Читать книгу Data Theory - Simon Lindgren - Страница 2
3 Introduction: Data/Theory Outline of this book
4 1 Beyond Method Datafication Data theory Verstehen and Evidenz Theories old and new A bit of anarchy Data piñata Breaking things to move forward A patchwork of solutions The interpretive interface Instruments of revelation
5 2 Decoding Social Forms The odd places of politics Social media politics for better or for worse Virality and memes The Weber connection: Ambivalence and trolling as ideal types The Durkheim connection: Society > the sum of its parts The Simmel connection: Social forms Social cryptography
6 3 Unintended Consequences The thumb-typing leader of the free world Unpacking ambivalence Error L’affaire covfefe Social media backfire
7 4 Actor-Networks A sociology of translation Finding the actors Making connections Who owns theory?
8 5 Collective Representations Words and the company they keep Learning from afar Reading Reddit Mapping the language of Reddit Nodes and chains
9 6 Symbolic Power Social fields Capital and habitus Adapting Bourdieu’s capital forms to social media data A social space of political tweets
10 7 Theoretical I/O Gaining theoretical sensitivity Data science as ethnography
11 Conclusion: Theory/Data Brutalising theory Notes on ethics Final remarks
12 References
13 Index
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