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Table of Contents

Map of India
1.Distant View of Bombay Harbour
2.Taj Mehal, from Agra Fortress
3.Lahore Citadel
5.Eden Gardens, Calcutta
6.Temple at Nagpore
7.Trichinopoly Rock
8.Sirinagar Lake, Cashmere
9.Hill Station of Simla
10.Mount Everest
11.Mount Kinchinjanga
12.Tropical Forest, Western India
13.Bamboo Groups, Central India
14.Native Fair on Bank of River Nerbudda
15.Festival at Goverdhan, near Mathra
16.The Ganges at Benares
17.Dwelling of Aborigines in Nilgherry Hills
18.Old Ambair, near Jyepore
19.Gwalior Citadel Rock
20.View of Hyderabad, Deccan
21.Summer-house at Deeg, near Bhurtpore
22.Gateway of a Native Palace
23.Sikkim-Tibet Border
24.Peshawar and the Khyber
25.Pools in the Bolan Pass
26.River Irawady (Burma)
27.Hindu Temple, Bindraban
28.Booddhist Tower at Booddh Gya
29.Pertabgurh Rock Fortress
30.Lake at Poona
31.Granite Monument of Sacred Bull at Tanjore
32.Hindu Temple near Islamabad in Cashmere
A Bird's-Eye View of Picturesque India

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