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Assistant Adjutant-General Myer Asch,

entered the service September 19, 1861, as 2d Lieutenant Company H, 1st New Jersey Cavalry Volunteers; promoted to 1st Lieutenant and Adjutant, December 29, 1861, and Captain, March 24, 1862; served on staff of Major-General John Pope, subsequently appointed Assistant Adjutant-General to Major-General Kautz; also distinguished in other ways; held civic honors, particularly during the Centennial Exhibition of 1876 at Philadelphia.

Doctor Morris J. Asch,

on staff of Major-General Philip H. Sheridan.

Major Newman Borchardt,

enlisted as Private in Company K, 6th New York Volunteers; promoted to serve on staff of Major-General Oliver O. Howard.

Captain Isidore Bush, aide-de-camp to General Fremont.

Captain Max Cohnheim,

enlisted in the 41st New York; promoted with rank of Captain on the staff of General Sigel.

Captain—— Dessauer,

on staff of Major-General Oliver O. Howard; killed at Chancellorsville.

Rev. Jacob Frankel,

of Philadelphia, served as Chaplain of United States Hospitals during the Civil War, by appointment of President Lincoln.

Captain Edward Jonas,

enlisted in Illinois on staff of Major-General Prentice.

Major M. Lulley,

formerly on staff of Louis Kossuth, during the Hungarian Revolution of 1848; rendered valuable services during the Civil War, under direction of Secretary of War.

Colonel Isaac May,

aide-de-camp to Governor Andrew G. Curtin, of Pennsylvania.

Sergeant Louis H. Mayer,

enlisted in the 27th Ohio Regiment, served on staff of General Pope; also with Generals Rosecrans and Grant, taking part in various campaigns.

Captain Nathan D. Menken,

on staff of Major-General John Pope, as Commander of his body-guard; he sacrificed his life by remaining in Memphis, Tennessee, and tending to the suffering during a terrible visitation of Yellow fever in 1878.

Isaac Moses,

Adjutant-General 3d Army Corps, staff of Major General Heintzelman; subsequently under General Banks.

Captain Julius Spring,

on staff of General Van Buren.

Lieutenant M. Szegely,

on staff of General Sigel.

Major Joseph Franklin Tobias,

aide-de-camp with rank of Major to Major-General D. B. Birney (April 14, 1862—May 16, 1864).

The American Jew as Patriot, Soldier and Citizen

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