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Chapter Two

Sitting dazed on the sand Daniel stared in amazement at the woman looming over him with fists planted belligerently on slim hips and fire in her hazel-green eyes. Her red-gold hair had come loose from a twist on the back of her head and was straggling down around her flushed face. She continued to harangue Daniel while she kicked loose from a parachute.

Finally she stood facing Daniel, eyes blazing and chin thrust forward. “Well?” she demanded.

Daniel looked up at her and drew a slow, deep breath. “Are you always this temperamental, or are you just excited at our accident?”

“How dare you,” she glared at him, “but you surely heard me warning you.”

“Yes. I heard, but this isn’t a beach for parachuting, therefore, it didn’t occur to me that someone was dropping from the sky. I might have called you an angel if it were not for your unreasonable hostility.” He smiled, admiring her and struggling to think of what to say.

She glared at him as Daniel stood.

“I guess I should apologize,” she took a deep breath. “I had no choice but to bail out.” She pointed out over the Gulf of Mexico. Daniel looked to see the tail of a plane slipping under the water.

“My mechanic assured me that the plane had checked out and was safe to fly. Well, he didn’t actually say it, but he’s been with us so long, I assumed it. Usually I check for myself, but, as I was only going to Port Arthur to pick up an order, I took everything for granted. Even if he’s been with us for many years, and is a superb mechanic, I know better than to take someone’s word for the safety of my equipment.” She seemed to wilt as she looked sorrowfully over the water where the plane had gone down.

Concerned, and being a gentleman, Daniel said, “I’m sorry. I didn’t hear a plane. I have a good excuse, or at least I think it’s good. To be honest, I was wallowing in my own misery and not paying attention. I’m glad you had the beach to land on, and I’m sure glad you’re okay. You are, aren’t you? Okay?”

“I’m fine. Physically at least. My guardian angel is with me,” she stepped closer to Daniel.

“Good grief. How tall are you?” She was astonished at the sheer masculinity that seemed to radiate from his tall, powerful body.

“Six-five. How tall are you?” Daniel was surprised to be almost looking eye to eye with the young woman. For some inexplicable reason, he was drawn to this fiery female.

“I’m five-ten,” she stammered. “It’s unusual for me to have to look up at a man.” She hesitated and then ordered him in a no nonsense voice, “Here, help me get this parachute together, and I would appreciate a ride to the hangar.”

“You’re fortunate the parachute worked,” Daniel said reaching to fold it.

She shuddered. “Yes, I’m thankful. My mother says that God takes care of babies, fools and drunks. Since I’m no longer a baby and I don’t drink, I guess that tells you what I am. Can you give me a ride? Please?”

“Sure, I’ll be glad to take you. Let’s get this chute in my jeep and we’ll be off. Are you sure you’re okay?”

“I’m fine, just shaken up a little. After all, this isn’t an every day happening. Thank God for that.”

Although her shoulders were back and her head high, Daniel knew she wasn’t as unaffected as she pretended to be. He could read the uncertainty and vulnerability in her eyes. He held the door of the passenger side of the jeep for her and assisted her in, closed the door and walked around to the driver’s side.

He turned to her smiling. “By the way, my name is Daniel Cortland,” he hesitated. No answer from the woman, just a polite look. “I live just outside of Sugar Land, but my day is yours if you need more help.”

“Well, Daniel Cortland, I’m sorry I landed on you, and I’m sorry I yelled at you, but I’m grateful you’re here. Everything happened too quickly for me to be frightened. I’m Amanda Wescott, and I live here in Galveston. I have - or had - two light planes that I do pick-up and delivery for customers. Actually, my dad owns the business, but he had a heart attack four months ago and is still recuperating. I’m keeping the business open for him until he can take charge again.”

“It’s great he has you. I’m sorry to hear of his illness. I bet your mother has her hands full.”

“That’s part of the problem. Mom has been in a wheelchair for a little over a year with crippling arthritis. Dad has waited on her, kept house and run his flying service. It breaks my heart to see Dad so down and Mom helpless. They’re both very independent and adore each other. They have worked together since they married and now it seems as if everything is falling apart.”

“How are you managing? That’s a lot for you to take on your shoulders. Are you in college?”

“Thanks. I needed that. I’m older than I look. I’ve finished college and was fortunate to obtain the job I had set my heart on as soon as I graduated. I work on the TOWN CRIER as a reporter with the goal of becoming an investigative reporter,” she sighed. “My chosen career will have to be placed on hold. My parents need me, and I wouldn’t think of doing anything else. I love them dearly and they’re the best parents in the world.”

“We have something in common, interest in newspaper work. I’ve graduated and want to be a photojournalist, but my dad had a conniption when I mentioned it. He wants me to work in the family business.”

“What does your mother say about it?”

“Mom usually does whatever Dad decrees. She loves her children with all her heart, and has stood by us through thick and thin, but everyone knows Dad has the main part of her heart.

“It sounds as if you have great parents, too.”

“The best. Uh oh. Here comes the Port Authorities.”

A tall man got out of the vehicle and walked with long strides to them. “Excuse me. I’m Lt. Kooper of the Galveston Port Authority. We received a report that someone parachuted on the beach in this area. Do either of you know about that?”

“Yes. I’m the one who parachuted. I was forced to bail when the engine quit on my plane. There was nothing else for me to do unless I went down with the plane,” Amanda answered politely. Her chin came up but Daniel could hear the quaver in her voice.

“I’m sure you didn’t do it deliberately, and I’m very happy that you were able to get out without injury. I need to know you’re safe and what you’re going to do about the plane.”

“She’s fine, and I’m coming back tomorrow to dive and see what I can salvage from the plane. We’ll have it lifted as soon as arrangements can be made,” Daniel said, slightly surprised at himself for taking charge. He was a little perplexed at his attitude. After all, he had been one who deliberately avoided relationships.

“I need for both of you to come with me and give some necessary information. You won’t be kept long.”

“I’ll drive my jeep behind you and we’ll do whatever is necessary or required,” Daniel said.

“Thank you for your cooperation. I’ll see you in a few minutes in the office up there.”

Daniel looked at Amanda’s white face. “Are you truly all right?

“What came over me?” Amanda mumbled astonished, as Daniel pulled out behind the official vehicle. She turned toward Daniel. “I just sat here like a dweeb and let you do all the talking, and I just barely met you. I’m usually a very independent person and depend on no one.”

“Whups! I guess I should apologize to you. I jumped in without thinking. Dad taught me that a gentleman always protects his lady, or in this case, the lady that needs help. It was pure instinct, and I didn’t do it with any thought that you are not capable.”

“Oh, it’s really no big deal. I guess I’m shaken more than I realized. It never dawned on me that I would have to answer to the Port Authorities.”

“You’re not answering to them; well you are in a way, but they have a job to do and I’m sure you want to cooperate. After all, you’re not guilty of any crime. As Lt. Kooper said, you didn’t drown your plane deliberately, and they’re not considering you a criminal.”

“Drown my plane,” she smiled. She realized he was teasing her to try to ease the strain. “I feel so silly for feeling - oh, I don’t know, like I’m standing to one side and watching myself.”

“It’s okay. You had a shock whether you realize it or not. I would guess that in the back of your mind you’re wondering how it will affect your father.”

“That’s one of the first things I thought of. Dad is so worried about Mom, and he’s disgusted with his own illness. Too, he worries about me being alone with the work even if we do have an excellent mechanic who is a dear friend and has been with us for years.”

“You’re not alone. I’m here. I can’t explain it, but I feel as if there’s a master plan for us to meet and become friends.”

“Just like a man,” she smiled. “I’m not going to question that statement because I’m grateful for your assistance. Let’s get this over with,” she said as they stopped in front of the building where they were going. In the Port Authorities office, the officer taking the information asked for names, home address, phone number, social security number, birth date and place of birth. Amanda had to give her business license number and her pilot’s number, the address of the hangar and the purpose of the Eagle Flying Service. She then had to fill in a form concerning the purpose of her flying trip that day.

This took longer than Amanda had anticipated. She walked out of the office on wobbly legs.

Daniel placed his arm around her waist, and led her to the jeep.

“Daniel, I’m honestly grateful for your support even though it’s a little embarrassing. I don’t know why, but I feel comfortable with you. I don’t usually take up with anyone this easily and go with a person without question as soon as I meet them. Forgive me I’m babbling. I always babble when I’m nervous, and I’m so whipped. A hot shower and a short rest will do wonders.” She nodded as if convincing herself that it was the thing to do.

Following Amanda’s directions, Daniel was at the Wescott hangar in about twenty minutes. “Do you need me to wait and take you somewhere else?”

“No thanks. I have my car here. If I can ever do anything for you, just let me know.”

“You can.”


“Have dinner with me tonight.”

“Tonight! But we just met.”


“I don’t know anything about you except that you’re courteous and kind, and a gentleman. As far as that goes, you don’t know me.”

“So much better. We need to eat and what better way to get acquainted than to eat, relax and talk.”

She stared at him as if she were trying to read his mind. “I honestly do appreciate your help, but I have obligations to meet and I need to get better acquainted before making plans to socialize. Forgive me and try to understand. By the way, how did you plan to help me?”

“I’ll bring one of the ranch trucks and we’ll get duplicate supplies for your orders. Then I’ll drive you to Port Arthur, and when we return, I’ll dive to your plane and see if anything can be salvaged.”

“Are you really a diver?”

“It’s just a hobby, but I am experienced and I’ll be willing to do whatever I can to help you.”

“To reiterate, we just met. Why would you volunteer to do so much for me - a stranger?”

“A stranger is a friend we have yet to meet,” Daniel quoted.

“What time do you want me here tomorrow morning?”

She hesitated before answering him. “Is eight o’clock too early for you?”

“Not at all. You forget I live on a ranch and we have to rise early to start our work.”

As Daniel drove away from the hangar, Amanda’s thoughts were whirling. What is it about this man that makes me let down my guard? He may be as nice as he seems, but I don’t know him . Why is he being so helpful? It could be that he is bored and is just, how do the kids say it, he’s marking time with me?

She walked into the hangar to tell the mechanic about the day. “I dread to tell Dad. He’s faced so many troubles in the last two years.”

“Your dad has a strong intestinal fortitude. He’ll be thankful that you’re safe and alive, and he’ll know insurance will cover the loss of the plane. The premiums are high enough,” Michael Stallard reassured her, “but you can expect them to be higher after this loss.”

“I don’t know, Mike. Let me think about it. Promise me that you won’t say anything about this to my parents until I think about it. Too, there’s no need to tell him until the insurance company investigates and we have more to tell him. Please, promise me.”

“Reluctantly I promise. I don’t completely agree with you, but I understand what you’re saying.”

Amanda quickly attended to writing out the records for the day and the financial statement.

“Mike, if you don’t need me for anything I’ll go home. I haven’t decided what to tell my parents. The man I told you about, Daniel, asked me out to dinner tonight.”

“Hey! Fast worker, but I’m not surprised. We’ve all known what a prize you are.”

“Cut it out, Mike. Keep that up and I might start believing you. No, I turned him down because I just met him and I’m shot because of the day’s happenings.”

She grinned and left hearing the comforting sound of Mike’s laughter.

Please God. Let me pull this off. I don’t want to lie to my parents, but neither do I want to worry them, especially when they’re both so sick. I want to have more facts and more information on the how and why before Dad is burdened with what’s happening.

Desperate Wish

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