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Published in the USA in 2018 by World Editions LLC, New York

Published in the UK in 2018 by World Editions LTD, London

World Editions

New York/London/Amsterdam

Copyright © Sisonke Msimang, 2017

Author’s photographs cover and inside © Nick White, Perth, Australia

This book is memoir. Some names and identifying details have been changed to protect the privacy of individuals. Some events have been compressed and of course the dialogue I quote as verbatim could not possibly have transpired exactly as I have committed it to the page. Still, I have done my best to ensure this book represents the truth as I know it.

British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data

A catalogue record for this book is available on request from the British Library.

ISBN Trade paperback 978-1-64286-000-9

ISBN E-book 978-1-64286-020-7

First published in South Africa in 2017 by Jonathan Ball Publishers

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Always Another Country

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