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Who, if not we? When, if not now?


In all cultures of the world you are looking for thousands of years for answers, Scientists each epoch searched diligently, but they have been running since time immemorial past the answer, since they only ever sought the answer to their area.

I want you to explain the connections plausible and substantiated by scientific research results. After decades of employment with old, religious, occult knowledge and the study of fringe science revealed to me the fact hidden truth.

Let us begin with the soul, it means the consciousness and the human soul owes its origin to a divine instance, that is our personal matrix, our memory album of all emotions and life situations, all life, we have gone through since the creation of our soul.

Spirituality, when it comes to that knowledge and teaching about spirituality. Is it the spirituality itself, actually applied practice, you should incorporate in all areas of life? The shows, that we live life not only on a level of consciousness.

However, in our ordinary state of consciousness we experience ourselves as something firmly Limited. In altered states such as in the trance, shift in dreams or in the ecstasy of the boundaries between the self and the outside world in many ways. Begriffe wie Trance, Hypnosis, Meditation, Dream, Ecstasy, Intoxication, Enlightenment are very often used this, attempts but seldom is, System in this “Spectrum of Consciousness” bring to.

The entity is always the same. The idea enabled the awareness, generated by emotions. About quantum physics is confirmed, which is also written in the Vedic scriptures.

In quantum physics, they say, everything is what we call matter of mass. Masses have a weight and they are subject to gravity, Electrons have a mass, Atomic nuclei have a mass and all matter consists of atomic nuclei and electrons. Quantum physics has found that there is a space between them but, which is called vacuum and visible even for us, but is measurable. This vacuum also fills us and although for the most part of our existence.

Now of course the question arises, what is in this vacuum?The “Copenhagen interpretation” said, that it is an observation, and this observation is connected to a measuring process. This observation is linked to a type of meaning, a machine could never, because only humans or other living organisms are able to give meaning and significance, but only if there is an awareness.

This means, Sense and meaning is controlled by feelings and emotions through awareness. This space or vacuum is not only in us, but all over the world and also in the universe. This space is a huge data bank, a matrix where everything down to the smallest detail, of every living thing and every situation or action, is stored.

Eine Matrix, where by all living things from the beginning every thought, every action and in general everything which our evolution and life on our planet and in the universe relates, is stored.

Spirituality and phenomena go beyond traditional natural scientific views and may necessitate a new, multidimensional view of the world, in which also the "paranormal and spiritual" aspects of material reality have space.

Ahead, I have to make you some facts from the scientific area, for you to develop an understanding and logic, for the things to come. Using this information, your perception of the material world will fundamentally change. You will receive a new approach.

We humans are determined from the beginning of our existence on, to believe, that the world in which we live is an absolute physical reality. So we were brought up from childhood, and so is our world view. However, through the knowledge of modern science, will give us a completely new perspective suddenly given.

All information we receive about our environment, is mediated to us through our five senses, see, hear, smell, taste, feel. We rely since our birth to these five senses, because we take all our knowledge about it on. We rely on our senses, the motto: “I have seen it with my own eyes.”

Modern science, however, has made amazing research, refuting everything basically. Some scientists expressed much earlier, that they thought “man is a deity and everything is experienced what, is temporary and illusory.” This hypothesis is now confirmed by science. To better understand this secret beyond matter, I want to tell you the exact.

Message from the matrix of humanity

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