Читать книгу Wolf Centos - Simone Muench - Страница 4



1. The question of the wolves turns & turns

[I saw my life a wolf loping along the road]

[Sea-blue, shot through]

[I transformed into this thing, this beautiful]

[Outside the new world winters in grand dark]

[Very quick. Very intense, like a wolf at a live heart]

[When tenderness seems tired]

[Who will take the madness from the trees]

[Stunned by gold, we see coming]

[In the space of a half-open gold door]

[We: spectators, always, everywhere]

2. Desire discriminates & language discriminates

[Desire discriminates & language]

[It was a desire rather than a boat]

[In moon-swallowed shadows]

[Under somber firs two wolves mingled]

[There are wolves in the next room]

[I have lost my being in so many beings]

[How long have I left you?—played the wolf]

[Beyond the baying of a snow wolf]

[Here in this town, in a glass honeycomb]

[Nothing remains of you. The city]

3. Each letter a closed house

[From this bleak hotel, & at the bored]

[The day’s long madness has drained]

[In the wood-world’s torn despair, where winter]

[A stranger’s coming past]

[All song of the woods is crushed]

[After the first snow has fallen to its squalls]

[No cause you should weep, Wolf]

[Everything in these parts is geared]

[Having erased all the past like a false eye]

[Cripple of light opening against my back]

[A year ago we all flushed a little brighter]

[The wolf licks her cheeks with]

[They promised me a silence]

[First frost blackens with a cloven hoof]

4. Every transformation is possible

[I have looked too long into human eyes]

[I dream you into being—mongering wolf]

[With flowers in their lapels, nine]

[November stands at the door]

[You hear things. I see them]

[I watch my life running away]

[There is a wolf in me, sound]

[Everyone in the room wore white masks]

[All night the wolves danced]

[Shrewd wolf of dark innocence]

[In the yellow chalk of my diminishing bones]

[I want to be strung up in a strong light & singled out]

[What do we leave, living]

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The Author

Wolf Centos

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