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Introduction: How this book supports you

Dear readers,

We are delighted that you bought this book and want to use it to help you find information and solve your specific problem - just like thousands of other readers before you.

Add-on, press reviews and customer feedback

Part of your book purchase are therefore also add-ons, working materials that you as a reader can download free of charge from https://best-of-hr.com/academy/ You can find out how to do this by reading on.

The FAZ, one of Germany's most well-known newspapers, certifies one of our titles “Good tips”, otherwise our work has been published by newspapers or specialist media such as ZEIT, Süddeutsche, personal magazine or Human Resources Management positive and customers like that Press and information office of the German federal government show gratitude. More reviews and information on free review copies can be found at https://best-of-hr.com/press/.

Content of the book

CLIMATE PROTECTION AND KNOWLEDGE: With this book, you support - documented - afforestation projects, quickly receive compact information and checklists from experts (overview in the table of contents) as well as advice that has been tried and tested in practice and that leads step by step to success, also thanks to add-on. Because the digitization of the working world is in full swing. But while automation and artificial intelligence have long since found their way into many companies, others are still vehemently opposing new developments and innovations and doing what they have always done. Deep learning and machine learning, for example, have long since become more than just hollow phrases, but also helpful tools for the urgently needed adjustments to business models. Those who come here too late literally punish life.

In addition, our unique publishing concept offers you many best practice tips and examples from successful managers, entrepreneurs and other exciting personalities.

Structure of the book

Various, possibly contradictory, facts of the topic are dealt with very deliberately. This enables you as a reader to examine and reflect on the various pros and cons aspects of the topic and to weigh them up in the event of a decision.

The clear structure and our special, very detailed table of contents will help you to find the information you require quickly and according to your needs and to put it directly into practice.

Information as desired and additional material to the book!

Under the motto Information as desired we will compile exactly the information you were looking for. The book also includes, for example, an eCourse with worksheet for working through, which you as a reader can obtain free of charge from our academy at https://best-of-hr.com/en/academy/. You can find out how to do this in the final part of the book.

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Digitalization & Change Management

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