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Pippa knew her mother was watching from the windows in the kitchen—not that her mother spent much time in the kitchen. The woman’s disapproval was almost palpable. She glanced at her watch, willing her mother to leave for the cocktail reception for some charity or another. Just her mother’s cup of tea. There were times her parents’ snobbery embarrassed her, and this was definitely one of them.

Yes, she’d insisted, when questioned by her mother a few minutes ago, the only relationship she had with Kade was of a business nature. And it had been—but for a few late-night fantasies with her battery-operated friend and a lot of what-if scenarios. Until last night. Pippa still didn’t completely understand why she’d all but seduced him. She sipped her wine cooler and admitted that she wasn’t sorry. Still, she needed to bring up the subject so she could let him know they were covered on the no-baby front. They hadn’t discussed it. And she was a little bothered by that. True, she wasn’t the most experienced, but it was a conversation she always insisted on—and not just because of pregnancy.

“You’re thinking too hard.”

She startled at Kade’s voice. “Sorry.”

“Nothing to apologize for, Pippa.” His gaze shifted from her to the kitchen window. Crud. He knew they were being watched.

“I’m sorry. About my mother. She’s...” How did she explain her mother’s actions? “Well...she is who she is.” His dry chuckle helped her relax. “She and Dad will be leaving soon.” Hopefully. “Would you like to swim before we fire up the grill?”

Claiming The Cowgirl's Baby

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