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2.5.2 Discrete‐Time LTV Systems
ОглавлениеThe state‐space model of a discrete‐time LTV system is represented by the following algebraic and difference equations:
Before proceeding with a discussion on the observability condition, we need to define the discrete‐time state‐transition matrix, , as the solution of the following difference equation:
with the initial condition:
The reason that is called the state‐transition matrix is that it describes the dynamic behavior of the following autonomous system (a system with no input):
with being obtained from
Following a discussion on energy of the system output similar to the continuous‐time case, we reach the following definition for the discrete‐time observability Gramian matrix:
As before, the system (2.49) and (2.50) is observable, if and only if the observability Gramian matrix is full‐rank (nonsingular) [9].