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With appreciation: the late, great John Hamilton Elliott, a Renaissance Man if ever one lived; my sister and brother, Beth and Tuck, and Penelope and Sarah and contingent; my in-laws, Fernando and Lourdes Astilla, and sisters Kristy and Lena and their crews, and to Danny, who came into our family at just the right time; to absent friends and family: Claude and Frances Tucker, Chuck Tucker, Shelton Prince, and Trevor Armbrister, who believed; and to J. B. and Ann and all the Beatys, a second family.

For their help and assistance also, thanks to Kerry Kelley, my friend since the eleventh grade, and his Beverly; Tom and Judy Camp, beloved buds who gave aid and comfort; Bobby Horton, for the Stonewall drawing and for being Bobby Horton; Mike Kilgore, for the read; Coach L. C. Fowler, for two years of football practice hell and twenty great games, and my Carbon Hill Bulldogs; the Daily Mountain Eagle in Jasper, Ala., present incarnation and past, where I learned; George Deavours and the Ranch House crew and posse; Brian Seidman and the staff of NewSouth Books, for excellent work; and Kendal Weaver, for encouragement and kind words about the novel for me and to others.

Pale Blue Light

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