Читать книгу The Literature of the Ancient Egyptians - Sir E. A. Wallis Budge - Страница 4



Table of Contents

The Elysian Fields of the Egyptians Frontispiece
Thoth, the Scribe of the Gods 3
Thoth and Amen-Rā succouring Isis 5
Egyptian Writing Palettes To face 6
Vignette from the Book of the Dead (Chapter XCII) To face 42
Her-Heru and Queen Netchemet reciting a Hymn To face 44
Her-Heru and Queen Netchemet standing in the Hall of Osiris To face 52
Stele relating the Story of the Healing of Bentresht 94
Stele on which is cut the Speech of Amen-Rā 107
A Page from the Great Harris Papyrus To face 110
Stele on which is cut the Autobiography of Thaiemhetep 150
A Page of the Tale of the Two Brothers To face 196

The Literature of the Ancient Egyptians

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