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Chapter Seven

Grace looked and gawked in surprise when Jason came hurrying in carrying a big bakery box and a bag of groceries.

“What in the ---”

“Never mind, Grace,” Jason grinned. “Call Franklin and tell him that I want to see him at two o’clock. He hurried through the front room, into the long room and almost ran to the refrigerator. He deposited some items in the refrigerator and other on the floor beside it. Putting a finger to his lips to show, ‘no talking’, he motioned for Greg and Beth to come into his office. They hurried quietly after him.

“I’ll talk fast. I don’t want Grace to catch on, but today is her birthday. I found out by accident. I have a cake, two kinds of ice cream and a gift for her. Let’s have a surprise party at about two o’clock unless a client comes in at that time and we have to have it later. After all, it’s Friday and we don’t have a need to put in long hours at work today.”

“Are you sure it’s her birthday? She hasn’t said a word about it.” Beth said with a frown and looked worried.

“Yes. December nineteenth. I happened to look at her application and found it. Now get out of here before she gets suspicious. Keep her out of the refrigerator if you can.”

Greg and Beth scuttled out. Greg looked back protesting that he hadn’t known about it and had no gift for her.

“She won’t expect it,” Jason assured him.

Grace was naturally curious but everyone was then acting so normal she decided whatever it was, it was Jason’s business. She had called Franklin and given him Jason’s message. He naturally asked why Jason wanted to see him, but she didn’t know.

The morning progressed as usual with paper work to do and a few phone calls. Jason walked to the front.

“Why don’t the three of you go to lunch and I’ll keep an eye on things here. Don’t rush. I don’t want anything now, but I might go out later.”

Jason was pleased when Franklin wandered in after the three had left. It gave him time to tell Franklin about the surprise birthday party he’d planned for Grace.

“That’s wonderful,” Franklin was so pleased he was almost bouncing around. “Grace is such a kind, thoughtful person. She deserves nice treatment.”

As the three came in from lunch, Franklin hurriedly excused himself and said he’d be back later. When he returned at two, he was looking so pleased with himself that Grace asked him why he looked so happy. He just smiled, gave a jaunty wave and walked on back to Jason’s office.

In a few minutes, Jason called for Beth to come to his office. She hurried back and listened to his instructions. She went back and whispered to Greg who quietly got up and helped her. He picked up the bag Jason had placed on the floor and took out a paper tablecloth with Happy Birthday written on it. There were also balloons and cakes with candles printed on it.

Beth placed matching napkins, paper plates, tableware and cups on the table. She opened the refrigerator and took out the bakery box. She had to make a strong effort to keep quiet when she saw the beautifully decorated cake that Jason had ordered from the bakery. It was a sheet cake, double layer yellow, with white icing. Around the edges were green vines and leaves with yellow roses and rose buds. On it was written HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRACE.

Greg took out two quarts of ice cream from the freezer and placed each one on a paper plate to catch any drips. He opened them and placed an ice cream scoop on the plate beside each one. “Yummy” he breathed in the delectable odors.

Beth turned to give him a stern look. He ducked his head, grinning, and went to the front office to casually get his mug full of coffee. “How’s it going, Grace, my love?”

Grace looked suspiciously at him because he looked like the cat that had caught the canary. “Everything’s fine and since when did I become your love?” she smiled.

“You’ve always been a love for all of us,” Jason said from the doorway with Franklin looking over his shoulder. The four of them started clapping and singing Happy Birthday to Grace.

“Oh, dear, you’ve taken me by surprise,” Grace sniffled wiping her eyes.

“Don’t flood the place,” Jason laughed. “Come in here with us.”

Puzzled, Grace followed them and then gasped and placed a hand on her heart. She burst in tears. “How-- how--” she stuttered. Her eyes grew wide when she saw the cake with ten lighted candles on it and the ice cream. A beautifully decorated box with a huge red ribbon was on one end of the table.

“You deserve this more than anyone I know,” Jason told her.

She walked shakily to the table and sat down. She looked at all of them with moist eyes. “How did you all do this without me knowing?”

“That doesn’t matter,” Jason told her. “Here, open this.” He gave her the package.

She opened it and gulped in surprise to find another lovely wrapped box inside. She opened it and found a smaller wrapped box in it. “What is the meaning of all these boxes?” she asked puzzled.

“Don’t let it bother your pretty head,” Jason smiled. “Just keep opening.”

The smaller box had a gift in it. She took it out and again burst into tears. “Jason, you stinker. This is too sweet of you, but I can’t take it.”

“Well, what is it?” Beth asked impatiently.

Grace smiled through her tears and waved her hand in the air with the contents of the box. “It’s a round trip plane ticket to Hawaii and a check for five hundred dollars,” she finished breathlessly.

“Consider it an end of the year bonus, a Christmas gift, a birthday gift and whatever. You’ll leave on December twenty-sixth and return on January second.” Jason said proudly.

“Hooray! You’ll be out of the snow and cold weather,” Greg was excited for her. “Grace, I didn’t have time to get something for you, in fact, I didn’t know this was your birthday until a couple of hours ago. I hope you won’t be insulted if I give you money to spend.”

“Oh, Greg, I can’t take your money. Don’t be insulted, but you need your money for your mother and your own expenses.”

“Nonsense. You’d insult me if you don’t take it. I honestly want you to have it.”

Grace hugged him. “Thank you, Greg, maybe I’ll find something nice to bring back to you.”

Beth pushed by Greg. “Remember when I left you two in the diner and ran out for a short time? I went to get this.” She held a flat package wrapped in gold paper with a big blue bow, Grace began to sniffle again. Beth smiled, “Now none of that. Just open my gift.” Inside was a lovely pale blue silk blouse with tiny seed pearls around the hart-shaped neck line. The long sleeves ended in a wide cuff.

“Beth, darling, it’s too beautiful for me. I’m glad the sleeves are long. When a woman gets to be my age we need to hide as much as we can,”

Franklin moved toward Grace. “You don’t need to hide anything. A woman like you who is lovely inside and out will outshine all the young chicks.” He held out his hand. “I’m sorry I didn’t have time to wrap this.”

Everyone gasped and Grace sat down heavily. The narrow gold bracelet had two teardrop-shaped Aquamarines on either side of a blue diamond. A delicate gold chain was a safety device against losing the bracelet.

“Franklin, this is too valuable for me. I appreciate the thought with my whole heart, but I can’t take this.”

“You’ll break my heart if you refuse it. I made it for my wife whom I loved as much as one can love anyone else, but she died before I could give it to her. The cancer took her quicker than I imagined. You are a dear friend and I would be honored if you’d accept it.”

Grace looked at Jason. He nodded at her. She accepted Franklin’s gift with more tears and hugs. “I shall treasure it always. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Franklin.”

“If we don’t hurry and eat this, the ice cream will be melted all over the place,” Greg sang out as he went behind the table. “Who wants Pistachio and who wants Butter Pecan?”

“Give a scoop of each to everyone,” Jason suggested. Grace get back there, make a wish and blow out your candles. Then you can cut the cake.”

“Thank you for everything, my precious friends. And thank you for only having ten candles on the cake. It keeps me from feeling so old,” she laughed.

“We didn’t want the fire department to be rushing in here on such a cold day and this close to Christmas,” Greg joked.

“Greg gore ee,” Beth admonished him.

With a mighty breath Grace blew out the candles and pretended to be faint. “I don’t know whether to kiss you or kick you, Jason. “I’m already plump enough and now I’ll be roly-poly after cake and ice cream.”

“No, my dear lady, you’re just right,” Franklin placed an arm across her shoulders and then, looking slightly ashamed, dropped his arm and came around to the front of the table.

Greg lifted his eyebrows and looked at Beth. She smiled and shrugged her shoulders.

After they had eaten and cleaned up, Jason told them to go home and enjoy an early day. Franklin left declaring that it had been many a moon since he had enjoyed himself so much.

Greg leaned over and whispered to Beth. “How long has Franklin’s wife been dead? I think he has an interest in our Grace.”

“I don’t know,” she answered, “and he couldn’t find a sweeter lady than Grace. I don’t know her age, and I didn’t want to ask Jason, but she is still very pretty. She has such a sparkling personality and is very loyal.”

“I would guess her to be middle sixties,” Greg told her. “Wouldn’t it be great if the two of them found a lasting relationship?”

Grace made everyone take a piece of cake home for later. The rest was wrapped and left in the refrigerator. The ice cream was returned to the freezer for another day.

“Brrr. Why do we enjoy such cold food in bitter cold weather?” Grace shivered as she prepared to leave.

“I don’t know who invented ice cream, but it gets better and better. I, for one, can eat it any time. All of you, get out of here. Have a wonderful weekend.”

Jason locked up and bid everyone a cheerful goodbye.

The Perfect Spouse: A Novel

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