scowling as she marched towards her.

Uh-oh. Forgetting her own hurry for a moment, Olivia turned around to get a better look. Is Amelia mad at Penny about something?

Both Penny and Amelia were designers for the fashion show at the Café’s grand opening, and Olivia just knew Lillian would be devastated if anything fell apart at the last minute.

Amelia came to a halt in front of the younger girl. ‘Is it ready?’ she demanded.

‘Oh, yes.’ Penny gave a satisfied smile. ‘I finished up the very last piece over lunch break. It is definitely ready . . . and it’s definitely going to be great!’

‘Ohh!’ Amelia wasn’t mad at Penny at all. Olivia couldn’t help herself. Leaving her locker door hanging open, she rushed forwards, sidestepping around the janitor again to race towards the other girls.

‘Please!’ she begged, as she arrived at Penny’s locker. ‘I’ve been dying to know about this show-stopping secret project. What did you guys collaborate on? I know it must have been a dress, or . . . well . . . some item of clothing, right?’ She looked from one of them to the other, lowering her voice as a group of chattering students passed behind her. ‘Come on, can’t you just give me a hint?’

Penny laughed. ‘It’s a secret, Olivia!’

‘Yes, but I’m one of your models,’ Olivia said. ‘So you don’t have to keep it a secret from me !’

Penny and Amelia traded a look. Despite their differences in style, when they turned back to face Olivia, they wore exactly the same teasing grin.

‘You’ll just have to wait and see, like everybody else,’ Amelia said sternly.

‘But . . .’ Olivia began.

Penny giggled as she closed her locker. ‘The one thing we can tell you is: it’s really kind of . . .’

‘“Altegular”!’ Amelia finished.

They both burst into laughter as they linked arms and walked away down the hall, leaving Olivia staring after them.

‘Altegular’? What does that mean?

‘Excuse me.’ It was the janitor again, his voice gruff and his face hidden under a ragged old baseball cap as he stepped up to mop the floor around Olivia’s feet.

‘Oh, sorry.’ Sighing, Olivia started to head back to her own locker.

Then she stopped. Wait a minute. The janitor wasn’t stooped any more. In fact, she was certain she recognised his posture from somewhere . . .

Narrowing her eyes, she turned to stare at him. Lowering his mop, he turned right back to her and raised the brim of his cap.

Olivia’s breath stopped in her throat. That’s no janitor!

Even with make-up carefully applied to ‘age up’ his face, she would have known those blue eyes anywhere.

It was her far-too-famous boyfriend, Jackson Caulfield!

‘Oh, really. ’ Olivia tried to scowl, but she couldn’t help laughing. ‘Has your career really slipped this far, Jackson? Is Amy getting you cleaning jobs now between shoots?’

‘Ahem.’ Still speaking in his gruff, old man’s voice, Jackson gave a wink. ‘I don’t think you should be openly flirting with a school janitor, do you?’

‘Whatever.’ Rolling her eyes, Olivia walked back to her locker and pushed the door wide open, so that no one else could see her expression. ‘So,’ she said, through the locker door, ‘what are you doing here, really?’

‘What do you think?’ Groups of students walked past behind them, but Jackson’s voice was too low for any of them to overhear. ‘I got into town early, and I wanted to see you. But for obvious reasons, it didn’t seem like a good idea to be noticed coming into the school.’

‘Hmm.’ Olivia raised her eyebrows. ‘Do you know, I think there’s a part of you that actually enjoys the trouble you can cause!’

‘I just like the practice,’ Jackson said cheerfully. ‘It’s good to try out different roles.’ He shifted to mop the floor on her other side. ‘So, what time does the event start tonight?’

‘Seven-thirty,’ Olivia said. It was a good reminder: she started packing her bag as she spoke. ‘Just remember, you can expect some chaos as we try to get into the museum.’

‘That’s fine.’ Jackson shrugged. ‘It can’t be any tougher than that crowd at the premiere for The Groves . . . remember?’

‘How could I forget?’ She remembered feeling like she might pass out from the crowds pressing in on them that evening. Their excitement had been overwhelming.

‘Just wait,’ Jackson said. ‘I bet the one we have for “ES” is going to be an even bigger deal.’

‘Oh.’ Olivia gulped. I hadn’t even thought of that.

Jackson was talking about Eternal Sunset, the film they were currently shooting. At its premiere, Olivia would be walking the red carpet as the lead actress of a major movie for the very first time – and it would be the last time for at least five years, since she’d made the choice to put her acting career on hold until she had finished high school.

Would her big moment at the premiere feel exciting? Or just bittersweet?

Uh-oh. She suddenly realised that Jackson had been talking through her moment of distraction. ‘Huh?’

‘Olivia Abbott, are you bored of me already?’ He raised his cap to give her a look of mock-offence.

She lightly swatted his arm. ‘You know that’s not it!’

Then she blushed, as she looked up and caught at least three other students staring at her from around the corridor. I guess they weren’t expecting to see me hit an elderly janitor. Oops!

‘I was just saying, it won’t be long before we’ve wrapped on “ES”,’ said Jackson. ‘Final scenes shoot in November.’

‘Right.’ Olivia sighed. Life would become so much easier once she didn’t have to balance schoolwork and filming any more . . . but she couldn’t be completely happy about that, because it would mean she’d get much less time with Jackson.

‘Anyway . . . I’ll see you tonight.’ He glanced left and right under the brim of his cap and nodded decisively. ‘I’d better get back to work. I see a corner over there that’s filthy.

‘What are you doing ?’ Olivia stared at him as he started forward. ‘You’re not actually paid to clean the school, remember?’

Jackson shrugged. ‘I can never leave a job unfinished. Anyway, you probably ought to rescue Ivy.’

‘Rescue –? What are you talking about?’

‘Oh, I couldn’t possibly ruin the surprise.’ Jackson gave her a wry, amused grin. ‘You have to take a walk across the quad and see this one for yourself. Besides, you wouldn’t believe me if I did tell you!’

It was such a familiar grin – and she’d missed him so much – that Olivia couldn’t help herself. She started forwards, her arms rising instinctively . . .

Then she pulled herself back, just in time. No way. It was weird enough for her to be seen hitting the janitor. If anyone saw her hug him, too, then they would really have questions!

So she only whispered, ‘Later,’ smiled, and turned away.

Time to rescue Ivywhatever that means!

She hurried down the hall towards the quad, ignoring the students shooting her curious glances. As she stepped outside into the cloudy autumn afternoon, though, she was startled to see the actual janitor, Jonny, leaning against an outer wall and taking deep breaths.

‘Um . . .’ Hesitantly, she started towards him. She’d never spoken to him before, but she couldn’t just ignore his distress. ‘Excuse me, but are you OK? You don’t look very well.’

Hastily straightening, Jonny smoothed down his grey hair with shaking fingers. ‘I feel like I’m going crazy,’ he mumbled. ‘I’ve been walking the halls of this school for the last twenty minutes, getting ready to begin my end-of-the-day work, but . . .’ He shook his head in disbelief. ‘They’re already spotless ! Either I’ve come down with serious amnesia, or the students have actually started cleaning up after themselves . . . and I don’t know what would be scarier!’

Stifling a laugh, Olivia ducked her head so that he couldn’t read her expression. ‘Um . . . the teachers did ask us all to respect the school a bit more,’ she mumbled, and moved away quickly, before he could say anything else.

As she walked across the quad, she kept her eyes open for Ivy, looking left and right, past groups of goths and bunnies and . . .

No. I can’t believe it! Gasping, Olivia came to a sudden halt as she finally spotted her twin sister.

I know Ivy’s been struggling to keep Reiko entertained . . . but I would never have expected this!

Ivy spotted Olivia out of the corner of her eye, but she couldn’t wave, because her hands were full. She couldn’t even nod at her sister, because she had to keep her eyes on the ball, of all ridiculous things.

She was trapped playing doubles tennis !

‘Ivy and Reiko lead by four games to love,’ called the sophomore bunny who’d volunteered as their umpire. She sounded as excited as if she was watching a professional tennis match.

I can’t believe this is happening to me, Ivy thought miserably.

Reiko had insisted they play against Skylar Drew and Hayley Winston, two blonde bunny seniors who were tennis-obsessed. Both girls were super-athletic, and had promised to ‘go easy’ on the two freshmen girls but the truth was, they had very little hope of beating two vampires . . . even if one of those vampires didn’t even like tennis.

Why couldn’t I just say no? Ivy asked herself. But she already knew the answer.

She couldn’t be mean to the exchange student. Unfortunately, tactful dodges didn’t seem to work with Reiko; and Reiko – whose hair was a vivid blue today – apparently could not walk past the tennis court without challenging the girls already there to a ferocious game of doubles.

Now, Reiko fired a fast forehand that had Skylar scrambling to return. Ivy swung a half-hearted backhand . . . but a vampire’s half-hearted backhand still sent the ball flying across the court so fast it was almost invisible.

Hayley lunged forwards just in time to return the ball with a clever drop shot. It fell just over the net, and Skylar hooted with triumph before it could even land.


No normal player could possibly get to that ball in time . . . but Reiko was no normal player. She raced forwards in a green-yellow-and-blue blur to dive, racquet first and flick the ball back up and over the heads of their opponents. Hayley and Skylar collided into each other as they both leaped for it, collapsing in a tangle of tanned arms and legs.

‘Fifteen-love,’ the umpire announced, staring at Reiko in amazement.

Ouch. Ivy felt a wave of sympathy as she watched the bunnies pick themselves up, groaning. ‘Let’s take a minute, OK?’ she called out. ‘I’m, um, out of breath.’

Hayley and Skylar only waved their assent, panting too hard to talk.

Ivy pulled Reiko aside and lowered her voice to a whisper. ‘Hey, cut it out with the super-vamp moves. We’re supposed to be making this game competitive, remember?’

‘No way.’ Reiko grinned. ‘I’m here to win.

‘We already are winning,’ Ivy hissed. ‘Plus, if you make any more plays like that last one, we’re going to get some serious questions. A normal human being can’t do things like that!’

Reiko shrugged. ‘I’ll take my game down to ninety-five per cent, but that’s the best I can do.’

Ivy groaned as they took their places once more.

The bunny girls both looked grimly determined to re-balance the score. Skylar fired in a serve that, by human standards, would have been considered “fierce”.

Ivy faked a sneeze, dropping her racquet, and the ball whistled past her head.

‘Fifteen-all,’ the umpire declared.

‘No way !’ Reiko shouted. ‘Ivy, how could you miss that?’

Even the bunnies were frowning. ‘You definitely would have gotten that, if you hadn’t had to sneeze,’ Skylar said. ‘Do you want to replay the point?’

‘No.’ Ivy shook her head emphatically. ‘It’s yours, fair and square.’

‘If you say so . . .’ Skylar looked worried.

Reiko just looked outraged. She shot Ivy a narrow-eyed look, then took her place, ready to receive the next serve.

This time, Skylar hit the ball just as fiercely as before – but Reiko returned it with a double-backhand that burned through the air.

‘Aaahh!’ Hayley fell to the ground with a scream of pain. The ball had hit her on the knee.

‘Time out,’ the umpire said. ‘I guess.’

Ivy threw aside her racquet to leap over the net and crouch beside Hayley. ‘Are you OK?’

‘I . . . I . . . ow !’ Hayley let out a moan of agony as Skylar gently massaged her knee. She closed her eyes, taking deep, ragged breaths as a whispering crowd gathered on the court. ‘I don’t think I can get up by myself,’ she mumbled.

‘She needs a doctor!’ Skylar said.

‘I know first aid!’ called the umpire, running over.

Good. Ivy’s shoulders relaxed. That meant she was free to deal with the other problem.

Ivy turned and shot Reiko a surreptitious death-squint.

What were you thinking? ’ she mouthed.

Reiko shrugged sheepishly, but Ivy didn’t spot any real regret on her face. Apparently, Reiko figured that losing the ability to walk was just an occupational hazard for anyone who was foolish enough to play tennis with her.

Gritting her teeth, Ivy started towards the other vampire . . .

But a cry of anguish shattered the air behind her, making her spin around.

The sound came not from Hayley, but from Amelia Thompson, who had shoved her way through the crowd to Olivia’s side. ‘She can’t walk ?’ Amelia demanded. ‘Is that true ?’

‘Sorry.’ Hayley just barely managed to raise herself up on her elbows, with Skylar’s help. ‘I know you were expecting me at the fashion show tonight, Amelia, but –’

‘I wasn’t just expecting you,’ Amelia said. ‘I need you there! You’re modelling our “Altegular” outfit tonight!’

Hayley looked like she might be blinking back tears. ‘I don’t think I’ll even be able to sit in the audience for the fashion show, much less strut down that catwalk.’

‘Ahh . . . ahhh . . .!’ Amelia looked as if she might faint. She grabbed out at Olivia for support.

If it weren’t for Hayley’s pain, and her own anger at Reiko’s carelessness, Ivy might have almost found it funny. She had never seen Amelia get so emotional about anything .

Reiko jogged over, swinging her tennis racquet by her side. ‘It’s my fault Hayley can’t do it,’ she said. ‘So, can I help? I could be her stand-in, if you need one.’

‘A stand-in?’ Amelia straightened, looking Reiko up and down. The despair in her eyes seemed to fade. ‘Yes . . . You might work. You’re about the right size, and I assume you can walk without falling over?’

Reiko raised her eyebrows, obviously taking it as a challenge. Tossing her racquet up into the air, she strutted forwards across the tennis court, catching it seven steps later – while twirling gracefully. ‘How’s that?’

‘Well . . .’ Amelia’s eyes narrowed. ‘It’s a bit more . . . forceful than I’d like, but I guess I can’t be choosy this close to showtime.’

‘Excellent.’ Reiko grinned.

‘Wait!’ Amelia snapped. ‘Your hair might not work.’

‘Oh, don’t worry about that.’ Reiko shrugged. ‘I can change it to any colour you want.’

‘Hmm.’ Amelia considered her. ‘Something dark would be best. Maybe black or . . . no, wait – blood red!’

‘You want red,’ Reiko said cheerfully, ‘you’ll have red!’

‘Ohhh . . .’ Looking uncharacteristically misty-eyed, Amelia wrapped the exchange student in a hug. ‘Such school spirit from someone who’s only going to be here for two weeks. We’re so lucky to have you!’

I’m not sure Hayley would agree, Ivy thought.

Amelia’s phone rang, and she scooped it out of her black leather satchel. As she strode away in her heavy boots, Ivy’s vampire-strong hearing picked up Penny’s voice on the other side of the call, sounding tinny through the cell phone’s speakers.

‘I heard about Hayley. Is she –?’

‘It’s all sorted out,’ Amelia said. ‘Don’t worry.’

Reiko turned to Ivy with a big grin. ‘I get to model . . . I am having so much fun at this school!’

‘Seriously?’ Ivy stared at her.

Reiko was super-sporty, scarily competitive, and excited by the idea of a fashion show? Ivy sighed. We’re not just from different countries . . . I think we may actually come from different planets!

Fashion Frightmare!

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