Читать книгу Montana Madness: A Novel - Sioux Dallas - Страница 6
ОглавлениеBeautiful Montana --- Big Sky Country
Welcome to Montana Madness
You will probably need some assistance in pronouncing and understanding some of the names. I shall do the best I can to make it more enjoyable for you.
Chaska Magi Proudfoot
Chaska pronounced chah skay - means first son
Magi pronounced Mah gee (g as in burger) means Michael
Chaska Magi my first son, Michael (Mike)
Angeline Litzou
Angel leet zow - means angel love (Angel) wife of Chaska magi
Atian Chetan
ay teen chay than- means Stephen Hawk (Steve)
Son of Mike and Angel
Ehawee Donoma
eye wah dough mo - means laughing maiden of the sun
Wife of Steve (Donna)
Nizhniy Tayas nee zhoh nee tah nis - means beautiful daughter
Daughter of Steve and Donna (Ginger)
two klah - means strong hearted (James Deerhunter)
My daughter, Verta and I toured fifteen western states one summer, visiting historical sites, museums and meeting remarkable people. I loved all of them. Montana had breathtaking land and views.
Another time I was visiting friends and they took me to an old fort which had been renovated into a restaurant. We had excellent food. I ate rattlesnake meat and thoroughly enjoyed. They then asked me if I would like Rocky Mountain Oysters. I love oysters and was eager to try them, wondering where they found oysters in the mountains. I took one bite and almost threw up as I spit it out. They laughed at me and they ate them. When I learned what they were, I was glad I had not tried them. They are the testicles of a calf, and sometimes sheep, deep fried and considered a delicacy in the west. When the calves are cut to keep them from breeding, the testicles are saved for mouth watering dishes. (Their words, not mine.)
In the book I tell of gymkhanas. These are games of skill on horseback. A lot of them were instigated by the Plains Indians to keep in practice for their life style. Barrel Racing, Pole Bending, Rescue, Trail Class and games of skill on horseback.
I speak of horses being so many hands. A hand is measured from the top of the withers (top of shoulder), down the front leg to the ground. A hand is four inches, or the width of a man’s hand. A fifteen two hand horse would be fifteen times four plus two or sixty-two inches. Five feet, two inches. A sixteen hand horse is sixteen times four or sixty-four inches at the withers.
Yes, cattle rustling, horse stealing and murder still exist in the U. S. A.
A male breeding stallion is called a sire.
A female breeding mare is called a dam.
The baby is spoken of as by a sire and out of a dam. (by Ranger out of Flower)
A just born is a foal. A few months old and being weaned is a weanling.
A year old is a yearling. A just born male horse is a colt; a new female horse is a filly. Filly foal - or - Colt foal.
Crow hopping - all four legs stiff and jumping up and down as well as forward.
I learned a lot about cattle but my heart broke when I learned that a Bobby calf is one killed at four days old for veal.