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Оглавление‘Report to the Government of Ceylon on the Pearl-Oyster Fisheries of the Gulf of Manaar.’ By W. A. Herdman, F.R.S. Parts I. and II. Published by the Royal Society. London, 1904.
‘On the Origin of Pearls.’ By H. Lyster Jameson. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1902.
‘Aus den Tiefen des Weltmeeres.’ By C. Chun. Jena: Gustav Fischer, 1900.
‘Tierleben der Tiefsee.’ By O. Seeliger. Leipzig: Wilhelm Engelmann, 1901.
‘Report of the Scientific Results of the Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger.’ Edited by the late Sir C. Wyville Thomson and John Murray. A Summary of the Scientific Results. Published by Order of Her Majesty’s Government, 1885.
‘La Vie au Fond des Mers.’ By H. Filhol. Paris: G. Masson, 1885.
‘The Fauna of the Deep Sea.’ By Sydney J. Hickson. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner and Co., 1894.
‘British Fisheries: their Administration and their Problems.’ By James Johnstone. London: Williams and Norgate, 1905.
‘An Examination of the Present State of the Grimsby Trawl Fishery, with Especial Reference to the Destruction of Immature Fish.’ By E. W. L. Holt. Journal of the Marine Biological Association, vol. iii. Plymouth, 1895.
Journals of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, vols. i.-vii. Plymouth.
‘Conseil Permanent International pour l’Exploration de la Mer. Rapports et Procès Verbaux,’ vol. iii. Copenhagen.
‘Fishery Board for Scotland. Report on the Fishery and Hydrographical Investigations in the North Sea and Adjacent Waters, 1902–1903.’ [Cd. 2612.] London, 1905.
‘Marine Biological Association. First Report on the Fishery and Hydrographical Investigations in the North Sea and Adjacent Waters (Southern Area), 1902–1903.’ [Cd. 2670.] London, 1905.
‘Annual Reports of the Inspectors of Sea-Fisheries for England and Wales.’ London, 1886–1905.
‘The Penycuik Experiments.’ By J. C. Ewart. London and Edinburgh: A. and C. Black, 1899.
‘Experimental Investigations on Telegony.’ A paper read before the Royal Society, London, June 1, 1899. By Professor J. C. Ewart.
‘La Vie de Pasteur.’ Par René Vallery-Radot. Paris: Hachette, 1900.
‘Pasteur.’ By Percy Frankland and Mrs. Percy Frankland. (Century Science Series.) London: Cassell, 1898.
‘The Soluble Ferments and Fermentation.’ By J. Reynolds Green. (Cambridge Natural Science Manuals.) Cambridge University Press, 1899.
‘Micro-organisms and Fermentation.’ By Alfred Jörgensen. Translated by A. K. Miller and A. E. Lennholm. Third edition. London: Macmillan, 1900.
‘Lectures on the Malarial Fevers.’ By William Sydney Thayer, M.D. London: Henry Kimpton, 1899.
‘On the Rôle of Insects, Arachnids, and Myriapods as Carriers in the Spread of Bacterial and Parasitic Diseases of Man and Animals. A Critical and Historical Study.’ By George H. F. Nuttall, M.D., PhD. ‘Johns Hopkins Hospital Reports,’ vol. viii.
‘Instructions for the Prevention of Malarial Fever.’ Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. Memoir I. Liverpool: University Press, 1899.
‘Report of the Malaria Expedition of the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine and Medical Parasitology.’ By Ronald Ross, D.P.H., M.R.C.S.; H. E. Annett, M.D., D.P.H.; and E. E. Austen. Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. Memoir II. Liverpool: University Press, 1900.
‘A System of Medicine, by many Writers.’ Edited by Thomas Clifford Allbutt, M.A., M.D., LL.D., vol. ii., 1897; vol. iii., 1897. London: Macmillan and Co.
‘A Handbook of the Gnats and Mosquitoes.’ By Major George M. Giles, I.M.S., M.B., F.R.C.S. London: John Bale, Sons, and Danielsson, Limited, 1900.
‘Reports to the Malaria Committee, Royal Society, 1899 and 1900.’ By various authors. London: Harrison and Sons, 1900.
Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History, vol. xvi., 1874.
U.S.A. Department of Agriculture, Division of Entomology, Bulletin 4, new series.
‘Manchester Memoirs,’ vol. li., 1906, p. 1; Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, vol. li., 1907, p. 395.
‘Endowments of the University of Cambridge.’ Edited by John Willis Clark, M.A., Registrar of the University of Cambridge. Cambridge: University Press, 1904.
‘Report of a Meeting held at Devonshire House on January 31, 1899, to inaugurate the Cambridge University Association.’ Cambridge: University Press, 1899.
‘Statements of the Needs of the University.’ Cambridge: University Press, 1904.
‘University Accounts for the Year ended December 31, 1904.’ Cambridge University Reporter, March 17, 1905.
‘Abstracts of the Accounts of the Colleges.’ Cambridge University Reporter, February 10, 1905.