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Good decision for executives: with intuition and understanding
// By Nadja Raslan

In your day-to-day management you will experience situations that on the one hand leave you no time for detailed analyzes, but on the other demand a quick and clear decision. What Helps Them Do: Use Intuition and Mind.

Use your intuition

Use the signals of your subconscious mind for good and correct decisions - your intuition. It feeds on your experiences and instincts. As rational people, most of us are trained to negate these signals.

After all, their origin is unknown and we can not cite any technical evidence. Nevertheless, our intuition is a valuable guide that serves us well in many situations, precisely because it is not consciously controlled. Get used to perceiving and exploring your feelings.

Example 1: Bad experiences

Why do not I want to do a project with the new business partner? Which signals trigger negative associations with me? Is this a coincidence or is it worth investigating? If, for example, you have had bad experiences with very researched extravert partners, and if your new business contact is a person with just one type, then that could be the reason for your bad stomach.

Example 2: Fast approval for applications

Manfred Denk made a great impression in the interview. His curriculum vitae and certificates also speak for him. Nevertheless, Norbert Fischer would rather wait for the interviews with the other candidates before deciding on him. However, Manfred Denk urges a quick decision: “I would be happy to start with you. I only need a confirmation by Monday because I have other offers. ” A purely rational decision would mean for Norbert Fischer to select all applicants and select the most appropriate ones. Here, however, he must decide immediately, although relevant information is still missing. A combination of intuition, factual analysis, and decision-making strategy can help you make quick, yet safe decisions.

Decide with intuition and understanding

Applied to the above example, Norbert Fischer's decision-making might look as follows:

1 His abdominal feeling advised him to hire Manfred Denk.

2 He weighs the associated risks: A better candidate could be rejected, the HR department with the procedure to be disagree, Mr. Denk could disappoint the expectations, ...

3 The risks seem acceptable to him.

4 He decides to hire Manfred Denk and make a quick offer. Finally, he can use the trial period and separate from Mr Denk, if the decision turns out to be a mistake.

Text comes from: Ab jetzt Führungskraft: So meistern Sie die ersten 100 Tage (2014) by Nadja Raslan, published by BusinessVillage Verlag, Reprints by friendly permission of the publisher.

Decide now! Make the Right Choice under Stress

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